
Welcome to the Yachts in Transit (YIT) cruising system

With YIT your friends can follow your adventures and you can keep up to date with weather, find the best cruising activity sites and publish blogs. The more people that use the system the more beneficial it will be for everyone. 

For the most hassle-free way to get the most out of YIT, one of the apps and register using the app.  If you do not have it, You will find the downloads for the Apps on the home page where you can follow the links to the Android, Apple or Chrome webstores.

In this section you can:

Head to Registration to get started. 

Check out the Email User Guide to read all about what you can do using YIT.

Learn how to send Weather Requests.

Contact the YIT administrator.


How the system works - in detail

The way the system works is by emailing either a "get" or "send" request to the system. A "get" consists of things like get weather or get blogs and a "send" consists of things like send weather or send log or send diving. You formulate your email as the following "get" example shows.

I want to get all weather submitted by yachts within 100miles from my position.

[position] 22 45s 175 34.4e


And that's all you need to do.

Now you have a basic understanding of the format for the emails you can go ahead and find the section below for what you want to do and start enjoying the system. Dive, snorkel and walk locations are a good way to start sharing with others the great places you enjoyed. After all, we didn't sail 5000 miles to do average walks, diving and snorkeling.


The get email address is used to retrieve the information you want from the system by sending an email to with no subject.
Allowed tags: [weather] [blogs] [diving] [snorkeling] [position] [position] 22 45s 175 34.4e This sets the system location to where you require. Any weather reports, blogs, diving, snorkeling or friends nearby will be retrieved based on this position. Set the position you require information for at the beginning of your "get" email.

GET [weather]

You can retrieve weather information from forecasts and/or yacht reports. For yacht reports the [position] tag must have been set. To retreive yacht reports in a 100 mile radius use the following.
[position] 22 45s 175 34.4e

[weather]100 (Returns all yacht weather reports in a 100 mile radius.)

The following retrieves the current weather forecast reports. You can have as many as you like, each separated by a new line. No position tag is required to be set in the email. Below is the full list of weather forecast reports available at the present time. For new weather forecasts, please email and it will be included if possible.

[weather] :tonga (gets tonga marine)
:fiji (gets fiji marine)
:fiji-towns (gets fiji-towns)
:pacific (gets pacific high seas from the NZ metservice)
:niue :kiribati :nauru :tuvalu :cookis :swpacific (from Fiji metservice)
:subtropic (from NZ metservice)


GET [diving]

Dive site locations can be requested for within a specified number of miles of a given position. For example:
[position] 22 45s 175 34e
[diving] 100 (Returns all diving locations with their descriptions within 100 miles of the given position.)

GET [snorkeling]

Snorkeling site locations can be requested for within a specified number of miles of a given position. For example:
[position] 22 45s 175 34e
[snorkeling] 100 (Returns all diving snorkeling with their descriptions within 100 miles of the given position.)

is all there is to the GET command. Please refer to the indepth
examples at the bottom of this page for different variations possible
using the above tags.



The send email address is used to submit the information you want into the system by sending from one of your registered email addresses to with your yacht name (as provided when you registered) in the subject line. This is important!
Allowed tags: [password] [position] [heading] [speed] [weather] [status] [blog] [diving] [snorkeling]

[password]Your password is required in all send emails, this verifies that you are the author. Your password is the one you registered with. To enter your password use the following format: [password] yourpassword
[position] A specified position is required for all send emails. To specify a position follow this example format exactly:
[position] 22 45s 175 34.4e.
[speed] 5knts Your speed will be used to calculate estimated 24hr and 48hr positions for the web for friends and family.
[heading] 270T Your heading will be used to calculate estimated positions for the web for friends and family.

SEND [status]

Status sends a status update to the site, facebook and your friends. You can add any number of them at one time. If using multiple updates, you need to set the position: tag after each [status] tag. Add in a date: 22/06/2014 tag to backdate the updates. Useful for mapping out the journey so far.
[password] MYPASSWD
[position] 22 45s 175 34.4e
[status] We have just moved from Savusavu down to the Namena Island marine protected area for diving.


