
Sat Nov 14 5:04 2020 NZDT
GPS: 35 18.92558S 174 7.35235E
Run: 45.6nm (82.5km)

Home!! Sorry, we've had a hectic 48 hours doing formalities and covid tests and trying to organise repairs and trying to keep a 6 year old happy who's desperate, like completely desperate to get ashore and run around! We're still quarantined on the Q dock, under the watchful eye of our border patrol staff, while we await for the Covid test results - hopefully this morning!! thought we'd better check in on YIT anyway! Hugs to all and we'll look forward to catching up with you all in person really soon! Yay!

Thu Nov 12 6:36 2020 NZDT
GPS: 34 47.5S 174 36.8E
Run: 86.6nm (156.7km)
Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 112.3nm
Weather: 10 knots from SW

Almost.... there.....

Wed Nov 11 12:06 2020 NZDT
GPS: 34 24.5S 176 03.8E
Run: 37.2nm (67.3km)
Avg: 6.9knts
24hr: 165.3nm
Weather: 15-18 knots from SW

Ah me and my optimism!! I've a strong preference for it over pessimism, but sheesh does it suck when you get it wrong! The expected heading wind arrived about 12 hours earlier than forecast, so since about 7pm last night, we've been running a course that nicely puts us on target for East Cape - not quite the dream run we had hoped! So we are still about 110 miles away from Opua, but almost due east of our destination now, so we're hanging in there on starboard tack waiting for the forecast wind shift to the south, at which point we'll tack and (hopefully?!) run straight for Opua.. We'll see what the wind gods actually deliver! If the shift comes as expected, we should be in to Opua some time tomorrow morning....

Hey to you boats following closely behind - don't forget to pack your woolly socks before you depart French Poly - I know it seems like crazy talk now, but its freaking cold here!! I've been sleeping in merino long johns and a marino jersey, with thick socks on, under a sheet, duvet, and a blanket, and still struggling to stay warm enough, even with an Izzie-sized hot water bottle!! Where's the diesel heater when you need it! Keep Kool til after skool Patea out

Wed Nov 11 6:42 2020 NZDT
GPS: 33 52.2S 176 03.1E
Run: 124.9nm (226.1km)
Avg: 7.7knts
24hr: 184.5nm
Weather: 20-25 knots from SW

As expected, the wind has headed us, but earlier and a little stronger than we had hoped... We're still going!!

Tue Nov 10 14:27 2020 NZDT
GPS: 32 05S 176 22.4E
Run: 148.8nm (269.3km)
Avg: 5.9knts
24hr: 142.6nm
Weather: 20-25 knots from W

Kia ora katou, wonderful people! So, yesterdays plan was to hook into the northern side of the low ripping over the North Island right now,and smoke our wake home in 30 plus knots of beam reaching madness. Sounded like fun. Ok, it sounded like fun, mainly to me. Ok, only to me. So common sense prevailed, after the SW swell which was coming straight at us, built to 3m, and was of sufficient height and period to underline the physics of particle movement within a wave, namely how fast the top part of an unbreaking wave circulates in the direction of movement. Fascinating stuff you say? Yes! We were moving at 6-7 knots, and although we dropped 2 knots through-water velocity whilst climbing each of these monsters, due to the circular, forward motion of the particles within the wave, particularly the crest, our over ground speed would drop to less than 1 knot - so that's about 4-5 knots of horizontal motion at the top of each of these monster waves! Then we would accelerate down the backside of each wave, but due to the wave motion acting against us on the way down, we would barely hit 8-9 knots! Fascinating! But I do digress..

So prudence did prevail last night, and with Kaths stern look (=sensible) we chucked the handbreak on, fully reefed the main and had a hanky out front, then proceeded to play for position, heading West at 3-4 knots to better position ourselves for a run home, with the forecast wind expected to drop to the 20s from the SW, and hopefully allowing a more reachy angle home, in less clench-inducing winds and a hopefully less washing-machine-esque sea state. Consequently, with Patea slowed to a gentle lollop, I think everyone got a reasonable nights sleep for a change - woop woop! Anyhoo, it looks like the low has passed sufficiently now that we can now bear away and run straight for Opua, which is what we are doing! Some stats, for the stats inclined Time: 1200 Tuesday 101120 (NZST) Speed (SOG): 3-8 kts Course (COG) 215T Distance to Opua (great circle): 220NM Average over ground speed this trip: 6.65kts Average VMG this trip: 5.98 kts Wx: Wind: 20-25 kts from 270, waves: 3m from SW, 1m from SE. 1m wind chop from NW. Its like a f@#king washing machine! Water temp has slunk to an all time low of 19.7 last night, and now a (slightly) more respectable 20C. Did someone say brrr???

Mon Nov 9 13:24 2020 NZDT
GPS: 30 26S 177 59.5E
Run: 130.9nm (236.9km)
Avg: 7.1knts
24hr: 171.2nm
Weather: 10-15 knots from SW

Hello the world! Thanks all for sending through the news on Biden v the Orangutan - tis great news indeed! And sorry to any orang-utans that took offence to that comment - I'm sure you are much smarter than oranguman! Thanks also for the lime recipes - hopefully we'll get that started today! The wind dropped to less than 5 knots, and came from all over the shop last night, and we've had the motor on and off to get us through the light patches. Were now beating upwind into this low which is about to cross over Northland, which will likely bring with it some strong head winds and uncomfortable conditions aboard Pates. We're battening down, and hoping our genoa repair will withstand the onslaught. We're getting close, but this low is a hurdle which could add a day or more to our transit time - time will tell! Ready to be tucked up in Opua that's for sure! Hope alls well on land! Love and hugs Team Patea

Sun Nov 8 19:03 2020 NZDT
GPS: 28 45S 178 59.5E
Run: 179.7nm (325.3km)
Avg: 7.4knts
24hr: 177.5nm
Weather: 10-15 knots from NW

Hello you lovely people! We've been blessed with stellar winds and flat water over the last 18 hours, and have managed to turn 30 degrees to port and aim straight at Opua, which is a good feeling. And the wind is, at least for the moment, holding on the beam at 12-15 knots - perfect! Lets see what that low which is about to roll over the top of NZ does for our breeze over the next couple of days, before we get too excited about arrival times! Funny enough we still seem to have plenty of fruit and veg - who'd a thunk that?! So we're actually needing to start to smash some of that back so we don't have to give any over to MPI later this week for destruction! Either that or we'll leave a stash floating around the Kermadecs and one of the fruitless boats following us can pick it up on the way past! We seem to be flush with pumpelmouse, oranges, apples, carrots and zucchini somehow..

We are now in the eastern hemisphere - its been 14 and a half months since we were here last - on the other side of the world in the Mediterranean - boy have we been to some pretty amazing places since then! We're lucky, blessed even, to have experienced these times and these places in a world that is mostly consumed with working hard for at least 50 years of your life, with 2-4 weeks holidays to enjoy downtime per year. And here we are, cruising around the world for years, avoiding (mostly) the strife of pandemics, under our own steam and at our own pace - a privilege very few get to experience these days. Its good to acknowledge how lucky we are every now and again:) And a little sad, that its all about to come to an end. Its got me thinking, is the 'modern' way of life, our nose to the grind stone approach, really that good for us? Is it really what we want, and what makes us happy? There is, I'm sure, a better way of living, its elusive, but out there I'm sure... Now, what does that look like and how does one make that happen, whilst still contributing to the world in a positive manner......... Anyhoo, ponderings aside, how are you guys doing?? Has anyone heard who won the darned election?!? Be nice to know that the world wont have to keep dealing with a half-drunk goofball riding shotgun with a flagon of whisky in his pink chubby hand! Send me an email at and letr us know please!! Righto, that's about us. Keep smiling out there! We are!

Sat Nov 7 18:45 2020 NZDT
GPS: 26 54S 178 56.5W
Run: 196.8nm (356.2km)
Avg: 6.6knts
24hr: 159nm
Weather: 6-10 knots from N

Kia ora lovely people! The sun is shining, and we've had our first proper blue sky day today since like ages, and with the very, very light wind, its made for quite relaxing sleeping and sailing conditions, albeit very, very slow sailing. Yesterday I noticed the genoa had one of the top panels coming unstitched, so with the flat conditions today we dropped the sail on deck and made the repair. We're now ghosting along in 6-8 knots of breeze at the moment, and its all very nice, apart from our Opua arrival date pushing out a little further. Oh, and the vang which has developed a rather loud squeak. I hope its not a mouse.

In other news, Denis has shaved a moustache in, and I'm thinking about doing the same. Not sure if that will influence our check in procedures in Opua, but surely they don't screen for dodgy facial hair?

Fri Nov 6 13:03 2020 NZDT
GPS: 26 21S 175 49W
Run: 136nm (246.2km)
Avg: 7.5knts
24hr: 180.8nm
Weather: 10-12 knots from NE

The heady days of fast broad reaching and dizzyingly high daily averages that we have enjoyed over the last week appear to be over, as the wind backed further and dropped over night. We had hoped for a heading of west, but ended up running at 290-300 for most of the night, doing about 0 knots VMG (O for Awesome) but with the sunrise came a slow shift in the breeze back to the north east, which is allowing us to now sail WWWSW - which is better than WNW! So we're making some VMG's again, albeit teensy weensy peensy VMGs! Yesterday I pulled all the autohelm electronics to bits, identified the likely problem with Michel Angelo, cleaned him, dried him tenderly, and now have the whole kit'n'kaboodle bundled up in rice whilst sitting in the sun, all cosy like (Denis loves our colloquialisms so I'm trying to rock as many as possible) . Although I'm getting impatient - I wana get this up and running again asap, so may have to try it later this afternoon

Thu Nov 5 19:00 2020 NZDT
GPS: 26 41S 173 39W
Run: 248.5nm (449.8km)
Avg: 8.2knts
24hr: 195.9nm
Weather: 12-18 knots from E

Just a quick update as we have had a busy day trying to fix things (thanks for the suggestions Max), and jump over international datelines and bake cakes and design tree houses and stuff. Wind has dropped back to about 15 knots and straight up the bum - not how we like it particularly. We've jibed and currently heading WNW - not towards Opua! We're working on it, all good!

Wed Nov 4 12:33 2020 NZDT
GPS: 24 21.8S 170 36.4W
Run: 218.4nm (395.3km)
Avg: 624knts
24hr: 14976nm
Weather: 18-25 knots from SE

End of week 1, woop woop! Aaaaand at about 5am this morning, we passed our approximate geographic midpoint, being 1076nm from Maupiti, where we departed, and 1076nm from Opua, where we intend on arriving, woop woop! Of course we've travelled further than that already, with the log reading 1115nm since departure, and in reality, who knows when the hell we are actually going to arrive into Opua with the forecast ahead of us, and the likely circuitous route that we will no doubt have to take! But, more importantly, and always to be celebrated, we moved onto the glorious LINZ chart NZ 605 - which, as always, and very excitedly, is the last chart you need on the way back to NZ - most definitely worth celebrating, woop woop! Ok that's enough celebrating. I'm exhausted. I'll just go have a quick cup-o-tea and a lie down..

Patea stats to the end of day 7: Time: 1300 Wednesday 041120 (NZST) Speed (SOG): 6-10 kts Course (COG) 230T Last 24hr distance: 195NM Last 24hr VMG distance: 192NM Distance to Opua (great circle): 1015NM Average over ground speed this trip: 6.8kts Average VMG this trip: 6.3 kts Wx: Wind: 20-25kts from 130, waves: 1.5m from S, water temp: 22.1, and continuing to drop! Fish to Happy trails, Patea signing out

Wed Nov 4 12:12 2020 NZDT
GPS: 22 29.6S 167 49.8W
Run: 217.4nm (393.5km)
Avg: 4.6knts
24hr: 110nm
Weather: 12-18 knots from SE

Kia ora all! Patea is doing well - we collectively decided that hand steering isn't too onerous, and especially Selma has come leaps and bounds, and is now providing a perfectly steady (and not nervous at all) hand on the ship! With good SE breeze over the last 18 hours, and a forecast that suggests any arrival into NZ in 7-10 days will be faced with headwinds no matter which direction you come from, we've put the bow down and are reaching directly for home, cutting the corner considerably over the original, conservative plan. So we'll use the next 4-5 days of good breeze driven by the tropical low-pressure system that is bearing down on Northland currently, and will smash into northern New Zealand in the next couple of days, to make (hopefully) as many miles SW as possible. We've had friends on other boats using routing software and professional weather routing experts, which also suggest cutting the corner as a prudent move, and are now also doing the same. Time will tell if this will be good for us, or an enormous error! We're gambling that Patea can gallop home before the breeze drops and turns, as purportedly in about 7 days, 30-35 knot headwinds are forecast around northern New Zealand, so whe re and when (or if?!) we run into that will be critical! I'm hoping that we can smash out 200 mile days and be passing Cape Brett when it arrives..... Dreams are free and the reality will unfold! Patea stats to the end of day 6: Time: 1300 Tuesday 031120 (NZST) Speed (SOG): 6-10 kts Course (COG) 227T Last 24hr distance: 185NM Last 24hr VMG distance: 182NM Distance to Opua (great circle): 1204NM Average over ground speed this trip: 6.67kts Average VMG this trip: 6.06 kts Wx: Wind: 14-18kts from 150, waves: 1.5m from S, water temp: 23.3, and dropping! Fish to Righto, keep smilin' out there! Patea pushing passionately and pointed to oPua

Mon Nov 2 12:45 2020 NZDT
GPS: 20 37.2S 165 06.8W
Run: 194.9nm (352.8km)
Avg: 8.5knts
24hr: 203.4nm
Weather: 12-18 knots from SE

To our great enjoyment, after two days of intense rain that has soaked every crevice and crack on Patea, the sun finally arose this morning, and the sky has returned to its typical tropical hues, mainly blue with a light scattering of puffy white drifting slowly across the horizon. We have serene winds from the SE sector, which is starting to dry the boat out, so that is a relief! Less exciting, Michel Angelo, our trusty autopilot, who has served us faultlessly over the last 2 years, has clearly been emotionally scarred by the lack of sunshine over the last 3 days. He has started drinking again. And I'm pretty sure he's gone straight to the Chartreuse (he normally drinks Uzzo, being Italian), and now he's completely incoherent and erratic - like a spoiled 2 year old child fighting with a 6 month old chimpanzee, running this way then that, then throwing his toys out of the cot and having a proper-lying-on-ya-back-flailing-legs-in-air tanty. No problem, we'll use our back up autohelm controller, our old chartplotter 'Manuelle', who has always been a little fickle, being partially blind and a raging alcoholic. So not that reliable normally, and it seems that both Michel Angelo and Maneulle have been drinking their way through this recent wet spell, and they are both refusing to report for duty. Sooooo with Michel Angelo back on the sauce, we've been hand steering for the last 24 hours, whilst Kath and I crawl into every nook and cranny on the boat checking wire runs and connectors. The job continues today, but we're thinking that the continual inundation with salt and freshwater onto our 10 year old autohelm controllers has led to water ingress, resulting in Michel Angelos heavy drinking problem, and our current predicament. Say la vie. Wish us luck as we problem solve. We've accepted that we'll be a little more 'hands-on' over the rest of the voyage, and Izzie may get more screen time than is ideal, but all good. Fun and games! And very jealous of you people tucked up, or about to be in Opua! Our friends on Windchase are due to arrive back into Opua today, after completing a 2 year circumnavigation - congratulations guys, an amazing achievement!! Now, whats next??!? Patea stats to the end of day 5: Time: 1200 Monday 021120 (NZST) Speed (SOG): 6-9 kts Course (COG) 250T Last 24hr distance: 175NM Last 24hr VMG distance: 157NM Distance to Opua (great circle): 1394NM Average over ground speed this trip: 6.46kts Average VMG this trip: 5.87 kts Wx: Wind: 12-18kts from 150, waves: 1m from S, water temp: 24.6, and dropping! Fish to date: 1

Sun Nov 1 13:45 2020 NZDT
GPS: 19 50.5S 162 13.5W
Run: 355.9nm (644.2km)
Avg: 7.3knts
24hr: 174.3nm
Weather: 18-22 knots from SE

Well crikey, what an afternoon we had yesterday! You've heard the gist from Asher and Dani, but we had sustained 35-40, with gusts to 48 knots for about 6 hours, and more torrential sustained rain than I've ever thought possible - it was raining sideways and upwards at one point, and the only dry spot one could find on the entire boat was inside my mouth.. As it started to build to 30 knots, my wonderful wife-to-be convinced me it would be a good idea to put the third reef in, and I'm rather glad we did as the wind continued to build. But the rain was so intense that the 3rd reef was acting as a rain catcher and filling up the folded sail and lazybag faster than it could drain out - to the point that the whole thing was bulging with what I suspect was at least 500kg of water, and threatening to break the sail, lazy bag, and boom! So we dropped the rest of the main to reduce the rain collector, massaged the flood water out of the sails (I now know what its like to sta nd under the Hooker Falls), and wrapped the lazy bag up tight to stop water accumulating further. Job done! Kinda? We spent the rest of the day and early evening trying to keep watch in 40 knots with a hanky for a headsail in horizontal rain with vis down to about 50m, whilst dodging lightening bolts and being blown way off track and North towards the Island of Aitutaki about 15 miles away. Fortunately we weren't nearly as close to land as friends of ours 50 miles behind us on Bacchus (check em out on YouTube), who are a few miles behind us, who got uncomfortably close to being blown into the atoll of Manuae at the same time - phew! Anyhoo, we're enjoying a 6 hour respite from the rain and drying everything that we own - 5 people breathing in a locked-up cabin makes a lot of moisture!! Despite the weather, we do like to stick to our routines. And being that its Sunday, banana pancakes were enjoyed by all this morning, and we'll be working on banana bread, banana muffins, and maybe some banana cake later on today, perhaps followed by some sort of banana curry for dinner this evening. You'll never guess whats ripening rapidly on Patea. It could be my adolescence, or my socks. But its actually not either. Unfortunately in yesterdays blow, we lost our best boat rod (boo hoo) to the briny. We got knocked over yesterday by the combined forces of a wave and a bit of extra wind - who'd have thunk that we got so sideways that the siderails that the rod was mounted to must have been completely immersed to pull it out of its holder. Glad I wasn't sitting there at the time. Not that I could have got any wetter..

Our good friends the Spacegrazers arrived into Opua today, and Windchase is only a day away too - congrats to them, and cant wait to join the party when we arrive! Friends on 2 other boats left Bora Bora yesterday too - the race is on! :) Peeling-off, prancing pony Patea parlaying across the (partially) peaceful Pacific.

Fri Oct 30 12:45 2020 NZDT
GPS: 18 42.7S 156 54.1W
Run: 145.9nm (264.1km)
Avg: 5.9knts
24hr: 142.6nm
Weather: N 1-4 knots from everywhere

Well we certainly managed to find the expected hole in the wind. As of last night at 9pm the engine came on and we started slow-motoring, and it has only stopped for a brief 45 minutes since then, when we had a squall come through with 15 knots (in the right direction, for a change). Its been wet, quite wet, as rain cloud after rain cloud has continued to drop their contents on us over night and through today, but we've managed to have faux-showers on the back deck which has been quite refreshing.

I'm hoping we're only 6 hours away from reaching some consistent SE breeze, but time will tell. All is good aboard, sealegs have been found, and plentiful fruit and vege are being consumed! Patea Cultural Club Clear

Thu Oct 29 12:12 2020 NZDT
GPS: 17 42.1S 154 57W
Run: 197.5nm (357.5km)
Avg: 19.8knts
24hr: 475.6nm
Weather: N 10-14 knots from 300 degrees

The first 24 hours complete, and we have calm seas and light winds, perfect for us to slice through as we make progress across the trough of low pressure that stands between us and the SE trade winds. Its not nearly as fast as the perfect conditions we had for the first few hours yesterday, but good speed is being made anyway. The winds should drop shortly, and we'll likely have to turn the motor on this afternoon as we transition through the trough, but in the mean time we're rocking along in perfect conditions. Overnight we had consistent 15-25 knots on the beam, and now we have 10-15 knots on a tight reach.

Everyone got a bit of sleep last night, but the first night is always tough, so the coffee was definitely appreciated this morning. Tuna for lunch, and probably dinner too, num num! It looks like we had about a 20 mile head start on friends of ours on the boat 'Bacchus', who left from Bora Bora yesterday, so it'll be awesome knowing there's friends of ours just over the horizon, transiting this piece of the Pacific as well. We'll try tag them on the VHF if we can, and maybe share some crossing-the-international-date-line scones and tea with them! Alls going well on Patea, and everyone is happy, and mostly sleeping! Team Patea signing off

Thu Oct 29 2:14 2020 NZDT
GPS: 16 28.43441S 152 15.00695W
Run: 62.2nm (112.6km)
Avg: 7.7knts
24hr: 184.7nm

After a quick swim, were heading off! We'll have fresh conditions and fast sailing to start with, which may be a challenge for finding our sea legs, but after 36 hours blasting WSW we'll hit the SE trades, and they should stay til we're almost home, fingers crossed! Again we'll endeavor to up date YIT daily with our progress, but due to the vagaries of electronics at sea, don't be concerned if you don't hear from us. See ya'll in NZ real soon!!

Hugs from Kath, Izzie, Selma, Denis and Tim

Wed Oct 28 18:09 2020 NZDT
GPS: 16 45.06S 153 08.6W
Run: 62.2nm (112.6km)
Weather: N 18-25 knots

Ah ha, finally the day has come! After several glorious weeks of magnificent holiday weather, mirror like seas and light winds, the breeze certainly has arrived over the last 24 hours! Originally due to depart yesterday with 10-20 knots forecast it was looking good, then the trough to the west of us deepened, and with the wind forecast up to 40, we decided to wait another day. So we had our second, last day in French Poly, which this time was spent doing a last fuel top up, swimming with mantas, and eating bagets and sweet treats from the patisserie. Yum! Patea is loaded with fruit and veg, and we're ready to go! So at 1030 local this morning, we pulled anchor, hoisted sails, said goodbye to the biggest mantas we have ever swum with, and headed out the narrow pass that dissuades many cruisers from visiting this beautiful, precipitously cliffed atoll. Thanks for having us French Poly - we'll be back again soon!! Friends of ours on Bacchus are also heading off today - hopefully we'll see them out here somewhere, as we head SW to the trades, which hopefully we will all be within tomorrow evening.

8 hours in and boat life resumes - Izzie is combating 'seasickness' (with emphasis on the inverted comas!) by watching dinosaur movies and hiding from the sun down below, Kath is dodging spray at the helm, Denis is on the downwind hull focusing on feeling good, and Selma seems much perkier now we have sails up and are on our way. I'm stoked cos we've got 18-20 knots of N allowing us to beam reach west at great speeds, even with 3 reefs in the main (we've been seeing squalls on anchor of up to 30 knots, so I'm expecting the same out here). And....

WE'RE GOING TO NEW ZEALAND!!!!!! Its particularly exciting, and (mostly) not too bitter sweet, being that this passage ahead of us heralds the end of 2 years of amazing, privileged and wonderful travelling and sailing for the RidingMores. We've visited some beautiful places, had many fantastic experiences, and have made some wonderful friends. I wish we could keep doing this in New Zealand!! Oh, just caught our first perfect sized tuna, which is providing sashimi this evening and tomorrow, plus dinner:) Hope everyones happy and well, hugs from the Patea's.

Tue Oct 27 6:24 2020 NZDT
GPS: 16 28.43757S 152 15.01492W
Run: 31.6nm (57.2km)

Maupiti! And we're here for another 18 hours, as we wait for the low pressure system to pass and the weather to settle, an, hopefully, heading of in 18 hours - fingers crossed! Oh, and did I mention that we all swum with a couple of the biggest manta rays I've ever seen this morning? Very cool way to spend our last day of cruising!

Mon Oct 26 14:55 2020 NZDT
GPS: 16 31.15830S 151 46.58216W
Run: 2.1nm (3.8km)

The day and night were breathless, the sea like a mirror, so we cruised to the outer atoll at Bora Bora, and stayed here an extra night - not too bad;)

Sat Oct 24 7:35 2020 NZDT
GPS: 16 31.95704S 151 44.90549W
Run: 48.4nm (87.6km)

After a last quick provisioning trip through Raiatea, we're good to go! Going through check out formalities, and eyeing up a window to slip around a low coming our way, and slingshot west with good breeze and make some good time towards home! Or, maybe we stop past Maupiti on the way, wait a day for the low to pass, and then dawdle our way west - decisions decisions! We'll decide over a beer and a last dinner out in Bora Bora tonight, and then head somewhere tomorrow! We'll endeavor to keep YIT up to date as we progress, whatever the direction we end up going!

I trust it's warming up nicely in NZ, and we'll look forward to catching up with you all, really soon!

Big hugs from Kath, Izzie, Selma, Denis and myself, until we can give you all one in person!

Wed Oct 21 12:19 2020 NZDT
GPS: 16 44.04465S 151 2.86423W
Run: 35.1nm (63.5km)

It was with great surprise today that we received an email from Immigration NZ, clearing our wonderful crew, Selma and Denis, to sail with us to NZ! Everyone is stoked (especially Izzie who has become particularly fond of these guys over the last 5 months!), as that will make our passage back far more relaxed, and much safer should we have an issue - big thumbs up to the awesome NZ Immigration officials!

So we turned around and sailed back to Huahine where we.left them, and will pick them.up, get some more provisions, and then start our journey west ward! Giddyup!

Fri Oct 16 2:09 2020 NZDT
GPS: 16 37.08408S 151 33.85695W
Run: 35.6nm (64.4km)

We have just popped down to Taha'a to pick up some new batteries, and for a spot of snorkelling! We are likely into our last week in French Polynesia now, and are heading to Raiatea tomorrow for diesel and water to get us home. Interestingly, we have heard back from Immigration NZ, and they have approved our crew to apply for visas - so we are 2/3 of the way through the process... I don't want to jinx it, but you just never know......

Sun Oct 11 3:34 2020 NZDT
GPS: 16 42.94333S 151 2.18022W
Run: 330.2nm (597.7km)

We've had very little internet over the last month, so have actually been back to Fakarava, then on to Toau, Apataki, Rangiroa and Tikehau in the last month! Now we're in Huahine, where we are enjoying some surfing, snorkelling, and beach time with some other cruising families. And unfortunately preparing for our next long leg, which will be home! Still trying to get our Dutch crew visas to allow them to help us sail to NZ, but that's looking less and less likely - we'll see! Big hugs from all of us on Patea, hope everyone's smiley:)

Wed Sep 9 12:36 2020 NZST
GPS: 15 48.176S 146 9.092W
Run: 67.1nm (121.5km)
Weather: Lovely!

After a quick night at the eastern pass of Toau, we headed a little further west to catch up with SV Windchase, before they depart for the Society Islands. Also found some surf to enjoy, some beaches to run around on, and some nice snorkelling! Hugs from Team Patea!

Sun Aug 30 2:00 2020 NZST
GPS: 16 31.14741S 145 28.10856W
Run: 14.4nm (26.1km)

After a couple of days on the other side of the fakarava pass diving and snorkelling with a huge myriad of fish and sharks, we moved to the other side of the pass, dodging coral heads to sneak into the shallows for some kiteboarding in the turquoise waters of the lagoon. Izzie flew her kite and chased hermit crabs around the atols, and Kath, Selma and Denis kiteboarded:)

Thu Aug 27 22:00 2020 NZST
GPS: 16 41.95819S 145 21.58767W
Run: 45nm (81.5km)

After a quick passage from Tahanea, we stopped outside Faaite to check the surf, caught a dog-tooth tuna (and released him back - too big!), and watched a pod of humpbacks broaching and playing with a small calf, and they came really close to us - about 50m away - very cool!!

Wed Aug 26 11:27 2020 NZST
GPS: 16 50.62S 144 41.77W
Run: 87nm (157.5km)
Weather: ESE 10-15 knots

We are currently in Tahanea enjoying some perfect snorkelling in 30m visibility turquoise water - it's first class! We are anchored in what is essentially an aquarium, and even though we are in 10m of water, the corals on the sandy bottom below us are crystal clear, as are the myriad of parrot fish, wrasse, juvenile bill fish, lump-head wrasse, pelagics and sharks that are constantly swimming around us on the transom of the boat. Its beautiful! We also had a humpback broaching inside the lagoon behind us this morning - a rare treasure to see! It's surprisingly busy here, with another 5 yachts on anchor stretching up the atoll, but other than the tiny light emitted by their anchor light at night, you wouldn't know they were here. We'll probably head to the atoll west of here, Faaite, and/or Fakarava in the next few days, where a potential surf may eventuate in the next few days - we'll see!. Thus far we have been bereft of swell :( First world problems and all that.. From Fakarava, depending on swell, we'll head to Aratika, Toua or my personal favourite - Apataki.

Hope everyones smiley! Team Patea

Fri Aug 21 11:24 2020 NZST
GPS: 16 39.25S 143 23.83W
Run: 579.1nm (1048.2km)
Weather: 25-26 deg

After an awesome month of touring around Nuku Hiva, we slipped off to Ua Pou for a few days (where we found the best handmade, local chocolate EVER!), and then headed off on the 500 mile passage to the Tuamotos. We made really good time, in fast reaching conditions, so ended up passing by our first destination, the atol of Raroia, in the early hours of day three. So we continued on to the Taenga for first light, but the pass was tight, boiling and the surf even dodgier at low tide, breaking onto vertical reef, so we did the prudent thing and carried on to Makemo. We arrived later that morning, and sailed straight through the pass during full ingoing tide (11 knots over ground!), and on up to the east end of the atoll, which was shallow, and spectacular in its colour and idyllic palm covered atoll surrounds. There were plenty of fish and sharks to be snorkelled with, and given the oceanic heatwaves that have been present over the last few decades, the coral was in sli ghtly better shape than expected. We had a couple of days hanging out here, with Selma and Denis dusting off the kite board and enjoying the turquise waters and spectacular visibility this location offers - this is what we are here for! We are waiting outa forecast 30 knot blow tomorrow, and will then head to the East end of Makemo for a couple of days surfing (if the swell lasts), then likely on to Tahanea for a couple of days snorkelling, then either Faaite or the south pass of Fakarava for some more water adventures! All are well on the good ship Patea, and we trust the rest of the world is doing ok amidst the covid challenges - best wishes all

Sun Jul 19 10:00 2020 NZST
0 knots
GPS: 8 54.93S 140 06W
Weather: Perfect temp and light breeze

Happily and safely tucked up in Taiohae Bay, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas, French Polynesia, having had a wee nana nap after arrival, we are now cooking up one of the three Mahi mahi that we hooked up with just as we were entering the harbour! Having a couple of cocktails, and sayinghello to all the other sailors on anchor around us, as we start our quarantine period - hopefully be all done in a couple of days and free to roam! Bring it on!!!!

Sat Jul 18 9:30 2020 NZST
0 knots
GPS: 8 54.93S 140 06W
Run: 148.9nm (269.5km)
Avg: 5.2knts
24hr: 125.4nm
Weather: Perfect temp and light breeze

Happily and safely tucked up in Taiohae Bay, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas, French Polynesia, having had a wee nana nap after arrival, we are now cooking up one of the three Mahi mahi that we hooked up with just as we were entering the harbour! Having a couple of cocktails, and sayinghello to all the other sailors on anchor around us, as we start our quarantine period - hopefully be all done in a couple of days and free to roam! Bring it on!!!!

Sat Jul 18 9:30 2020 NZST
GPS: 8 54.93S 140 06W
Weather: 25-26 deg and light winds:)

Hey all, we've been here for 24 hours thus far, and enjoyed fresh Mahi Mahi for dinner (did I mentioned that we hooked up with 3 Maha Mahi simultaneously on all 3 hooks on the way in the harbour entrance yesterday morning?!), followed by a wonderful nights sleep! We're in quarantine for at least the next few days, as we are unable to get our paperwork sorted yet, which means no going ashore or getting a regular sim card. So you wont be hearing from us via the usual WhatsApp/Messenger/email comms until we get that sorted. Be assured that we are all good though, and have had some friendly neighbouring boats drop some bananas, bagettes and a mango off to us - yum!!!

Fri Jul 17 5:00 2020 NZST
5-11 knots
GPS: 8 25.45S 137 58.7W
Weather: ESE 15-20 knots

Not wanting to arrive too early this morning, we reefed down last night and slowed the boat down, which fortuitously also allowed a better sleep for us all. At 2am this morning - Laaaaaaannnd Hooooo!! Denis on watch had the pleasure of being the first of us to sight French Polynesia!! We rounded the North side of the precipitous Ua Huka at 4am local this morning, looking dark and ominous under a crown of cloud. Even three miles off the island, the smells of tropical flowers and lush forest, intermingled with the faint smell of coconut-infused woodsmoke was surprisingly delicious, after a olfactoraly depauperate 3 and a half weeks at sea! We tightened up and reached down to Cape Tikapo on the SE corner of Nuku Hiva in light winds. On cue, the sun began to rise as we approached this mountainous island, casting a lovely orange glow across the vertical cliffs on the sou-eastern corner of the island. Ahhhh, land again!! very cool! Righto, going to drop the pole, set the a nchor up, and go say hello to the Taiohae locals! Our stats for the trip! *6 tuna caught, 2 released (too big!) *1 Mahi Mahi *1 Wahoo *2 lures and a chopping board lost (wtf?!) *4171nm travelled in 599.75 hours (24 days, 23.75 hours) *Average speed 6.95Knots *Median speed 7.46knots *best 24 hour run 249 nm *31 tacks performed *0 gybes required! *sailed 98.4% of total distance *67nm motoring or motor sailing (1.6% of total distance travelled), adding 17 engine hours, using 22 l of diesel, and 10ml of gearbox oil (phew!).

*82 additional engine hours for charging batteries using 87 l of diesel (total engine hours 99 and fuel consumed 109 l). This stat reminds me of how shagged our batteries are, and how small our alternator is! *1 vang block exploded *1 preventer shackle annihilated *280l of water consumed, or 2.25l used per person per day (boat record!) *satellite data - 120 minutes used *blocked toilets, 0 *2 exploded fizzy cans in the bilges (why, oh why?!) *times rained - 1 *rainfall collected - 0 *max windspeed - 24knots *happy campers = 5!

Thu Jul 16 11:30 2020 NZST
5-11 knots
GPS: 8 25.45S 137 58.7W
Run: 260.4nm (471.3km)
Avg: 9.2knts
24hr: 220.8nm
Weather: ESE 15-20 knots

Somehow the wind has mostly hung in there, only backing 15 deg to the E over night, so we've managed to keep (mostly) going in the right direction, doing great time towards Nuku Hiva over the last 3 days. We've just ticked off 4000nm on this journey, and with less than 120 miles to go the excitement is palpable! (or is that nutritional neglect and social isolation combined with extreme over-tiredness artificially stimulated with too much caffeine? Who would know!).