Allowing for two status updates, updating two points on the map with statuses.
[password] MYPASSWD
position: 22 45s 175 34.4e
date: 23/06/2014
We have just moved from Savusavu down to the Namena Island marine protected area for diving..

date: 22/06/2104
position: 21 45s 173 34.4e
On our way to Savusavu in Fiji from Wallis & Futuna, we'll miss this place!


SEND [diving]

Adds a diving location to the system. Other yachts can then retrieve these positions by sending an email to If all diving yachts enter their diving locations this will make a very useful diving database for cruisers.
[password] MYPASSWD
[diving] position: 21 45.974s 173 34.427e
title: Grand Central
Amazing diving, lots of sharks and big pelagic fish cruising by. Great wall, basin and coral

You can add as many sites as you like per email as per the following example:

[password] MYPASSWD
[diving] position: 21 45.22s 173 34.89e
title: Grand Central
Amazing diving, lots of sharks and big pelagic fish cruising by. Great wall, basin and coral
[diving] position: 21 45.66s 173 34.77e
title: Twin Peaks
Two amazing coral towers with plenty of life on the top and activity down below.
Look for the blue ribbon eel in the SE corner at 12m.

SEND [snorkeling]

Exactly the same as diving except with the [snorkeling] tag.

SEND [blog]

To send in a blog you only need the blog title and the blog body. You can also choose to supply a position which the blog will be tagged to making it useful to other cruisers who might be visiting your location.
[password] MYPASSWD
[position] 21 45.66s 173 34.77e
[blog] title: Staying with the island warrior.
You could sort of imagine how it was to the locals, a yacht flying in through the reef entrance quickly dropping its anchor and everyone jumping over the side and swimming for the shore!...


if part of a bigger email where the given [position] tag is relevant to other information sent, you specify the blog location using the position: tag.
[password] MYPASSWD
[position] 21 45.66s 173 34.77e
[weather] 2m swell, 15 knots SW 80%cloud 1009 baro
[status] Just left the island of the warrior, unusual place have written a blog about it. read about it there.

[blog] position: 21 00.66s 173 34.77e
title: Staying with the island warrior.
You could sort of imagine how it was to the locals, a yacht flying in through the reef entrance quickly dropping its anchor and everyone jumping over the side and swimming for the shore!...

More In-depth Examples

To send in a position, status and weather report - useful for radio scheds

subject YACHTNAME (make sure you use the name you registered with)
[password] MYPASSWD
[position] 21 34S 175 35E
[speed] 5.5k

[weather] 5knts SE, slight seas, no clouds, 1022 baro
[status] ticking along, smooth calm seas, gaining on Silverbreeze, should hopefully
catch up for a bbq tonight...yeah right!

To get a diving location within X number of miles from your position. The same also applies to weather.

no subject
[position] 21 34S 175 35E
[diving] 100 (gets all diving locations submitted within a 100 mile radius of your position)
[weather]100 (gets all weather reports issued in the last 24hrs by other boats in a 100 mile radius of your position)

Get list of all blogs in the last 45 days, all blogs within 150 miles of my current location and all dive locations within 50 miles

no subject
[position] 21 34S 175 35E
[diving] 50 (gets all diving locations submitted within a 100 mile radius of your position)
[blogs] 45
distance: 150

To send in a blog and status update:

subject YACHTNAME (make sure you use the name you registered with)
[password] MYPASSWORD
[position] 21 34S 175 35E (must be in this format or with decimals added to be more precise e.g.21 34.66S 175 35.85E )
[blog] :title This is my first blog.
Today we sailed in through the reef entrance to Pangai, the capital of Tonga's Ha'apai island group. It was quite an interesting experience, with the ferry coming the other way we had to make sure we kept a sharp lookout.

[status] Sent in a new blog on the website and updated our position. Lovely weather but harrowing reef entrance. I have written all about it in the latest blog.
[facebook] (coming soon: this triggers a send to facebook for your blog title and status)

Final Word

Using the examples given above you should be able to easily use this system to get weather, submit blogs and activity locations, and keep in touch, all via email.

Any issues or problems please email the system administrator at