The last few days of breeze has also come with several different swell patterns, which has added some challenges to getting sleep, and we're all feeling it now. With an early prediction of a dawn arrival tomorrow (I know I know, churlish, fraught with danger and likely to be regretted!), we may hove to tonight for 3-4 hours and get some kip, which would push our arrival time back to a far more gentlemanly time of late morning tomorrow. Buuuut we will see what the weather gods deal us over the next 18 hours or so.

Right now we're still broad reaching in 16-22 knots, as we have been for the last few days. The miles have been really good, but the rollyness of the last few days not so! We've been sailing pretty much on port tack for the last three weeks, so for the first time In forever we are contemplating our first gybe for the trip, probably later on tonight! Or maybe we'll avoid that 'extreme' hardcore manoeuver and just bare away on the other jybe after hoving too! Oh, tis so nice to have choices! I'm amazed how little water the five of us have used, less than 250l thus far (mind you, we've only been showering weekly, and only using fresh to wash the salt off!). We're fortunate enough that we haven't had any major breakages yet (I'm really asking for trouble saying that out loud!), but have a long list of small repairs to do when we arrive.

There has been a small fleet of boats that have left up to a week before us, and the first of them made it in yesterday, with another arriving today, and us third in the pack arriving tomorrow, with several more due over the next week or so.

Another friend has not been so lucky, Paul from Ohana stopped at the Columbian island of Malpelo to repair his halyard and headsails, but over night the mooring he was on broke, and Ohana hit the island, damaging his bow, destroying his pulpit and breaking his forestay chain plate, but amazingly he's still afloat with a standing rig. He managed to motor off avoiding rocks and a catastrophe, and has motored to the Columbian mainland and is hoping to undertake repairs in the next few weeks. Fingers crossed for him that can happen, and he can get back out here and get across the Pacific..

Anyhoo, on that cheery note, we're looking forward to a beer, some fresh fruit, and a bit-of-a-lie-down! Patea Cryogenically Deprived Club signing off for the 2nd to last time:)

Wed Jul 15 7:12 2020 NZST
7-11 knots
GPS: 7 01.5S 134 26.9W
Run: 212.5nm (384.6km)
Avg: 9.5knts
24hr: 228.2nm
Weather: SE 15-22 knots

Just 350nm to go! All aboard are very excited (ok, so in truth everyone apart from Izzie is asleep right now!), but with the current speeds we are achieving (195nm in the last 24 hours, averaging >8knots), we should be arriving into Nuku Hiva early on the 16th of July, local tim (which equates to early on the 17th NZ time, or late on the 16th, Europe time). I'm salivating already thinking about the fresh bagettes and croissants, fruit and vege, and maybe a big ass steak frittes at a local restaurant! Hugs to all, speak soon, Patea Cultural Club, Eastern Polynesia Dvn

Tue Jul 14 8:51 2020 NZST
7-11 knots
GPS: 6 31.9S 131 23.5W
Run: 221.4nm (400.7km)
Avg: 8.9knts
24hr: 214.7nm
Weather: SE 13-18 knots

We have some wind and current back, so are smoking down the line straight towards Nuku Hiva, which is now only a little more than 500 miles away, or about 3 days! Its a good time to repeat some prose from our on-board poets, who put a few pieces together for our equator crossing, including this little gem :) Selma and Denis were dressed as gods of the North and the South? Denis in full winter cloths and Selma like a tropical cocktail.

Nort I am the God of the North and prefer the weather to be cold and severe.

Being so close to the zero is what I fear! But for such an occasion I have overcome my fears, all the colleague Gods were in tears.

I changed my busy agendah and flew straight to the ?Equatah?, To bless this beautiful vessel and her crew for a safe middle-Earth crossing and to make sure you avoid all the nightmares Poseidon could through at you, among which the kraken, giant squids and 20bft squalls, just to name a few.

I have been told about the great adventures of Tim, Kath and Izzie Who started in Europe and hoped to get home in one year if it would be breezy.

But after two weeks on board of gracious Patea the plan was extended and one year added.

This is the North! Nobody escapes soon, as for each sailor a full adventurous program is carefully tailored.

I wanted you to be mine! I even once dug your anchor loose near Mediterranean coast to keep you and your yacht to myself without any competition.

Even if this would mean Patea?s demolition.

You almost escaped but I couldn?t let you go so soon, so the North brought Covid to keep you longer with me under Shelter Bay?s moon.

With dozens of other stranded souls, I kept you in this safe yet vibrant balloon.

Who would have ever known that this spiteful delay would bring you together with two world explorers who exchanged four wheels for a sail.

Denis and Selma joined you and contributed a 100 wild mango?s ?trophey?.

It may not be what you planned for in the waters of the Pacific, but I see that they can learn from you, spare you some sleepless hours and make this trip quite terrific! My plan failed again and here you are safe and well rested halfway to the lands of French Polynesia.

I must say, it is spiteful to let you go, the North will miss you, one thing you could thank me with is a bit of rum for some anaesthesia?? The North wishes you fair winds and following seas, Sincerely yours, God of the North, Peace! Sout The North is history, but what lies ahead of you is a mystery! Will, the southern gods that pulled the islands from the sea, be just as gentle to you? Let?s see? Will the Southern hemisphere bring as much cruising joy, or will you be swept around by the ocean like a toy? Will you find the promised lands and more full of mountains with lush forests and all the fruits you can wish for? Will you catch the Mahi-Mahi that captain Tim promised? So you can tick that of the list? Will you get bugger-all wind or will Poseidon show his real face, so you can finally catch up with Moira and Windchase? All that lies ahead of you, beautiful swells on fringing reefs You might find it all still hard to believe? Well, the future is a mystery, let?s make new history! As demi-gods we declare this boat worthy of Equator crossing, we send a message to Poseidon to inform him of our blessing.

But we will need to take a sacrifice, for this we will not ask you twice.

Everyone on this crew, will be marked with a sailor?s tattoo!

Mon Jul 13 8:06 2020 NZST
6-8 knots
GPS: 5 19.4S 128 24.5W
Run: 377.8nm (683.8km)
Avg: 7.9knts
24hr: 189.5nm
Weather: E 10-15 knots

All Gee on the PaTea

Sat Jul 11 8:15 2020 NZST
5-8 knots
GPS: 1 41.9S 124 18.5W
Run: 140.1nm (253.6km)
Avg: 6.9knts
24hr: 166nm
Weather: SE 8-10 knots

The wind has continued super light over the last 24, with the biggest gusts we've seen coming from the E@10knots - mostly its been 6-8 knots from the E or ESE, so we've had to sail deep, at 200 deg T for most of the night - far from ideal. I got bored of the 4 knot speeds and slapping sails at 1 am this morning and motor sailed for 4 hours, the first time we've had to motor sail since day 2. The wind started to oblige again at 5am (a lofty 7-9 knots T of SE) so back to sailing at 100 deg AWA at 240T. Yay. I hate using the engine, all that unnecessary noise, maintenance and expense! Update - now we have 10-11 knots of SE so we are practically rocketing along on a reach! Were excited for friends on boats who left in the days before we did from Panama, and are now getting close, days away, from French Polynesia! They have judiciously used the currents and winds (and their engines!) to sneak ahead of us, and are just 3 days away from fresh bagettes, croissants, fruit and vegetables - ahh, so jealous!! These boats have all had resident boobies roosting on deck over night, and leaving considerable 'deposits' on deck! We have (somehow) managed to avoid them roosting for the whole trip, although our beautiful white sails are covered in their 'deposits', as they seem to like hunting the flying fish that run from under our bow, gliding just in front of the headsail, and diving straight for unlucky flying fish that take flight to evade Patea, returning after each successful foray to crap all over our white genoa! Not sure how I'm going to get that out! First world problems!

Fri Jul 10 12:00 2020 NZST
4-6 knots
GPS: 0 40S 122 33.75W
Run: 346.9nm (627.9km)
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 155.9nm
Weather: SE 6-10 knots

We've had a day of equatorial celebrations, sacrifices, poetry, prose and giggles! Everyone has had a hair cut, some more extreme than others, and both Izzie and Kath were subjected to 1 minute haircuts handed out by the captain, significantly reducing the length of hair to above the shoulder! I reckon I did great;) Although I'm not considering a vocational change! My heads been shaved, and just quietly I'm working on doing Denis' too! Equatorial pancakes were prepared, and an appropriate, love-heart-shaped pancake (as devised by Izzie) was offered to Neptune, slathered in some of the last of our fresh fruit, honey and cinnamon, and washed down with some Panamanian rum, which we are hoping were to King Neptunes liking, and will appease him enough to continue to provide us fair winds and calm seas, of which we have all been very appreciative to date! Our local tattoo artists Selma and Denis have inked us all with appropriately nautically themed symbols, and we're just whipping up some cocktails for an afternoon of celebrations - equatorial, and distance - we're coming up on 3/4 of the distance done (ok, so maybe we're about 100nm short but, close enough!).

Happy trails everyone!

Fri Jul 10 12:00 2020 NZST
4-6 knots
Weather: SSE 8-10 knots

At 109 local time, 909am UTC on the 9/7 we crossed the equator! Being the middle of the night most everyone was of course asleep, but Denis and myself celebrated as we changed night watches with a small fist pump and a bro-five, and the sacrifices to Neptune will begin in the morning!

Wed Jul 8 6:36 2020 NZST
6-9 knots
GPS: 1 03.8N 117 51W
Run: 209.3nm (378.8km)
Avg: 8.8knts
24hr: 210.2nm
Weather: SSE14-18 knots

That current was certainly nice while it lasted, but the dream run is over for now and we now seem to be struggling to make hull speed, despite good wind, so likely dealing with a little adverse current. We also are starting to drag our own little reef system on the starboard topsides of the boat, which has now been semi-permanently immersed for several weeks of running in the same direction! Kath and I have been removing goose barnacles from our transom (Lepas spp., ubiquitous throughout the worlds oceans, easily identified by the 2 grey/white plates (shells, like a small flat grey-white mussel) delineated by dark edges, and the whole lot supported by a soft rubbery neck (tooks like a teensie weensie pecker!) which is a similar length to the shell, or slightly longer, and attaches to sections of your hull without antifoulling. And there is definitely green filamentous algae starting to grow on our starboard topsides too. The goose barnacles will be easy to remove whilst they are young, but they are hard to reach while we are sailing! As long as we do this in the first few days of our arrival in FP they shouldn't leave any trace behind. The algae is more problematic...

We'll be ticking off 2/3 of the way through this passage this afternoon, and have started our dive south and will be crossing the equator tomorrow, so lots of reasons to celebrate! And sacrifices to be made me maties, har har!! There's talk of shaving some heads, so we'll see how that progresses!!

Tue Jul 7 6:42 2020 NZST
8-9 knots
GPS: 1 32.11N 114 51.5W
Run: 282.8nm (511.9km)
Avg: 15.5knts
24hr: 371.9nm
Weather: S14-17 knots

We've had quite a kick from the current over the last 36 hours, from about 109W to 114W which has been awesome, and as of 1am local this morning Patea set new 24 hour records of 249nm OG and 227NM VMG. In the last hour we've run out of current, but the excellent sailing conditions (14-16 knots at 70deg apparent) continue to allow us to tight reach at 8-9 knots OG with two reefs in the main and the genoa, and flat seas making it very comfortable.

Izzie's two favourite educational apps have stopped working, so that has slightly reduced the happiness factor aboard, and upped the 'adults-playing-kids-imagination-games-all-day' ante, which is freakin exhausting!!!! We're heading to the equator at about 120W, and will continue our curve southward at that point. Patea is also into her longest passage ever, and likely to more than double the previous longest (Cape Verdes to Martinique 12.5 days). The boats doing great, and us crew are holding together too thus far!

Mon Jul 6 12:27 2020 NZST
9-12 knots
GPS: 1 42.22N 110 46.1W
Run: 75.6nm (136.8km)
Avg: 758.1knts
24hr: 18194.5nm
Weather: S10-15 knots

We're back into the breeze, and with a little helpful current we are smoking along, sustaining over ten knots average all night long! Beeeeaauutiful! And one happy skipper! And no need to put the big gennaker up, although that hasn't improved the last 2 days fishing stats at all - zip! Expecting to arrive in French Poly in about 11-12 days at this stage:) Patea just ticked over 14 days at sea, with pretty good figures since we left Panama: 2238nm sailed over 337 hours, average speed 6.65knots, avg 24 hour run of 159.5nm and 137VMG, and bests of 227nm and 213VMG - pretty happy! Although we are essentially no further ahead time or distance wise than the last trip on our 36' Oceanus (but I blame that on staying north of the equator and missing out on the bigger breeze in the southern hemi). However its been a much more comfortable lolip on this route with flat seas and sublime winds. And its been much cooler this route too - our SSTs have stayed in the low 20s up until today, when they have started to rise noticeably - we have jumped from 23 to 24 yesterday, and 24 to 26 deg C this morning already. I expect we will all be sweating from today onwards! All happy and healthy, although we only have 2 mangos left!!

Mon Jul 6 12:21 2020 NZST
10-12.5 knots
GPS: 1 41.89N 111 51.8W
Run: 327.7nm (593.1km)
Avg: 14.4knts
24hr: 345.7nm
Weather: S15-18 knots

New 24 hour speed record for Patea! 237nm, and 214VMG miles -happy campers!!

Sun Jul 5 13:36 2020 NZST
6-9 knots
GPS: 1 33.03N 107 07.3W
Run: 172.6nm (312.4km)
Avg: 5.9knts
24hr: 141.9nm
Weather: SSE10-15 knots

HALF WAY!!!! Geographically speaking, that is! We should be over half way time wise, having been at sea now for almost 14 days, and with an estimated 13 days still to run! Saw our first fishing boat last night, which was like a glowing beacon of a million lights - likely squid fishing - and other yachts in the surrounding 600 mile area are seeing lots of other industrial fishing activity out here on the high seas. Hopefully we'll catch a fish today too - its been 2 days since we've had fish and Denis and I are definitely ready for more!

Sat Jul 4 8:24 2020 NZST
5-7 knots
GPS: 1 38.185N 104 37.5W
Run: 23.7nm (42.9km)
Avg: 8.3knts
24hr: 199.6nm
Weather: S6-9 knots

All G yo

Sat Jul 4 5:33 2020 NZST
6-8 knots
GPS: 1 38.31N 104 16.9W
Run: 213.4nm (386.3km)
Avg: 9.8knts
24hr: 235.5nm
Weather: S7-10 knots

I spoke too soon! After our best ever 24 hour run of 227nm @ 1900 local last night (and 213 VMG), the wind and current have dropped! We are now 'drifting' along at a steady 6-8 knots SOG, with the wind about as far aft as we can manage without using a gennaker. Comfortable enough anyway, despite the disappointing loss of speed. The crew have rebelled against my desire to drop the lines back over (ok, so the ladies were the actual rebels!), as apparently we've eaten too much tuna in the last couple of weeks! I'm still hoping for some mahi mahi, but apparently the risk of tuna bycatch is considered too high by some! First world problems! Ah, the little things - I've been revelling in my spreadsheet, and giving the (delighted) crew blow-by-blow updates on our status (like we're now 2/5ths, 4/9ths, 8/23rds of the way there, etc etc), and it may not give them joy but it does me! We've had surprisingly cool sea surface temperates along this equatorial route - I recall it being much warmer (like SST of 29 deg) a few degrees south of here - another reason to stay where we are right now - its a very comfortable, mid 20's temp! Happy trails, the Patea crew

Fri Jul 3 7:48 2020 NZST
8.5-11.5 knots
GPS: 01 35N 101 11.6W
Run: 276.7nm (500.8km)
Avg: 10.6knts
24hr: 254.9nm
Weather: S12-16kn

Still rolling, doing 220nm days and 210 VMG days - awesome! May it last for the next few weeks!

Thu Jul 2 5:45 2020 NZST
8-11 knots
GPS: 1 18.03N 97 11.9W
Run: 234.3nm (424.1km)
Avg: 9.9knts
24hr: 237.3nm
Weather: S13-16knots, 1m S swell@15sec

Over a third of the way there, as of last nightust with a mere 2589 miles left to go! The Mangos are still keeping us vitamin infused, and we have a few apples and oranges left, before the dried fruit take over the nutritional requirements! Kath has been doing an amazing job of preparing most dinners, with Selma filling in and providing other cooked goodies for lunches - I stick to what I know - Sunday morning pancakes! We picked up another good sized tuna yesterday, so we are once again gorging ourselves on fresh fish, which Denis and I are particularly enjoying (Irina, we're looking after your boy with meat!). Other than that, just another day on the ocean! Although last evenings star and moon-filled skies, flat seas and perfect beam reaching conditions were pretty stellar - bring on many more champagne sailing nights like that!

Wed Jul 1 6:03 2020 NZST
9-11.5 knots
GPS: 00 54.9N 93 49.8W
Run: 237.3nm (429.5km)
Avg: 9.8knts
24hr: 234.9nm
Weather: SSE 12-15 knots, 0.5m S swell

Well hellooooo freight train! We're finally moving, and really well, on the South Equatorial Current, which is adding about 2-2.5knots to our boat speed. Which constantly reads >10 knots for the last 12 hours, and hasn't dropped below 9, now that we are west of the Galapagos, awesome! We spent the whole of yesterday weaving past a handful of the Galapagos Islands, including getting pretty close to the top of the largest, Isla Isabella, just as the sun was setting last night - very photogenic, with the drone doing overtime running loops around the boat! The 10-12 knot S breeze is now abaft the beam @110deg, and our rolling motion is slow and manageable, and everyone slept well last night. These are the conditions that we are expecting until we arrive in the Marquesas:) We are now well outside of the Galapagos Marine Park, so the lures have just gone back in the water, as the last of our tuna was consumed last night for dinner. After our slight diversion to take in some of the Galapagos, we are now heading slightly N of W, to give us better sailing angles as we approach the Marquesas in a few weeks time. We'll head west at about 1 deg N, just above the equator for as long as we can, before the trade winds evolve into ESE and E, and we start our descent towards French Polynesia. Lets hope we can maintain these speeds as we will be there in less than 2 weeks at this rate! With the lovely afternoon sailing past Isabela yesterday it was very hard to not have a cold beer - very much looking forward to that in FP! Patea signing out.

Tue Jun 30 5:48 2020 NZST
GPS: 00 15.97N 90 27.48W
Run: 213.7nm (386.8km)
Avg: 8.5knts
24hr: 205.2nm
Weather: S10-15kn

We have cleared the adverse current and are now transiting through the middle of the Galapagos Islands - we passed Isla Genovesa 3 hours ago, and are just passing within a half mile of Isla Marchena currently. There's been heaps of birds around (2 species of gannet/booby, and 2 species of small godwit-type fellas. We've seen the pre-requisite sea lions basking at the seas surface, and the boat is covered in sufficient guano to demonstrate our time here! We're heading to the Northern end of the largest island now, Isla Isabela, where we will duck into the lee of the island and heave-to for a few hours, so that we can fine-tune a couple of things before heading across the Pacific proper.

Hope everyones doing great, we're all loving the wind on the beam and the ease in the motion, a big improvement in the relatively uncomfortable upwind sailing conditions of the last week! Team Patea signing off for now!

Mon Jun 29 4:48 2020 NZST
6-9 knots
GPS: 01 30.8N 87 37.7W
Run: 164.9nm (298.5km)
Avg: 7.4knts
24hr: 178.7nm
Weather: S10-15knots, .5m S swell

And the wind continues to go around, and we are now close reaching in flatish conditions, out of the adverse current, and starting to pick the average speeds up over 6knots, hitting 9's on occasion. Cant wait til we have the current helping us too, and then we'll really start to fly!We're about 200 nm away from the Galapagos ISlands, which we will pass to our south, hopefully with some moonlight if no sunshine to enjoy them from afar - we will see! All is well on the good ship Patea, especially after Sunday morning pancakes!!

Sun Jun 28 6:39 2020 NZST
6-8 knots @260 deg
GPS: 2 09.7N 85 19.9W
Run: 157.1nm (284.4km)
Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 149.3nm
Weather: SSW13-15, 1m S swell

We're all still smiling, and now we're over half way to the Galapagos (390nm away so will hopefully pass through before sunset Monday night and get a glimpse), we feel like we are making progress! Izzie is doing great - enjoying the daily movies, and has had her sea legs for pretty much the last 12 months now, which is great! Arnold, the avacado seed is however, a bit of water hog - he keeps falling over and dropping his water, and is proving to be a less-than-ideal pet on board, however the crew are attached to our little monochot so we'll keep him alive for crew morale! We've heard from friends on another boat who just arrived into FP yesterday, and everything went well for Clio re arrival, which bodes well for us! We feel like we're finally shaking the counter current, as our average speeds startr to creep back over 6 knots, and we are hitting 7's and 8's when the waves settle down. The wind is consistently from the SSW now, about 50 degrees aparent, no less than 10 knots and no more than 18, so its almost perfect sailing conditions (although still a little rolly!). After our last 'issue' with mildly parasitic fish, we only ventured our lures out again yesterday, but promptly landed 2 very large tuna (ok, so it wasn't prompt at all - each fish took about 20 minutes to haul in), but way too large for the five of us to eat and our fridge to store, so they got released to swim again. The third was still huge, but slightly less so, and after Denis' massive disappointment at having had to release the first fish (under extreme duress - 'I've never released a fish, ever, ever!!' *sob*), we kept the third, and will be gorging ourselves on tuna for the next few days. Gota love the productive Pa cific! And fortunately no parasites in this one, and it was delicious lightly seared last night. We'll be having sashimi shortly:)

Sat Jun 27 5:24 2020 NZST
GPS: 2 42.2N 83 07.3W
Run: 105.1nm (190.2km)
Avg: 4.2knts
24hr: 101.1nm
Weather: SW10-15, 1m SSW swell

We are still fighting several knots of current and we celebrate whenever we (occasionally!) touch on 6 knots over ground - cant wait til the equatorial current were we should add 3-4 knots boat speed!! But, we had our first night without tacking, having consistent SSW breeze at 16-18knots, so maintained the same 255deg course for the whole night - very nice for a change! The wind went back to SW and WSW on occasion this morning (just long enough to warrant tacking, then it goes straight back to SW...), so we've already executed 8 tacks this morning - the crew are getting sharp at tacking!! And still dealing with the counter current, although it has reduced from about 2-3knots down to 1.5-2knots. Ate our last pineapple this morning, definitely missing bananas that ran out last week, but still got plenty of mangos! Tradesies anyone?!? Team Patea, doing well, over and out for another day

Fri Jun 26 4:27 2020 NZST
3-6 knots
GPS: 3 15N 81 42W
Run: 87.7nm (158.7km)
Avg: 3.8knts
24hr: 90.9nm
Weather: SSW 14-18 knots

Our planned plunge south has been thwarted by SSW wind of 16-20kn for the last 12 hours, so last night we tacked (for the 75 billionth time) and have been pounding our way into the steep chop heading slightly S of W, making between 3-5kn into the current. I really wanted to be south of 2N when we turned, but the prospect of sailing away from FP and going backwards at 2-3nm/hour just wasn't palatable! Our performance stats I can't bear to report - both distance covered (between 124nm - 90nm/day) and VMG (between 101nm - 29nm/day!) stats for the trip so far I feel I could out-do on an old Lazer! Such is the challenge of sailing against 2-3 knots of counter current! If we can get south a further hundred miles then we should be clear of the current and then we'll be in more favourable winds - everyones looking forward to that, as the motion on the boat is preeeety uncomfortable right now! Patea sending hugs and cuddles to everyone xox

Thu Jun 25 5:18 2020 NZST
2-5knots @250 degrees
GPS: 4 21.1N 81 04.1W
Run: 80.2nm (145.2km)
Avg: 3.3knts
24hr: 80nm
Weather: SW 10-15knots and choppy

Although we have consistent breeze now, mostly between 8-15knots from the SW, its changing regularly, and occasionally wildly through S to W. So we are sucking it up and tacking with the wind changes, which with a couple of knots of WSW counter current makes for some pretty horrible COG tacking angles - about 150- 160 degrees, ouch! But with limited fuel, that's just what we have to do! The positives - we are back heading straight at Malpelo, so that may still be a brief swimming option..

However, our mango situation is getting dire, we have about 70 left, all of them are ripening too fast to eat, so we're starting to toss the occasional one - what a waste! If anyone has ideas on what to make out of over ripe mangos then free text it to us at the iridium website (, and enter our sat phone no - 8816 315 91645)! Best suggestion wins adoration and appreciation from all of us here! Hope you're all doing good out there, take care, from the Patea crew

Wed Jun 24 5:15 2020 NZST
4-6 knots
GPS: 5 26.8N 80 41.W
Run: 124.4nm (225.2km)
Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 130.4nm
Weather: SW 10-15knots

After the last couple of days of very light and fickle winds, the sou'westers kicked in last night, leaving us sailing tight to the wind and sailing south towards the equator. We'll try to get to 2 degrees south before we run out of ocean at the Colombian coast, and then we'll tack west and all going well the SW will gradually turn south and we'll be into the trade winds. Unfortunately this angle won't allow us to get to do a quick stop and a swim in the Colombian island of Malpelo, which is a renowned marine reserve with amazing diving - we'llpass to the east of it by about 80 nm. Everyone is happy and healthy, and slowly adapting to the new-norm: sleeping whenever they can (apart from Izzie, who is happy with 11 hours every night!), and taking it easy. Books are being read, and mangos are being consumed! The trevali is finished, but apparently we've got a vegan dish lined up for tonight, so the fishing lines will go back out in earnest tomorrow!

Tue Jun 23 6:21 2020 NZST
3-6 knots
GPS: 07 08.00N 80 03.00W
Run: 109.8nm (198.7km)
Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 112.9nm
Weather: 4-7 knots W

100 miles down, 3700 to go! Apart from the light wind, we've had an awesome first day, with breaching whales, a large school of dolphins hanging out beside the boat doing acrobatics and surfing the bow for an hour, and a good sized trevali landed that will provide the protein for the next few days - and that was only in the first two hours! The wind has been light, between 4 and 7 knots but from useful angles, allowing us to get west as much as possible, which will give us a better sailing angle for the predominant sou-westers that we are expecting to arrive over the next day or so.

Last night with the sunset, the wind dropped to zero, so we slow-motored through the mirror-like waters of the Panamanian Basin, with the vibrant glow of phosphorescence lighting the way. The breeze came back up to 4-7 knots this morning, so we are back to sailing at 4-7 knots, with some helpful current. Off on the horizon to starboard is the headland of Punto Mala, which we will likely lose sight of before the end of the day - our last views of Panama, and likely land of any form for the next month.

The hundred remaining mangos are ripening fast, so the standing orders are to consume at least 10 per person per day - not too much of a hardship at the moment but after a few days the novelty may wear thin! Happy trails everyone!

Mon Jun 22 7:00 2020 NZST
GPS: 8 23.97046N 79 4.88567W
Run: 13.5nm (24.4km)
Weather: Its the wet season!

Our last few days in Panama have been spent at this glorious little spot in the southern Las Perlas, gorging ourselves on the mangos that grow all over the place, and amassing mangos and coconuts for our impending departure across the Pacific. Everyone's happy and healthy, and we are due to depart first thing in the morning, for what will be our longest passage - some 4000 nautical miles through to French Polynesia. Our route will likely take us south towards Equador, before we head west, likely passing close to the Galapagos, and then on to either the Marquesas or Gambier Islands in French Poly. We'll be in good company, as several other boats heading home have departed over the last couple of days, so we'll do our best to catch them up.

As per usual, we'll do our try to update YIT every couple of days with progress, but if we have technical issues with our sat phone or internet connection, don't be too surprised if you don't hear much from us until we arrive in French Polynesia some time around the 20th of July.

Happy plastic-free July everyone, and we'll be in touch soon!

Sat Jun 6 13:18 2020 NZST
GPS: 8 35.13318N 79 1.15737W
Run: 3.4nm (6.2km)

We stayed on several occasions around the lovely islands of Mogo Mogo (where Survivor was filmed) and Chapera, and with plenty of healthy coral we dined most nights on fresh snapper, supplemented by emperor and spanish mackerel on occasion - not too shabby. We also popped over to the neighbours for a barby and some beers on occasion, whilst the kidlywinks ran amok and swam, tree swung, built sand sculptures and roasted marshmallows over the fire - an awesome little spot!

Tue Jun 2 13:10 2020 NZST
GPS: 8 37.87286N 79 2.34407W
Run: 0.7nm (1.3km)

We welcomed back our good friends on Spacgrazer today, who just got through the canal, and have 3 kids between 7 and 9 on board. These three have been Izzies besties whilst we were stuck in Shelter Bay, so Izzie is stoked and spent the day in the water with them, before we had to tow them back to their boat, on the way to a cheeky little surf on the southern reef of Contadora - good fun!

We also welcomed new crew to the boat today - Selma and Denis, who were our neighbours in Shelter Bay, and who fortunately were keen on joining us on the next legs of our trip, through to French Polynesia and maybe beyond! Izzie too is excited - she's getting sick of just mum and dads company on the boat! Welcome guys!

Wed May 20 12:00 2020 NZST
GPS: 8 37.56385N 79 1.80218W
Run: 37.7nm (68.2km)
Weather: Sublime

We have mooched around the Las Perlas Islands now for almost a month, so I thought I'd better get some photos up - enjoy!

Tue May 12 20:30 2020 NZST
GPS: 8 47.91121N 79 33.21243W
Run: 9.6nm (17.4km)

After a couple of nights sitting on a mooring ball outside the Balboa Yacht Club, watching the constant stream to enormous shipping steaming by 100m away, we hoisted our sails for the first time in almost 3 months and south, to the normally bustling resort island of Toboga, with the Aussies on Clio. The island had a beautiful beach, but was currently desolated with the COVID restrictions in place. Izzie and I swam ashore and built sandcastles and chased crabs on the beach for a few hours, whilst admiring the myriad of birds that seemed to have taken back the now human-free beaches. It seemed that we were lucky though, as our friends on SV Clio tried to do the same the next day and got escorted to the Police station by the military, given a warning and told to get back to their boat asap! Apparently swimming, and going to the beach are off limits in Panama at the moment. Oops. We’ll head to somewhere a lot more remote before we try that again!

Sun May 10 8:45 2020 NZST
GPS: 8 56.25340N 79 33.43301W
Run: 25.6nm (46.3km)
Avg: 3.4knts
24hr: 82.7nm

After a surprisingly exhausting 10 hour transit, we are through the Mira Flores locks, and into the Pacific! Finally we can run for NZ if we need or want to – very exciting! We did spring a very small leak in the gearbox during the transit, so we will need to get some parts ordered and wait for them to arrive before we head across the Pacific, however that will give us time to enjoy and explore some of the glorious west coast of Panama, including the Las Perlas Islands, where we will head to shortly. Cruising life – lets get back to it!!!

Sun May 10 1:19 2020 NZST
GPS: 9 10.83432N 79 50.36799W
Run: 8.2nm (14.8km)
Weather: Still, and hotter!

Once out of the locks, our raft of three boats dropped our lines and proceeded on in single file, overtaking the ship that was in front of us. 4 hours should have us through to the next lock system, Pedro Miguel, where we will transit into the Miraflores lake, a small lake between the Pedro Miguel and Miraflores locks, which then releases you to the Pacific!

Gatun lake just so happens to be a highly diverse ecosystem. The flooding of the lake some 110 years ago led to many islands being created, separated from the mainland by the newly formed lake. Each of these islands is covered in lush tropical forest. Bird and insect life is wonderful, and there are a myriad of reptiles (including crocs) and lots of mammals, from monkeys to Kinkajou and Jaguars. Unfortunately the ‘short cut’ had been closed to boats for 4 years, and this used to be where you could get close enough to see much of this wildlife, so restricted to the main channel we didn’t get to experience first hand many of the animals around.

Sat May 9 21:11 2020 NZST
GPS: 9 16.51532N 79 54.77573W
Run: 6.7nm (12.1km)
Weather: Still, and hot!

An early start, with our Canal Advisor Carolina joining us at 430am. With Covid in force, all the usual yacht advisors have no work, instead pilots-in-training are being used. Carolina is one of two women training to pilot the big ships through the canal – the NeoPanamax ships, that are 160’ wide and 1200 long – massive things! And we passed several of them whilst we crossed the canal today!

At 530 am, we rafted up with the two Australian boats that would be our companions for the crossing, Clio and Magic Bullet. The catamaran goes in the middle, whilst the two monos were positioned on the outside of the raft. We entered the first of the Gatun locks at 6am, with the sun just starting to rise, following a large container ship in to the locks. Four messenger lines were thrown down from the top of the locks, which our big mooring lines were attached to, then we slowly motored into position, before our lines were pulled up the walls of the lock, and secured to enormous bollards. The gates closed behind us, the line handlers took up the slack, and the water started rising! With the water levels in the Gatun lake at an all-time low, they now recycle the water back up a lock, so the level changes quite slowly. This was quite relaxing, compared to our crossing on Oceanus in 2016, where the water flowed in and out of the locks very rapidly, creating massive turbulence, like riding a bucking bronco.. once we were raised about 10 meters in the lock, the next lock was opened, messenger lines were returned to us, and wharfies walked the lines forward whilst our raft slowly motored into the next lock. When in position in the next lock, lines were run back up to the ships bollards, and the process was repeated. Three locks later and we were in Gatun lake!

Sat May 9 0:22 2020 NZST
GPS: 9 22.00359N 79 56.62997W
Run: 0.5nm (0.9km)
Weather: Its the tropics!

10 weeks after arriving into Shelter Bay with a plan to spend 3 weeks doing work on the boat before transiting the canal, and oh how things have changed! COVID brought a new perspective to our travels, and with a huge amount of good fortune, left us ‘stranded’ in Shelter Bay Marina. Unlike most other cruisers, we weren’t stuck on anchor, unable to go ashore, unable to provision properly, unable to check out, or even check in to a country. Some boats were stuck in limbo, having checked out of one country pre-COVID, and stuck in limbo as international borders closed with no-where to go and no-one accepting them.

Instead, Patea had the good fortune to be amongst a small group of other cruisers and families, isolated from the outside world on a peninsula surrounded by native bush, monkeys, agoti, coati, all manner of reptiles, beautiful tropical birds and butterflies, majestic falcons, eagles and vultures. It is 20 Km to the nearest city, but there was just no need to go and potentially expose ourselves to COVID, as we had an on-site shop which provided a steady stream of mangos, pineapples, pawpaw, melons, plus all the usual stuff. We also had an on-site restaurant, which skirted the regulations and continued to operate as a ‘delivery only’ service, providing lunch and dinner delights, delivered to your boat, 6 days a week.

The Panamanian military, the Aeronaval patrolled the entrance to the marina, and the road entrance on the land, so there was never a significant risk of COVID arriving in our community by sea or land. Juanjo, the marina manager went above and beyond, moving his family onto a boat just before Panama was shut down, and then did everything in his power to ensure those in the marina were looked after, safe, fed and watered. New arriving boats had to adhere to a 2 week quarantine period outside the marina, before passing a health check and being allowed in. During this time the usual 40-50 marina staff were also shut out, with only 5 staff ‘locked in’ for the duration. All the cruisers lent a hand to keep the marina running, doing many of the mundane tasks that were necessary to keep the marina facilities operating - cleaning, boat handling, hauling and splashing boats, maintenance, running the shop, laundry and chandlery, etc.

And then there was the company! We were amazingly fortunate being completely separated to the outside world, and allowed freedoms that few in the world still got to enjoy. We could roam the marina, dinner and drinks with other friends and families, explore the National Park that surrounded us, climb the multitude of old ruins scattered throughout the jungle, go to the beach and swim, and most importantly for Izzie, roam far and wide with her new found besties, Luna, Bella, Zoe, Boe, Kai, M.J., Anika, Jonathon, Kai(#2), Olivia, Kiai, Theodore, Evie, Matai and Matilda. Sooooo much fun was had, and mum and dad were stoked too as the kids would disappear for hours on end, leaving parents to focus on boat chores, applying for work, and all that other stuff that parents never seem to get to do normally!

We all made lots of new friends, shared many good times, and some hardships (prohibition was brought in early on, and many of us depleted our Pacific booze stocks and some even ran out – it was quite the crisis!). But with the canal opening to small craft again, we had to say goodbye, for the moment, and on a sad Friday afternoon, we hugged all our new friends, dropped our lines, and said goodbye to the marina and its wonderful people, a place that had been so much more than just a marina for 10 weeks. There was tears (from all of us!), and poor Izzie was beside herself, as her friends chased us down the marina fingers, calling out and waving good bye as we exited the marina. a few minutes later and we put an anchor down outside, in preparation for a 430am departure the next day. Through the Panama Canal, and into the Pacific... finally!!!!!

Our onboard COVID nurses!
Izzies birthday!
Wed Mar 4 16:38 2020 NZDT
GPS: 9 22.16462N 79 57.02168W
Run: 753.3nm (1363.5km)
Avg: 5.8knts
24hr: 138.7nm

Hello Panama! Feels like quite the milestone to get here, we are now very very close to the Pacific :) Patea is getting a birthday and there are lots of kids here so the next two weeks will be busy, hard work but should be fun at the same time. We have a great posse for the boat to be out of the water - 30m from a pool, restaurant and bar and Izzies own private soccer/picnic area right beside the boat - we'll manage!

Fri Feb 28 6:18 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 17.32140N 69 15.45525W
Run: 66.8nm (120.9km)

After a very brief 2 night stop in Curacao we are off again, Panama bound! Will let you know when we arrive in 5-6 days xx

Sat Feb 15 13:58 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 9.16687N 68 16.73910W
Run: 41.3nm (74.8km)

We stuck around Los Roques, Venezuela, little longer than planned, a bit of boat fixing, a bit more sightseeing and ticked off the long awaited Frozen II movie! We are now on the road westward, and after a super calm and glorious passage from Grenada, with a couple of extra weeks in Los Roques, just the 3 of us, we are currently in Kralendijk, Bonaire. This small island is a crazy blend of Caribbean and Dutch, it's a marine park so more great snorkelling, and a great place to experience our first Carnival events :)

Salt mountains!
Children's parade as part of the Carnival celebrations
Fri Feb 14 7:24 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 1.37975N 67 40.98983W
Run: 17.7nm (32km)

A day hop across to Aves de Sotovento to make our jump to Bonaire tomorrow a little shorter. Mainly a stop for a sleep only but the local coastguard and other officials still wanted to see us. After an hour 'chatting' and providing the chief a litre of olive oil (??!) and a bottle of coke they were happy enough and let us to our evening. Thanks offshore Venezuelan islands, you were certainly worth it and are near the top (if not at the top) of our list of favourite spots so far on this trip :)

Thu Feb 13 7:15 2020 NZDT
GPS: 11 56.78880N 67 25.99825W
Run: 0.4nm (0.7km)

After a fun morning exploring the mangroves by dinghy and spotting hundreds of booby chicks hanging out peacefully in the trees, we up anchored and tucked in between two small reef islands for a spectacular snorkel, then off to meet friends on Calicoba for a catchup over dinner.

Wed Feb 12 7:13 2020 NZDT
GPS: 11 56.68587N 67 26.37699W
Run: 35.1nm (63.5km)

Fun day fishing whilst transiting between Cayo de Aqua and Aves de Barlovento today – a billfish came and smashed one of the closer lures and immediately spat the lure, then spent the next 5 minutes chasing all the individual lures as we frantically tried to pull the lures in before he hit one again! Very cool to see the 5-6’ fish tear around at the surface with an iridescent blue/green dorsal fin, bent on nailing the lures! Fortuitously the three of us managed to retrieve all the lines continually snatching them out of his reach before he hooked up again! And then, after we were sure he’d left us, 2 hours later after re-deploying the lures we hooked up again – this time a 5’ sailfish which after stopping the boat and 15 minutes of forearm breaking effort, we managed to get it to the boat to release it – again, waaaaay too big for us! We’d be happy with a 7 or 8 kilo mahi mahi?!?! Please?!

Mon Feb 10 7:07 2020 NZDT
GPS: 11 50.65373N 66 55.81701W
Run: 4.1nm (7.4km)

Gannet breeding colonies galore at Elbert Key!! Izzie was mesmerised by the various stages of white fluffy cute birds, from newly hatched to fledging, and all were chill enough to allow us to carefully move amongst them – very cool!

Sat Feb 8 17:00 2020 NZDT
GPS: 11 47.78648N 66 53.64493W
Run: 7nm (12.7km)

A quick stop in Dos Mosquises for a quick visit to a turtle rescue and ongrowing facility – particuarly for Izzie who got to hold a baby turtle – the smile was enormous!! As those of you who have joined us know, we try to clean up the underwater environment as best we can in each anchorage as best we can, and here was no exception. In the shallows we found a large plastic reticulation pipe that was clearly from the turtle facility, and given we couldn’t take it away (it was about 5m long) we left it on the beach in from t of the facility. The next morning we saw one of the workers spy the pipe, and promptly throw it back into the sea. It was most disheatening – gutting to see the lack of regard to the marine environment, especially given the nature of the facility. Venezuela obviously has its issues at the moment, but in a place reliant on tourism and the marine environment you’d expect better, eh!

Thu Feb 6 17:00 2020 NZDT
GPS: 11 53.15042N 66 50.67984W
Run: 7.2nm (13km)

A lazy day (for Kath, at least!) celebrating her birthday – scrambled fresh Gran Roque eggs with a dash of cheese, on lightly toasted slices of fresh-baked bread, followed by coffee and a snorkel :) Open sandwhich for lunch followed by a fresh baked carrot cake with cream cheese icing, closely followed by a second snorkel, cold beers, and baked fresh snapper and roast veg with a rice, carrot and raisin salad, washed down with a bottle of french bubbly – happy birthday my beautiful 40 year old wife-to-be!!!

Wed Feb 5 5:00 2020 NZDT
GPS: 11 55.49443N 66 44.76728W
Run: 0.1nm (0.2km)

With the weather (temporarily) abated, we headed west again, to the island of Noronqui, in the northern part of the Los Roques archipelago. We enjoyed some lovely snorkelling, and for the first time in the Carribean we were allowed to use the spear gun to facilitate dinner – beginning a successful week of not having to procure protein from elsewhere! Fresh baked fish, alongside fresh baked bread has become our staple again – yum! And fortuitous too, as its Kaths 40th in 2 days and we need to secure some quality food for the occasion!! We also have strong wind forecast, so will go hide in a bomb-proof little anchorage in the eastern end of the Island of Carenero, before continuing our journey West.

Tue Feb 4 17:00 2020 NZDT
GPS: 11 55.601N, 66 44.8W
Run: 6.9nm (12.5km)

With the weather (temporarily) abated, we headed west again, to the island of Noronqui, in the northern part of the Los Roques archipelago. We enjoyed some lovely snorkelling, and for the first time in the Carribean we were allowed to use the spear gun to facilitate dinner – beginning a successful week of not having to procure protein from elsewhere! Fresh baked fish, alongside fresh baked bread has become our staple again – yum! And fortuitous too, as its Kaths 40th in 2 days and we need to secure some quality food for the occasion!! We also have strong wind forecast, so will go hide in a bomb-proof little anchorage in the eastern end of the Island of Carenero, before continuing our journey West.

Sun Feb 2 7:18 2020 NZDT
GPS: 11 57.65079N 66 39.02680W
Run: 2.2nm (4km)

A beautiful anchorage surrounded by golden sand beaches and lovely coral pools with plenty of fish. We stayed here for a couple of days while some strong wind passed through, snorkelling, swimming and relaxing, when not fixing our broken outhaul

Sat Feb 1 7:11 2020 NZDT
GPS: 11 56.78897N 66 40.80003W
Run: 333.5nm (603.6km)

Catchup posts from a few months back for our records :) We've arrived in Los Roques!

Sat Jan 18 10:04 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 2.73975N 61 44.88222W
Run: 2.7nm (4.9km)

Our last stop in Grenada, and sadly saying goodbye to Nanny Pam and Karen, who have been awesome to have on the boat over the last month - lots of fun had, places visited, sailing done, diving enjoyed, and good times - especially for Iz who will miss nan heaps!! Come back soon!!

Fri Jan 17 10:01 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 4.89421N 61 45.74860W
Run: 2.5nm (4.5km)

Molinere Point, and the underwater sculpture park - pretty cool concept, but a little eerie with the cloudy water from the swell, and the recent storm damage which meant life-sized human beings were strewn all over the sea floor! Made for some interesting diving and creepy photo ops tho!

Thu Jan 16 16:56 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 6.93153N 61 44.97388W
Run: 29.5nm (53.4km)

A gloriously flat, calm and quiet anchorage for the night in great company, and a swim in the morning!

Tue Jan 14 9:40 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 27.38102N 61 29.13358W
Run: 10.5nm (19km)

Hello Grenada! We've had fun in the Grenadines, but further south to the spice Islands to explore!

Sun Jan 12 8:44 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 36.24463N 61 26.95166W
Run: 4.1nm (7.4km)

Chatham Bay on Union Island, and a few fun days hanging out with our boat buddies on SV Danu - Izzie especially has loved hanging out with Ruairi and Lillian, with lots of beach time and beers n bbqs (actually, that was mainly the adults!). Izzie has since started asking us about when you are allowed to get married. I said that mum and I are probably not the best examples in that regard! (I also had an urge to unholster my shotgun - Sorry Ruairi, I know you mean no harm!)

Fri Jan 10 9:37 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 38.11031N 61 23.87118W
Run: 2.4nm (4.3km)

Ducked down to Mayreau for a few days while a wee blow came through, so did lots of land exploring and beach time to get the work/life, ah I mean land/water balance about right;)

Thu Jan 9 8:38 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 38.15061N 61 21.70511W
Run: 0.4nm (0.7km)

Aaaaaand eagle rays galore!!

Tue Jan 7 8:33 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 37.99734N 61 21.35411W
Run: 1.8nm (3.3km)

Baradal, Tobago Cays - and its raining turtles! You cant get in the water without seeing at least one, and sometime 3 or 4, chowing down in the marine reserve on the (not actually that) abundant seagrass - Izzie was stoked, as was Nannp Pam and Karen! A couple of days spent here swimming and relaxing.

Mon Jan 6 9:00 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 37.02526N 61 20.05322W
Run: 7.5nm (13.6km)

A quick trip down to Tobago Cays, and a bit of a rolly night in Worlds End Reef - a stunning offshore reef surrounded by ocean. Some beautiful snorkelling was had, lots of rays and skates (spotted our first spotted eagle ray for the trip!), and some lovely clear water, golden sand and iridescent blue waters = happy skipper!

Sat Jan 4 9:14 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 43.51264N 61 20.01287W
Run: 18nm (32.6km)

A glorious little anchorage in the northern tip of Charlestown Bay on the Island of Canouan, where we spent the night in blissful silence with only a couple of boats around us. The next day we explored the reefs by snorkel, which proved to be mums fave spot of the trip, and we were fortunate enough to snorkel with a juvenile sunfish (almost a metre long/wide/tall!), and lots of good sized fish:)

Fri Jan 3 9:09 2020 NZDT
GPS: 12 58.34738N 61 14.84703W
Run: 2.6nm (4.7km)

After a lovely couple of days exploring Bequia's forests, turtle-infested beaches and hatcheries, we headed south for a night at Petit Nevis - an uninhabited island with some WW2(?) relics of civilisation, and some lovely snorkelling. The seagrass that surrounded the reef was littered with Queen Conch, and the white beach on closer inspection was made entirely of the sun-bleached shells of tens of thousands of these threatened species - cast up in a near vertical wall created by the forces of wind, waves, and man. Although it looks like the result of the impacts of a powerful storm surge, the small holes drilled through the same place on each shell disclosed the real cause of the piles - middens from fishing. It was a site to see, and Iz was as fascinated as the rest of us!

Sun Dec 29 17:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 13 0.56688N 61 14.24657W
Run: 8.9nm (16.1km)

Off to Bequia for New Years woop woop!

Sat Dec 28 17:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 13 8.01888N 61 12.22082W
Run: 50.9nm (92.1km)

After a day at Chateauxbelair checking in, we spent a day diving in a marine reserve on the west coast of St Vincent, dismayed at the amount of rubbish in the coastal environment and covering the benthos. We cleaned up and collected what we could, but it was literally a drop in the ocean.. If anyone's looking for a worthwhile project - throwing some education at the local government agencies and communities would go a long way towards resolving the issue.. Anyhoo..

Thu Dec 26 17:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 13 51.42168N 61 3.89087W
Run: 2.3nm (4.2km)

Around the corner to Soufrie for a couple of days, exploring bat caves and the local town, before we head south to St Vincent and the Grenadines where coral Cays abound and we will spend the next few weeks.

Tue Dec 24 17:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 13 49.41288N 61 3.88095W
Run: 10.4nm (18.8km)

Anse di Pitons - surrounded by towering peaks and deep blue water, we grabbed a mooring for a couple of days to celebrate the silly season with the whanau:)

Sun Dec 22 17:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 13 43.06663N 60 57.28621W
Run: 17.8nm (32.2km)

Vieux Fort and the airport - saying goodbye to our Atlantic champions Connie and Fletch, and hello to Nanny Pam and friend Karen - and an early Christmas for Iz who got spoiled rotten by Connie and Fletch- thanks guys!!

Fri Dec 20 17:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 13 57.97449N 61 1.60179W
Run: 36nm (65.2km)

After checking in at the capitol of Castries yesterday, we meandered down the road to this glorious little spot - Marigot. A protected port in a tiny old volcano surrounded by mangroves and the sounds of kids playing - all is right with the world!

Wed Dec 18 17:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 14 27.79969N 60 51.89242W
Run: 15.6nm (28.2km)

A couple of days in port Saint Anne fixing stuff and exploring the surrounds, before departure to St Lucia in a couple of days.

Tue Dec 17 17:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 14 31.68332N 61 5.28971W
Run: 1.9nm (3.4km)

Anse Noire - a beautiful little hoke in the wall for a night and a coupke of beers:)

Tue Dec 17 15:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 14 30.07942N 61 5.16762W
Run: 1.2nm (2.2km)

Getting legs on land and marvelling at the local fauna!

Mon Dec 16 6:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 14 29.03555N 61 5.05670W
Run: 149.4nm (270.4km)
Avg: 7.1knts
24hr: 170.7nm
Weather: Hot!

Made it!! Got in a few hours ago - swim, food, beer in quick succession and now some are asleep and some are making plans to go ashore! All looking forward to a quiet, still and restful nights sleep tonight. More to come soon but all are well and happy aboard Patea:)

Edit: photos added to earlier posts!

Sun Dec 15 9:00 2019 NZDT
5-11 knots
GPS: 14 31.78N 58 51.11W
Run: 207.4nm (375.4km)
Avg: 7.4knts
24hr: 177.5nm
Weather: After 3 days of little wind we are back to solid 20 knot trade winds and are moving again!

Neptune has been very good to us this trip, serving up a second tuna yesterday, and today Fletch hauled in our biggest Mahi mahi yet, which will feed us well for the next week while we explore Martinique. Martinique, which is now less than 120 nm away, and we should be comfortably in there tomorrow afternoon for a Sunday arvo swim, beer, and likely a bit of a nana nap! Everyone's ready for a bit of a break from the rolly nature of the Atlantic - its hard to get solid sleep in a place which feels all of the swell generated from as far south as the Antarctic Ocean, and the North Atlantic, with every breeze in between kicking up its own chop. We're all looking forward to some calm times on anchor in the lee of a Caribbean island, and getting some, amongst other thngs, undisturbed sleep - bliss! We're out of fresh fruit now, but the last 2 bunches of bananas are finishing strong (thanks Al for the pro-tip!), so we'll be eating them right up til landfall - perfecto! And did I mention its hot?? The sea hit 29.1 degrees today - we're sooooo looking forward to jumping into it!

Sat Dec 14 4:57 2019 NZDT
4-8 knots
GPS: 14 54.89N 55 46.47W
Run: 130.4nm (236km)
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 145.2nm
Weather: The wind has dropped and we're in slo-mo - 5-12 knots of easterly breeze for the last 2 days and its hot!

Did I mention its getting hot? When we left the Cape Verdes last week the water temperature was 26, and the air temperature similar, quite pleasant, and requiring a light duvet at night. We're 300nm away from the Caribbean, and the sea water temp has gradually risen to 28.5. The air temp ranges between late twentys and the early thirties, with lots of humidity - its darn sticky!! We're all dying to get in the water for a quick swim (the bucket-baths on the back deck are ok, but nothing like an actual swim!), however the drive to get to the Caribbean and get this passage done is much, much, muuuuch higher at this stage! We're zig zagging down wind all over the shop with the wind straight from the east, so we are covering much more distance in the light winds than we'd like to be, but such is the nature of downwind trade-wind sailing. Anyone have a spinnaker pole we could borrow??!

Fri Dec 13 7:24 2019 NZDT
3-7 knots
GPS: 15 0.1N 53 49.4W
Run: 179.8nm (325.4km)
Avg: 7.6knts
24hr: 182.1nm
Weather: 5-10 Easterly

And the winner is..... Mr Hinton!! Nice work Al - we have secured some brown paper and are awaiting expectantly!! Now, about that Mahi mahi.. After ten solid days of consistent wind, we have hit a light patch - the motor came on for the first time earlier today for a couple of hours, and for the second time this trip we sighted another yacht, which we are currently working on passing in the light and shifty conditions - go Patea! Oh, and we may, or may not be now heading for Martinique as a first island - there are rumours that the Mt Gay rum distillery has burnt down, so no need to visit Barbados any more;)

Thu Dec 12 7:42 2019 NZDT
5-11 knots
GPS: 14 23.283N 51 12.57W
Run: 177.6nm (321.5km)
Avg: 8.4knts
24hr: 202.5nm
Weather: Trade winds, but sloppy, rolly seas which are making sleeping particularly challenging!

Annnnnnnnnd we're over 3/4 of the way there! Everyone is excited! Izzie has especially done well given we have been sailing now for some 9 days - here longest time at sea to date! We are starting to see the floating seaweed Sargassum, which is seasonally renowned for its density and prevalence in some parts of the western Atlantic and Caribbean seas. Over the last couple of decades, Sargassum has become particularly dense, with land runoff and climate change increasing nutrient availability and temperature, and encouraging growth. Over the summer months Sargassum forms dense mats that cover many kilometers of oceans, impeding boats, blocking pumps and engine intakes, and drastically altering the light regime under the surface of the ocean. Here, Sargassum poses no threat to us, as it clumps together in small lines of tide and wind which we can sail straight through. Sargassum has many benefits too, as it creates floating habitat for a wide variety of marine animals, from tiny crustaceans right the way up the food chain to fish. Culminating in the top of the food chain, the likes of the Mahi mahi, which fortuitously (given that the last of our Mahi Mahi was consumed last night) we hooked and landed another this afternoon:) With the threat of a vegetarian lentil korma curry for dinner tonight now being staved off, Fletch (and I!) are over the moon! Protein sorted, but bananas?? Sheesh. We've had our last apple today, theres a few more oranges left, but its the bananas that are most vexing. We brought with us 4 large bunches, one of which ripened beautifully and provided sweet yummy breakfast for all for 3 or 4 days, as one would expect. But the other three bunches appear to be on strike... We've tried co-cuddling them with different selections of fruit, separating them and leaving them in the sun, iterations of wrapping them in plastic, paper, tin foil, cloth, letting them breath, coddling them, and the height of desperation this afternoon, putting them in the oven. Results?? Nada! We are still dealing with small, hard, green (apart from the oven-roasted black) logs, that are inedible! The best idea on how to ripen bananas, free texted to +8816 3159 1645 at wins a beautiful beer-battered fillet of the freshest Mahi mahi known to man!

Wed Dec 11 10:39 2019 NZDT
Somewhere between 3 and 14 knots!
GPS: 15 55.861N 49 04.81W
Run: 212.2nm (384.1km)
Avg: 8.4knts
24hr: 200.9nm
Weather: 35 knots 30 minutes and 5 knots now!

Still in the Western Atlantic! And the last of the land meat will get consumed tonight - Fletch is whipping up a bacon pasta special!

Tue Dec 10 9:18 2019 NZDT
5-11 knots
GPS: 15 34.23N 45 54.7W
Run: 189.7nm (343.4km)
Avg: 7.5knts
24hr: 181nm
Weather: 12-20 knots east

Finally, the bananas begin to ripen, and after almost a week of abstinence all are enjoying the deliciousness of a ripe banana on the cereal in the morning- ah the simple things! We caught another little tuna yesterday, but due to the glut of high quality fish we've had on the boat in the last few weeks, the little skipjack got to live another day - be free little fella, be free!! We have just ticked off the 3/5-of-the-way-there 'milestone', with 800 miles to sail - one must celebrate the small things! Everyone is happy and settled to the routine of sailing day and night, but I think we all are starting to get a little bored of the glorious sun sets and sun rises, the fresh air, and the rising temperatures and are looking forward to arriving in the Caribbean. The sea has risen to 27.6 degrees Celsius, and air temperatures hover between 25 and 29, night and day. The duvets have been packed away again, and I don't expect they'll be required again until the Galapagos! The initial plan was to head to Barbados, then on to St Lucia, but we are still charging towards the more northern islands of the Caribbean at great speed, so are considering heading to Martinique instead - with a similar ETA. At this stage, we expect to arrive to the Caribbean in less than 5 days - probably the 14th of December, just in time for a few sat night celebratory drinks - horah!

Mon Dec 9 8:09 2019 NZDT
5-11 knots
GPS: 16 21.06N 43 10.5W
Run: 230.2nm (416.7km)
Avg: 8.2knts
24hr: 197.3nm
Weather: 15-20 knots of East

Mid Atlantic!! At 10:46 am this morning we ticked off 1006.5 nautical miles, with only 1006.5 to go! very exciting! There were celebratory whoop whoops, three loaves of fresh bread were kneaded, including a dried fruits and chocolate loaf (you read about it here first..) and a celebratory 'Mid-Atlantic-Ridge' cake was baked! After stuffing ourselves on fresh bread (so ok, in truth that was mainly me, and I was mainly focused on the chocolate ladened loaf), the cake must wait til after dinner when we've 'made room', following our Dorado dinner.. Ah, 'tis a tough life on the ocean! Wish you were all here!!

Sun Dec 8 4:09 2019 NZDT
5-11 knots
GPS: 17 39.96N 39 58.47W
Run: 990.1nm (1792.1km)
Avg: 22.3knts
24hr: 536.4nm
Weather: 15-25kn ENE

Day 4: Mahi mahi!! The clicker on the rod screaming signified a good size fish had hit the lure, and was now running away madly trying to avoid the dinner pan - a quick drop of the headsail and we were pulling in a beautiful 7-10kg female iridescent mahi mahi - all were excited for fresh fish! With dinner for three nights secured we went back to the usual routine - dozing, writing, reading, some art work (Izzie, not the rest of us), and watching bananas ripen expectantly. The last of the papayas were consumed today, but still plenty more apples. oranges and mandarins, along with the 5kg of green bananas that will keep us scurvy free for the next week ahhharrr Thus far, 920 nautical miles traveled, and only a mere 1165 to go. We'll be half way tomorrow, or thereabouts, so may celebrate with a cheeky cocktail! Love to all, the RidingMoreStevenRohr clan

Fri Dec 6 7:51 2019 NZDT
5-12 knots
GPS: 16 53.183N 24 59.47W
Run: 3.7nm (6.7km)

After a couple of hours stop in the most western island of the Cape Verdes, Santo Antao, where we finalised the reefing systems for our brand new main, we were off! Somewhat surprisingly, it was a bit like grand central, with Patea only one of about 300 boats departing the Verdes this season, and in the several hours that we were on anchor, about ten boats passed us heading west, all bound for the Caribbean or South America. With a perfect 15 - 25 knots on the beam we headed out, and slowly managed to catch the other boats on the horizon. The first night we could see three other yachts in the dark nights sky, but by day two all sign of human company had disappeared and we were gliding along in our own company:) Big hook up yesterday, but unable to slow the (no doubt enormous, but unseen!) fish down, we lost our big red'n'black Cantab lure that had secured us so much protein over the last few months. A few hours later and we had the pleasure to watch a small school of dolphins and a large school of truly enormous tuna (>2m long) smashing smaller fish, continually hitting them at speed at the surface and blasting into the air many meters, tail fins thrashing all the way. Everyone was on deck and absorbed by the aerial display, and it was a truly spectacular experience to see these apex predators hunting.

Its day 3 now, and we've been making great progress, averaging about 7-8 knots, and covering about 170 - 190 nm per day. Everyone seems to have found their sea legs, after a potential dodgy last Cape Verdian restaurant meal, and Kath and Iz are baking date and peanut butter muffins to celebrate being a quarter of the way across the Atlantic today! Just 1500 miles to go;)

Tue Dec 3 14:59 2019 NZDT
GPS: 16 54.41680N 25 2.59821W
Run: 3.7nm (6.7km)
Weather: Lovely!

And we're off! Well actually we are going to stop in at this next island for a quick swim and hull scrub and then we are off!

Mon Dec 2 13:57 2019 NZDT
GPS: 16 53.046N 24 59.595W
Run: 0.2nm (0.4km)
Weather: 15 NE

Leaving the marina and heading onto anchor for a night to go over all the boats systems once more, and mount the new mainsail, then we'll be heading to Santo Antao for a night and then off! If you need to get hold of us urgently in the next couple of weeks, you can free text our sat phone (, or text or call us direct (for a small arm and a leg) at +8816 315 91645. We will endeavour to send a YIT update out every couple of days and you will be able to track our progress that way.

And finally, a massive happy birthday to my 21 year old Niamh, whose birthday on the 3rd, and party on the 7th I am missing - my love is with you sweetie, and I'll talk to you on the day, technology willing!

Sat Nov 30 22:18 2019 NZDT
GPS: 16 53.183N 24 59.47W
Run: 17.9nm (32.4km)

In the hive of activity that is Marina Mindelo getting prepared for our departure across the Atlantic in the next few days. This is unlike any other marina we ha've been in in that you dont see anyone sitting around lazily enjoying the sunshine and ambience, everyone is running around like mad things fixing, prepping, provisioning. Its cool being here amongst a whole marina full of boats that you know are also heading across the Atlantic soon. Last update before we depart will come soon!

Wed Nov 27 14:47 2019 NZDT
GPS: 16 45.30364N 24 45.48222W
Run: 32.2nm (58.3km)

An afternoon and evening here enjoying the desolate Santa Lucia, with its barren landscape and volcanic hues, before heading to Sao Vincent, our penultimate stop this side of the ditch.

Tue Nov 26 14:51 2019 NZDT
GPS: 16 31.40388N 24 20.18905W
Run: 94nm (170.1km)

A quick trip back north from Santiago to our new favourite Capo Verdian snorkelling spot for an overnight stay, which was accompanied by a huge pod of dolphins hunting flying fish around the boat and just offshore! We jumped in the water for a close up snorkel, and had to watch our heads as flying fish came careening overhead trying to escape the dolphins - twas a very cool experience!

Fri Nov 22 18:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 15 16.95821N 23 45.33642W
Run: 94nm (170.1km)
Avg: 2.5knts
24hr: 60.2nm

Oh, forgot to say we shot down to Santiago to pick up our new sail, and our new crew - welcome Connie and Fletch, tis great to have you both back on board! We spent a couple of days here, then headed back to Mindelo, via a couple of stopoffs, to pick up new battens for the sail. Fishing is becoming exceptional, with hook ups every time we put the lures out!

Thu Nov 21 4:30 2019 NZDT
GPS: 16 31.40097N 24 20.15899W
Run: 16.8nm (30.4km)

A blustery run down the coast to our next little gem, with sand blows up the hill and a plethora of fish life around the peninsula to the North providing great snorkelling. Oh, and we picked up this little GT on the way here - fish for Africa!! (finally!)

Wed Nov 20 7:24 2019 NZDT
GPS: 16 33.27987N 24 5.10471W
Run: 74.6nm (135km)
Avg: 3.8knts
24hr: 91.1nm
Weather: 20-30 NE

A quick cheeky day sail across to Sau Nicolau, and tuna for breakfast! And likely sashimi for the next week too!

Tue Nov 19 11:44 2019 NZDT
GPS: 16 41.87297N 22 58.08296W
Run: 4nm (7.2km)

A week already in the Verdes! We've mostly recovered from the lack of sleep on the passage from the Canaries to here, induced by a decent 2-3m spwell, and strong winds the whole way, and Patea rolling along only on a handkerchief sized headsail (as we ripped that in the first 24 hours following a crash gibe - bugger). On the plus side - new boat speed record set - 17.8 knots!!

But we are loving it here - the motto of this island of Sal is 'no stress' and that is certainly proving true. Super super friendly and welcoming people, cool landscapes, and good surf and snorkelling. We've had fun exploring with an Irish family we met first in Morocco so Izzie has had her kid company tank filled up!

New main sail ordered, and now everyone has to cross their fingers and toes that it arrives here - we can't leave until it does!

Mon Nov 11 13:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 16 45.24343N 22 58.78652W
Run: 854.9nm (1547.4km)
Avg: 8.3knts
24hr: 199.6nm

Safe and sound after a vigorous sail (30-35 knots ALL the way!) - tired crew so a feed and a beer or two then bed - more to come soon!

Thu Nov 7 6:12 2019 NZDT
GPS: 27 6.89715N 15 40.77772W
Run: 43.6nm (78.9km)
Weather: SW 6- 10

See you Canary Islands!! After a lovely month we're doing our first proper offshore section and heading to the Cape Verdes islands some 800nm south of here. That should mean an extra couple of degrees water temperature and should move us clearly into the 'tropical' realm - yeehar!! Should be there in about 5 days so don't expect updates til we've arrived! :)

Sat Nov 2 1:10 2019 NZDT
GPS: 27 44.63531N 15 37.04749W
Run: 95nm (172km)

Wed Oct 30 1:01 2019 NZDT
GPS: 28 4.32128N 17 7.66538W
Run: 3.2nm (5.8km)

Sun Oct 27 0:05 2019 NZDT
GPS: 28 2.44723N 17 9.95818W
Run: 26.9nm (48.7km)

The Canary Islands so far - we've been here almost a month now and while we are back in Spain this a far cry from continental Spain and Europe. The Canary Islands are one of the Atlantic Ocean's offshore island groups, along with the Azores and Madeira, which we didn't visit, and the Cape Verdes which will be our next stop after the Canaries. Sprung up from the deep ocean, this hotspot volcano chain provides a perfect place to stop en route across the Atlantic and each of the islands are a handy day sail away from each other. The landscape is lunar, mostly devoid of vegetation (Kath is missing trees!), and almost all of the towns seem geared towards the huge influx of European tourists that visit here. Patea has been getting a lot of attention from Tim and others with catchups on maintenance and fix ups, and Kath is doing her best to make the boat heavier and heavier with stores to last us as well as possible until the next cheapish place, likely Panama (4 months away!). Weve all been enjoying the slightly warmer water temperatures again and Tim has had his first few surfs of the trip, first successful (??) spearfishing jaunt, and Izzie is learning to bodyboard. It feels much more like we are in an ocean now with numerous sightings of dolphins, whales, turtles and many rays - now just waiting for the trolling success rate to improve.

Tue Oct 22 0:00 2019 NZDT
GPS: 28 3.01182N 16 43.48275W
Run: 41nm (74.2km)

Los Cristianos - we seem to get stuck here, fixing and waiting for parts for the boat and drawn in by daily sand sculpture marathons. We also say good bye to Gesa here who has been with us on and off since Morocco and has been great to have aboard. We'll miss your capable help, awesome cooking and great company. Hope to see you in the Caribbean!

Tue Oct 15 23:48 2019 NZDT
GPS: 28 27.94302N 16 14.63876W
Run: 55.1nm (99.7km)

Sun Oct 13 23:46 2019 NZDT
GPS: 28 7.95343N 15 25.31560W
Run: 56.4nm (102.1km)

Sat Oct 12 23:42 2019 NZDT
GPS: 28 4.24218N 14 30.01182W
Run: 61.7nm (111.7km)

Mon Oct 7 23:35 2019 NZDT
GPS: 28 44.13788N 13 49.43413W
Run: 37.8nm (68.4km)

Isla de Lobos

Tue Oct 1 23:25 2019 NZDT
GPS: 29 13.01595N 13 31.70965W
Run: 138.8nm (251.2km)

The volcanic nature reserve La Graciosa - a great place to park up for a few days and explore.

Fri Sep 27 22:11 2019 NZST
GPS: 30 22.65352N 11 38.42557W
Run: 135.3nm (244.9km)

On our way to the Canaries!

Mon Sep 23 22:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 31 30.40200N 9 46.61213W
Run: 136.7nm (247.4km)
Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 136.6nm

Our last stop in the sun-baked and sand blasted North Africa, and Essouira provides the stark juxtaposition of wealthy western tourism thrust into the raw world of Maroc culture, harking back to ancient times; living for the locals is day to day, working for what they need, not what they want, seemingly happy with food on their table, hand made fabrics on their backs and In their homes, and smiles on their faces. In the old town, the myriad of tight streets are more tunnel-like than urban, as shop fronts and street vendors thrust their wares into the walkways, narrowing the pathways that are barely wide enough to squeeze a moped down, and the haphazard sheets of tin overhead further enclose the spaces in an attempt to provide some protection from the rains, that, at least in our time, never arrive.

Wares to meet your every need are everywhere- fabrics are hand spun, dyed, woven, knitted, in every colour imaginable, meeting the wide and varied needs of the locals and the tourists.

Pottery, metalware in brass, copper, silver and steel for your every household need, as well as the endless intricate trinkets.

The food markets are where all the local hustle and bustle is, from the expected (fresh fruit and vegetables, dried foods, spices, all piled impossibly high) to the less expected (live animals, selected by the buyer and butchered to order). Animal protein is raw, unpackaged and in your face. The flies do well, and hygiene is in its most basic form. Public toilets are non-existent, as is water for drinking or cleaning your hands - we are glad to have both right there with us on the boat, but still an upset tummy is the norm for us westerners, rather than an unlucky occurrence.

We stayed in the coastal fishing port of Essouira for almost a week, hemmed in by strong winds, but glad of the time spent to explore and make new friends. With wharf space at a premium, we were one of 5 sailing boats all rafted up together to the one and only coastguard rescue boat in the harbour - but everyone assured us that it never leaves the port. We shared the port with several hundred tiny fishing boats, usually manned by one or two locals, who put to sea in most any condition, to catch enough daily to feed the family, and sell to pay for the outboard fuel. The smell of fish cannot be escaped from, nor the dust and grime that seems to blow constantly off the land. 3 weeks later and despite multiple attempts to clean, the grime still continues to run off the boat and rigging.

Morocco, raw, guttural, simple, and in-your-face, but so expansive, diverse and beautiful, it's been an absolute pleasure being here, thanks for having us and sharing your beauty with us foreigners.

Sun Sep 22 21:59 2019 NZST
GPS: 33 25.47689N 9 12.05892W
Run: 143nm (258.8km)

We left Rabat in convoy with 4 other boats all planning to get out of the river mouth before the bar closed due to impending swell, and waved goodbye to the friendly locals stationed along the river. We soon decided to abandon our plans of sailing a shorter distance down the coast for the day and instead pushed on to make the most of the great sailing conditions to travel overnight all the way to Essouiara. This did mean however Tim had to spend his birthday at sea, after not a great sleep and lentil dahl for dinner - but Izzie and I whipped a birthday cake so hopefully not all bad?!

Thu Sep 19 3:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 34 1.76968N 6 49.33000W
Run: 285.9nm (517.5km)

After a whirlwind week inland exploring, and suffering for our culinary choices, we headed down the coast to the capital, Rabat. More Kasbars and Medinas!

Thu Sep 12 22:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 30 8.12740N 5 10.54166W
Run: 391.9nm (709.3km)
Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 130.6nm

Desert!! Camels!! Camping in a Berber tent in the desert?! Check!!

Mon Sep 9 22:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 35 46.92276N 5 48.08555W
Run: 18.9nm (34.2km)
Weather: Fantastic, 15 knots of beam reaching!

After a sparrows fart start, we tore across the fabled Gibraltar Straight at first light, dodging tankers, container ships, fishing boats and a tidal stream to be reckoned with, and arrived three hours later, in...


Magnificent, with your gleaming new marina and opulent waterfront facade, but a street or two back and the real country starts to unveil itself. The sweet, pungent aromas of spices and oils combined in ways that at least this white-boy from Canterbury has never had the pleasure of savoring before. Tangines, served in a hand made pottery dish, and containing a delectable slurry of turmeric, safron, paprika, cumin, and other devine-ness slathered over your favourite meat with colourful veges, and baked to perfection - soooo good!

Medinas were visited, Kasbars admired, camels were chased, and the local 'utes' full of building materials were patted (donkeys and carts). Morocco, you're awesome!!

Mon Sep 9 3:13 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 0.58955N 5 36.84217W
Run: 17.6nm (31.9km)

After leaving La Linea/Gibraltar in a torrential thunderstorm we had a quick sail down to Tarife to spend our last evening in Spain for a while and catch up with friends on Dolphin Dreamer (with Izzies much adored doggie friends and trampoline!).

Mon Sep 2 12:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 9.69650N 5 21.72284W
Run: 1.8nm (3.3km)

Fri Aug 30 9:59 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 8.14808N 5 21.38654W

3 nights in a marina - what luxury! We've only had 1 night in a marina since April so we are revelling in the abundant water and electricity, having shore showers and an easy point for spending 3 days walking and exploring The Rock and town of Gibraltar. It's also Grandma's birthday and Fathers Day too!

Two of the 300 macaques that call this rock their home.
Inside one of the many historic war tunnels
Looking out over the strait of Gibraltar with Africa in the background!
He must have smelt something tasty in my bag!
Thu Aug 29 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 8.15364N 5 21.38821W
Run: 65nm (117.7km)

After a failed attempt to walk through the Spain/Gibraltar border to do some exploring around The Rock (long story!) we've moved the boat around to Gibraltar instead and will try again from that side!

Sat Aug 24 9:59 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 42.32071N 4 25.62899W
Run: 1.1nm (2km)

Great day trip to Grenada despite not making it to the Alhambra.

Thu Aug 22 9:59 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 42.87592N 4 24.65314W
Run: 1.2nm (2.2km)

A short hop around the corner to have lunch by the beach and then some exploring ashore in Malaga - cathedrals, castles and festivals!

Wed Aug 21 9:59 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 42.19084N 4 25.67048W
Run: 0.1nm (0.2km)

Grandma and Grandad have landed! A very excited Izzie welcomed them at the train station before we enjoyed an afternoon relaxing on the boat and evening beer and tapas ashore :)

Tue Aug 20 9:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 42.24795N 4 25.68262W
Run: 78.2nm (141.5km)
Avg: 2.9knts
24hr: 69.5nm
Weather: 15 knots on the beam - perfect!

A long day, but good sailing, and we're here in Malaga where we will meet Izzies Gran and Grandad tomorrow. And its a Monday night! And its not a public holiday tomorrow! So the shops will be open!!! Very, very excited!!

Mon Aug 19 6:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 44.63692N 3 1.02667W
Run: 45.6nm (82.5km)
Avg: 7.6knts
24hr: 182.4nm

One of the joys with cruising is getting to properly, decently, solidly, lose track of time. Its a glorious place to be, and one truly appreciates that the working week is well behind you - big ups. The downside, however, is one has no comprehension of what the date is, or what week day it actually is. After a glorious fast run down the coast we pulled in to Adra, dropped the anchor, and skipped ashore knowing the town was stocked with supermarkets, with all the sweet juicy fresh delicacies that they contain - giddyup! We hiked with our backpacks, re-usable grocery bags in hand, a glint in the eye, and high-hopes in our hearts for the freshness that awaited us.... Aaaand, crap - its Sunday, and eeeeeeverything is closed! Expletives were vocalised, and we trudged back to the boat empty handed. Tomorrow. There's always tomorrow! Zucchini stew, here we come!

A bonus, we found an outdoor market with lots of second hand stuff, and Izzie scored half a dozen new trucks, and several new ponies, so someone is stoked!

Ah cruising life - its still most definitely worth it, despite the occasional period one lives in nutrient deprivation!

Mon Aug 19 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 43.29317N 2 11.63804W
Run: 17.1nm (31km)

A quick stop at Cala Gata, a nice marine reserve, a cheeky little snorkel, then onward, on the mercy dash for fresh food..

Sun Aug 18 9:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 36 54.08821N 1 58.86875W
Run: 72.4nm (131km)

Long day sailing and snuck into this awesome little hippy hidey-hole, which would have been great to stay and explore, but the crazed look in our collective eyes fueled by lack of fruit forced us to continue on early the next day, in pursuit of a green grocer!! Even the dodgy zucchini is starting to look good - god help us!

Fri Aug 16 23:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 37 35.34096N 0 59.29154W
Run: 18nm (32.6km)

A quick trip around the corner to Cartagena, with the promise of big city lights and good food to restore our heavily depleted supplies. The last of our fresh fruit and veg were consumed last night (apart from one, somewhat dodgy zucchini that should have been put out to pasture last week), and the promise of crisp apples, sweet nectarines and crunchy carrots provided a heady drive towards the beckoning shores of this mild-mannered town. We roared into the harbour and cast our anchor down metres from what was, I swear, 2 abandoned submarine bunkers from WW2. We were heading to the famed submarine museum of Cartagena, before exploring the wider area, and hitting up the supermarkets for fresh goodness. A long motor across the harbour to the city, however, dashed our dreams of fresh produce, as well as gaining clarity on the truth around the mysterious 'submarine bunkers' - a public holiday and EVERYTHING was closed!! We dejectedly wandered the (actually quite pretty) Cartagenan streets searching for some semblance of a grocer, but had to settle for 2 warm bagettes and a small bunch of bananas from a corner store (which despite our overarching disappointment were delicious!). Restaurants had already closed for the day too, so we meandered back to Patea, and Kath whipped up a delicious pasta, sans veggies and meat - who needs it eh!! Onward down the coast tomorrow to source food, before the scurvy kicks in..

I swear thats a submarine bunker behind Patea just there..
Fri Aug 16 8:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 37 43.71533N 0 42.66660W
Run: 75.8nm (137.2km)

A couple of full day sails and we are making good progress towards the Costa Del Sol, where we will pick up Grandma and Granddad! Tonight we pulled in to Isla Grosa, a marine and terrestrial reserve, but murky water and lack of light precluded a snorkel, dammit!

Wed Aug 14 12:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 38.30832N 0 4.01635E
Run: 11.5nm (20.8km)

Puerto Calpe, and a catch up with some new friends on Lodestar and Dizzie - Patea becomes alive with 5 kids creating madness and mayhem under the influence of sleep-dep and sugar whilst diligent parents enjoy cold beverages on the back deck!

Tue Aug 13 12:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 40.80062N 0 16.33951E
Run: 42.6nm (77.1km)

Hello mainland Spain!

Tue Aug 13 12:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 49.28293N 1 2.48723E
Run: 15.9nm (28.8km)

Ibiza, you beautiful island full of beautiful people, beautiful anchorages, beautiful turquoise ocean and golden sand, and beautiful new friends! Thank you, you've been lots of fun and gracious with your sharing of amazing vistas, sunsets, and geologic formations, and providing me with my new favourite dive spot (sorry Scandola, your still lovely too).

It is with a glint of sadness that we say goodbye to your shores, and the new, and old friendships formed and cemented. Thanks to Brent, Donna and Jack, Krista and Mikey, for visiting us, and hello to the wonderful new friends on SV Pegasus and Lotus, Oscar, Karin, Albert, Marta, Camiel, Ester, Senna and Taia, we'll miss you guys heaps! Memories of the evening beach barbeques with all the kids running amok will be cherished, and afternoons with the kids swimming between boats to play with new toys will be greatly missed too!

It's been a great month, and quiet different to the Ibeza experience I always thought I'd have, but onward to the mainland today, with 20 knots forecast it'll be fun and fast sailing, fingers crossed!

Update ; 10 knots and big rolly seas - pants! Movie time to keep little people (and big) distracted from the motion..

Sunrise over Ibezs as we depart
Mon Aug 12 12:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 52.02011N 1 19.91160E
Run: 11.9nm (21.5km)

Last day with Brent, Donna and Jack with us, and the last day for us in Ibeza (boo), so back to Sa Caleta for some yummy food, and a last swim in the lovely warm Ibezan waters. Awesome to have you guys aboard for the last week, and Izzie has particularly loved having Jack aboard, who has driven her to be even more confident in the water! Thanks guys, see you again soon!

Sun Aug 11 22:29 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 57.18686N 1 31.45393E
Run: 19nm (34.4km)

Back to Cala Llonga for the last fling with the families on Pegasus and Lotus - Izzies had so much fun with Albert, Marta, Senna and Taia, and a family movie on the beach at night was a fun way to say goodbye. Safe travels and we'll see you again some day:)

Fri Aug 9 22:16 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 40.67737N 1 31.89660E

Another glorious night in Punta de la Fernanda - who needs starlight when you have superyacht lights!

Fri Aug 9 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 40.69979N 1 31.87853E
Run: 7.7nm (13.9km)

After the kids rowed us ashore for some beach time we headed back down to the blue blue of southern Formentera, and someone had to go up the mast!

Thu Aug 8 7:11 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 45.80438N 1 26.30601E
Run: 13.9nm (25.2km)

After a lot of sailing to find water we settle into this beautiful anchorage on the eastern side of the spot of Formentera.

Tue Aug 6 12:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 57.21528N 1 31.39957E
Run: 19.1nm (34.6km)

Friends Brent and Donna and their son Jack arrived today to spend the week with us. Izzie is looking forward to having some kid fun in English!

Sun Aug 4 12:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 40.65167N 1 31.60135E
Run: 1.4nm (2.5km)

Pretty nice here too - and there's a shop for Ice cream!

Sat Aug 3 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 39.91003N 1 30.42253E
Run: 3.4nm (6.2km)

Blue, blue water, plenty of shallow anchoring space, and the perfect beach bbq spot = paradise. Possibly Kaths favourite spot yet!

Fri Aug 2 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 40.86742N 1 26.79479E
Run: 18.7nm (33.8km)

South Formentera - finally away from the zillions of other boats!

Thu Aug 1 0:00 2019 NZST
No position sent.

Hiding here for the day and another night from the strong northerly. Perfect for another bbq on the beach with new friends :)

Wed Jul 31 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 53.27856N 1 13.32553E
Run: 16.9nm (30.6km)

The magnificent Isla Vedra (again)!

Tue Jul 30 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 57.21108N 1 31.47473E
Run: 9.1nm (16.5km)

Sun Jul 28 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 4.45744N 1 35.59360E
Run: 8.3nm (15km)

More fun with the Dutch and Swedish kids!

Sat Jul 27 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 4.96287N 1 26.30249E
Run: 6.5nm (11.8km)

Fri Jul 26 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 3.00154N 1 19.50391E
Run: 4.8nm (8.7km)

Wed Jul 24 10:07 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 59.09425N 1 17.67417E
Run: 4.1nm (7.4km)

Tue Jul 23 7:11 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 57.92073N 1 13.31613E
Run: 2.5nm (4.5km)

Mon Jul 22 7:11 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 55.83680N 1 13.88572E
Run: 3nm (5.4km)

Sun Jul 21 9:55 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 53.22584N 1 13.40855E
Run: 6nm (10.9km)

Beautiful anchorage with the dramatic Ile Vedra in the background :)

Sat Jul 20 9:51 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 52.00603N 1 19.87372E
Run: 10.1nm (18.3km)

Other kids! Yay at last says Izzie!

Fri Jul 19 8:31 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 44.45859N 1 25.49794E
Run: 10.1nm (18.3km)
Weather: Glorious, glorious, it never really stops being glorious!

Wed Jul 17 8:30 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 52.02894N 1 19.87627E
Run: 0.5nm (0.9km)

Lovely spot here apart from the busy air traffic and hundreds of wakes rolling the anchorage every day from the superyachts, but now largely to ourselves, apart from catching up with friends from Dolphin Dreamer and Frida :) And a great couple of days catching up with Krista and Mikey and their friends who are holidaying here, including a swim in the freshwater pool where they are staying - luxury!

Mon Jul 15 8:26 2019 NZST
GPS: 38 52.16406N 1 20.44188E
Run: 18.5nm (33.5km)

Sun Jul 14 8:25 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 1.72333N 1 37.04027E
Run: 64.3nm (116.4km)
Avg: 2.7knts
24hr: 64.1nm

Hi Ibiza! Rolly but nice secluded anchorage, just us and one other boat!

Sat Jul 13 8:20 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 40.35241N 2 29.21497E
Run: 13.7nm (24.8km)

A few days back in Soller to get the boat sorted, lazybag and main back on, and now a quick evening sail down the coast to get us a little closer to departing for Ibiza tomorrow!

Wed Jul 10 8:16 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 47.65029N 2 41.48161E
Run: 7.3nm (13.2km)

After a very windy and sleepless night, including a fire on the adjacent hills from the earlier electrical storm and a breakaway yacht from a nearby bay, we left Sa Calobra for the last time and headed back to Port de Soller.

Tue Jul 9 5:53 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 51.23963N 2 48.26472E
Run: 16.6nm (30km)
Weather: Red rain again...

Back in beautiful Sa Calobra again, and a proper thunder/rain storm to turn Patea red again with the sahara dust that seems to fall every time it rains here - however the last time we can remember rain was about 2 months ago so definately not complaining!

Mon Jul 8 5:50 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 55.90162N 3 5.99996E
Run: 1.8nm (3.3km)

Just a stones throw from where we were last night...

Thu Jul 4 3:47 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 54.33237N 3 5.61892E
Run: 23nm (41.6km)

Into the very busy but beautiful port of Pollenca. We'll stay here a few days as Conny and Fletch are sadly leaving us, we need to pick up the main and do a few other jobs. We've now see all 4 sides of this island!

Wed Jul 3 3:21 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 43.37448N 3 27.33748E
Run: 14.1nm (25.5km)

Tue Jul 2 3:04 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 32.41187N 3 20.25774E
Run: 4.6nm (8.3km)

Terrible anchorage given the dozens of fast ferries that kept coming out of the harbour and rocking us around but worth it for the amazing cave system we got to visit in this little town of Porto Cristo, complete with a classical quartet playing on a rowboat in what is claimed to be the largest underground lake in the world (not sure about that one!).

Mon Jul 1 3:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 29.10074N 3 17.33722E
Run: 10.8nm (19.5km)

Sun Jun 30 3:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 20.97987N 3 11.31215E
Run: 24.5nm (44.3km)

Sat Jun 29 8:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 25.61746N 2 44.48051E
Run: 11.2nm (20.3km)

Sadly we farewelled Lyndsay today who has been awesome to have on board as always. She is off to have fun on bikes next but we hope she'll be back before too long!

Fri Jun 28 7:50 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 33.07431N 2 36.37162E
Run: 14.5nm (26.2km)

Thu Jun 27 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 22.96670N 2 46.13341E
Run: 13.3nm (24.1km)

Wed Jun 26 7:11 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 18.94068N 3 0.11666E
Run: 0.7nm (1.3km)

A bit of a town and beach day at this lovely quiet town of Sant Jordi. Our awesome visitors found the best restaurant in town and shouted us dinner so was a great evening had by all. Unfortunately none of the pubs in town were showing the Black Caps-Pakistan game the next day but Kath was so glad ;) we could stream it via Radio Sport!

Tue Jun 25 9:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 18.46578N 3 0.51900E
Run: 11.6nm (21km)

Tue Jun 25 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 9.03088N 2 55.95136E
Run: 18.3nm (33.1km)

A day stop at Cabrera terrestrial-maritime national park, next time hopefully we can get one of the popular moorings but still managed to fit in a stroll to the castle, fossick on the beach a snorkel and some running races that sadly ended with scraped knees but luckily an iceblock was not too far away, thanks Fletch!

Mon Jun 24 7:11 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 22.97227N 2 46.16635E
Run: 15.5nm (28.1km)

Picked up Conny and Fletch from NZ this morning and now at this stunning spot for the evening...ill just leave you with the pic :)

Sun Jun 23 7:11 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 31.27507N 2 32.44092E
Run: 7.2nm (13km)

Sat Jun 22 7:11 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 32.16254N 2 24.41627E
Run: 5.5nm (10km)
Weather: Lovely

A nice chilled and very light wind sail down the precipitous backside of stunning Dragonera Island. Quick stop for a snorkel then onto this bay for the night. A jellyfish took a bit too much of a liking to Lyndsays inner thigh but a bit of G&T seems to have worked marvels!

Fri Jun 21 9:59 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 36.85363N 2 23.07610E
Run: 20.6nm (37.3km)
Weather: Jumping off the bow while underway weather!

After a week in the now much busier Port de Soller, a fixed clutch, replenished food, water, gas and diesel, a couple of good walks, yummy paella, and lots of swimming, we are off again. We are now minus Niamh sadly but still have the lovely Lyndsay and will soon be joined by another couple from NZ. Izzie had a couple of fun days with some Antipodean boys also living aboard their boat and who are heading home to Aus in similar timeframes to us. We hope to see them again!

Thu Jun 13 10:43 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 47.61350N 2 41.58107E
Run: 64.4nm (116.6km)
Weather: Gennaker weather

Some on the boat would say we are back Port de Soller where we spent about a month previously. Back here so that we can get Niamh to her flight tomorrow from Palma, to say hello and goodbye to Pete and Kathleen and their 2 tiny dogs, and to do some remedial work on a couple of boat issues! Not sure how long we'll be here this time!

Wed Jun 12 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 55.55308N 3 53.70874E
Run: 22.1nm (40km)

Sun Jun 9 10:33 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 52.67226N 4 18.45293E
Run: 227.5nm (411.8km)
Avg: 9.5knts
24hr: 226.9nm
Weather: Everywhere between no wind and 35 knots

After leaving our mooring in Asinara before first light, sneaking through the narrow pass just on first light, we were off back across towards Manorca. See you (probably for the last time) Italy, although we've said that before! A mostly mellow crossing, apart from a large electrical storm that stayed around us for several hours overnight (spectacular if not a little unnerving), and a bit of a front that brought 35 knots from nowhere and incurred a bit of damage to our main sail. We made it into the great but by this time of year very busy little anchorage of the outer Mahon harbour, in time for a swim and freshen up.

Sat Jun 8 10:29 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 4.79194N 8 20.20529E
Run: 41.2nm (74.6km)
Weather: Fast!

Back to our old haunt off Donkey Island after a very very (if you ask Kath, uncomfortably) fast trip across the Strait of Bonifacio. The infamous winds of this strait were true to form and Tim was having a great time battling Patea's rudder against the wind all the way!

Fri Jun 7 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 32.79061N 8 49.92859E
Run: 18.4nm (33.3km)

Last day in the lovely Corsica - too short a time here but its been beautiful, great weather, warm(er) water for lots of swimming, and lots of sunfish!

Thu Jun 6 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 48.00420N 8 43.51952E
Run: 8.9nm (16.1km)

Wed Jun 5 10:20 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 55.44072N 8 46.29797E
Run: 23.8nm (43.1km)

Lyndsay arrives, yay!

Tue Jun 4 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 42 13.80673N 8 33.67214E
Run: 8.3nm (15km)

Fri May 31 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 42 20.93717N 8 35.02316E
Run: 8.3nm (15km)
Weather: Perfect for snorkelling!

Four days anchored here and day tripping around the corner to the stunning Scandola nature reserve (land and sea) with lots of snorkelling, mountain goats, and stunning geology. Tim and my favourite place so far :)

Thu May 30 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 42 13.77799N 8 33.60383E
Run: 7.1nm (12.9km)

Oops, sorry, we haven't updated for a while...this is where we've been!

Wed May 29 6:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 42 7.86820N 8 35.85015E
Run: 14.9nm (27km)
Weather: Mistral in full effect

Tucked into a marina for the eve, so we're hauled ourselves up the steep road that leads to the old township, and exploring the narrow streets and old churches. Danielle leaves us tomorrow, after a week of lots of sailing and a little bit of relaxing and walking - it's been great having her along, and hopefully she'll join us again for some of the Atlantic!

The weather is meant to abate in the morning, so we'll head back up the coast to Scandola, where we will get to put an anchor down and actually get in the water this time!

Tue May 28 22:49 2019 NZST
GPS: 42 20.78392N 8 36.57785E
Run: 8.3nm (15km)
Weather: Windy

A quick blast around the reserve, and then a bash back up wind in building wind and seas to get to Cargese, where we'll marina for the night.

Tue May 28 4:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 42 13.86045N 8 33.67645E
Run: 24.6nm (44.5km)
Weather: Noice

Quick trip up the road to Capo Roso, nestled into the national park and in a nice anchorage surrounded by steep red cliffs, which we scaled and explored for the afternoon, dodging Mediterranean Bush lawyer and admiring the birds of prey circling overhead (falcons? Eagles?). The weather is die to pack in tomorrow, so we'll do.A quick trip up to the Scandola marine reserve and then run for cover at Cargese.

Mon May 27 4:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 52.57153N 8 35.76696E
Run: 15.7nm (28.4km)
Weather: Overcast

A quick sail up the coast to the Island of Sanguinaires, a nice snorkel, followed by a couple of hours walking around the Island, checking out the historic buildings, fortifications, tracks, and dodging the myriad of young chicks covering the Island. The birds are predominantly large seagulls, and despite the raucous nature of the adults, the fluffy little chicks held great appeal to the younger members of our party! The island is busy during the day with ferry-loads of tourists, but we arrived as the last ferry left so had the whole bird sanctuary to ourselves for the evening:)

We'll continue north tomorrow and look for safe anchorage for the next few days, as the mistral is meant to blow hard from the west during the middle of the week.

Sun May 26 6:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 42.79407N 8 48.56138E
Run: 5.3nm (9.6km)
Weather: Mirroresque

After a quick spin around Propriano doing check in formalities (5 mins with the gendarmeries), a quick shop, some beach time, and lots of photographs of the quaint little town, we sailed (and crocheted bumblebee poops - ask Izzie who is stoked with her new crochet set!) our way up the coast to Porto Apollo for the night. We're still feasting on Yellow-fin - just 2 more kilos to go!

We'll work our way up the coast over the next few days and head to Scondola world heritage site, which is purportedly a-mazing!

Sat May 25 7:41 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 38.21195N 8 48.69173E
Run: 45.7nm (82.7km)
Weather: Calm, so, so calm

Bonsoir! Just arrived in Corsica, after a mirror like crossing from Sardinia, and then 4-5knots of genny reaching for the arvo. Mellowest crossing between countries we've ever done! We're now nestled into a wee forest clad nook in the south west, with a spattering of picturesque cabins poking out from the bush. It looks, and smells, surprisingly, like old leather and wood smoke. I think we're going to like it here..

Fri May 24 10:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 4.76689N 8 20.16266E
Run: 218.7nm (395.8km)
Avg: 6knts
24hr: 144.9nm
Weather: Perfect 5-8 knots gennaker reaching!

A surprisingly fast trip across from Minorca to the Island of Sardinia, with the big gennaker up mostly, and comfortably sitting on 6 - 8 knots all the way. Crew performed faultlessly, although there is a rather tired tween on board now! At least 6 pods of dolphins, a turtle, and about 7kg of blue-fin tuna in the fridge being sashimi'd and consumed at an impressive rate:) We've frozen some but the boat will be exclusively piscivorous for the next week I expect!

We snuck in late last night back to Ascinara National Park, where we will stay the night and then head on to Corsica in the morning. Hopefully with a quick walk ashore to let Izzie Chase some donkeys!

Buongiorno Italy!

Wed May 22 21:46 2019 NZST
GPS: 40 15.25664N 4 18.53289E
Run: 25nm (45.3km)
Weather: Glass

See you Minorca - we'll be back in a few weeks!

Wed May 22 5:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 40 2.86747N 3 55.28220E
Run: 60.7nm (109.9km)
Avg: 3knts
24hr: 71.4nm
Weather: Perfect 7-10knots on the beam and glassy

A quick call in to this nice little anchorage in Minorca, Thai noodle spicy chicken for dinner, rounded off with a home-made egg custard for desert, a glorious nights sleep, then we're off to Corsica tomorrow - hopefully we'll be there by Friday, weather dependent.

Tue May 21 8:35 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 51.18845N 2 48.30567E
Run: 27.2nm (49.2km)
Avg: 4.1knts
24hr: 99.2nm
Weather: Breathless

Tucked back into Sa Calobra - the snake - with a glorious full moon about to sprout over the cliffs above us. A quick swim in the morning and we'll boost our way across to Minorca tomorrow, in the invigorating 3 - 5 knot breeze forecast for the next few days.. Fuel supplies allowing, we will start the motor to Corsica on Wednesday, and hopefully catch the back of a dying mistral, arriving into Corsica Thursday night - fingers crossed..

Tue May 21 2:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 37.81691N 2 22.99136E
Run: 8.2nm (14.8km)
Avg: 4.1knts
24hr: 98.4nm
Weather: Run out of wind!

Tue May 21 0:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 30.72364N 2 23.25147E
Run: 8.2nm (14.8km)

Mon May 20 7:28 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 31.22596N 2 32.50934E
Run: 9.7nm (17.6km)
Weather: Beautiful, flat sea with 15 knots

Tucked in to the west side of the large bay that harbours Palma - the Mecca of (expensive) yachting in the Med. Super yachts, check. Beautiful little beaches and coves packed with punters, check. Super expensive everything, check. Ah, the other half certainly seem to be doing just fine here! We'll just pretend for a couple of days and move on before we get exposed for the fraudsters we are, hola!

Sun May 19 6:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 33.27452N 2 21.94687E
Run: 3nm (5.4km)
Weather: Light n lovely

The plague-ship Patea calls in to a nice we spot just north of Anthradx (how fitting) for the night, before heading to Palma tomorrow. Sorry Dani, the bug that was 'gifted' to Niamh on her flight over 2 weeks ago hasn't quite departed us yet. Bring vitamin C!

Sun May 19 1:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 35.22869N 2 19.71506E
Run: 24nm (43.4km)
Weather: Light n fluffy

A quick sail down to the island of Dragonera - named no doubt due to its profile and menacing cliffs (I'd swear it's a set from the Game Of Thrones), but after a quick visit to land, could equally have been named from the teeming lizard life ashore. Everywhere you look there are lizards chasing each other around the myriad of stone paths and walls that seem to meander around much of the harsh landscape. Friendly little lizards too - one little guy climbed halfway up Niamhs arm before retreating, and then doing it again before skittering off. Izzie on the other hand was a little more cautious of the little dragons running amok! We'll continue around the Majorca coast for a safe anchorage tonight, as Dragonera is no place to be at night!

Sat May 18 6:34 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 47.51654N 2 41.53786E
Run: 7.3nm (13.2km)
Weather: 20-30 knots and the first splash of rain we've had for ages!

Ducked 'home' for a couple of nights before heading to Dragonera tomorrow, then on to Palma to pick up Danielle Sunday eve, then onwards to Corsica. Hmmmm, more sticky-dirty-socky brie and baguettes - breakfast of champions!

Sat May 11 8:26 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 51.15495N 2 48.33035E
Run: 7.2nm (13km)
Weather: Gooorgeous dahhling

We've made a plan for the next week, and item one was to go explore some close anchorages, and this little ripper was at the top of that, uh, sub list.. Picturesque? Lovely? Beautiful? Maybe stunning? All adjectives definitely appropriate - we're nestled into this tiny turquoise wedge of the Mediterranean, that somehow manage to squeeze between these towering vertical cliffs, with the teeniest tiniest beach separating the rock faces, behind which then opens out into this massive ravine that goes up into the mountains... Yeah, a piccy tells a thousand words, and maybe thats the best plan..

Fortuitously, Niamh is a serial social medeorite, so check out the facebook page if you want to see a few more:)

Wed May 8 6:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 47.63160N 2 41.64647E
Run: 5.4nm (9.8km)
Weather: Not too shabby, but 35 knots in the overnight forecast

Drifted back 'home' after a nice day at Tuent with 5 knots of breeze from behind, and cold beersies in hand, and have been settled back in Port de Soller since.

We'll stay here for a few more days, then start to mosie our way around to Palma, where we pick up Danielle on the 19th, and then begin to head to the Island of Corsica, France. We'll be in touch in a few days:)

Tue May 7 22:06 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 50.42756N 2 46.51726E
Run: 5.7nm (10.3km)
Weather: Perfect, again!

Apologies for the hiatus, but we've been relaxing in Port de Soller after Niamh joined us last week, so we've been kicking back on the beach, and enjoying the occasional gelato! Today we sailed up the coast to another lovely little bay, Cala Tuent, which is isolated, small, and just magical. No other yachts to be seen, and a lovely view up the valley to the high cliffs that surround the bay, and much of the island of Majorca. We snorkeled, and whilst Niamh and I explored the coast line, Kath and Izzie stayed in the water for a full 15 minutes before getting out - well done Izzie! Fished, again, unsuccessfully, again - a common theme!

Tue Apr 30 22:02 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 48.94712N 2 40.36874E
Run: 1.9nm (3.4km)
Weather: Perfect!

After a relaxing week in Port de Soller, we decided we'd better take Patea for a walk offshore, and the light breeze facilitated that nicely, followed by some unsuccessful fishing (again) - we need to work on that!

Tue Apr 23 8:18 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 47.55640N 2 41.61002E
Run: 61.9nm (112km)
Weather: Wet. Not quite Fiordland-esque, but definitely Greymouth

After three lovely days schmoozing round Ciutadella and the surrounding areas, horse riding, zoo-trippin, many delish lunch and dinners out, a late-night double-layered heart-shaped chocolate-zucchini-fairy-cake bake-a-thon, and a 5-year-olds birthday party with far more sugar than is wise and prudent, we decided to head further south and escape the beauty, serenity (and gallons of red sand that falls from the sky) that is Menorca. Thanks for the stay - big thumbs up.

After a morning faffing (I mean prepping the boat) we headed out into a dark-grey afternoon sky, and proceeded to romp towards the island of Mallorca, some 35nm away. Despite the late start, we were cranking along, averaging about 9 knots for the crossing, and with good wind and speed (new boat record, and PB 15.4 knots!!!) we decided to carry on down the coast another 20nm to what looked like a better anchorage in the forecast breeze. Snuck into Port de Soller just on dark after the breeze abated later in the run, with a final score of 58nm in 7 hours - an average of 8.3 knots - not bad for an old cruiser :) (the boat - not me). We're now rockin-n-rollin on anchor with a solid swell sneaking in the heads - all going well a surf in the morning may make up for the lack of sleep tonight!

Sat Apr 20 7:24 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 59.95028N 3 49.78682E
Run: 18.4nm (33.3km)
Weather: Distinctly Cook Straight..

Whats going on?! We seem to be channeling Wellington weather the last few days, and todays 25 to 35 knot downwind ride to our latest anchorage was no exception! Hitting 12 knots boat speed with only the dodger and a hanky on the foredeck - unexpected!

We're tucked away in Ciutadella now, expecting it to blow up to 40 knots for the next few days, so we'll stay put and enjoy some land activities for the duration, including celebrating Izzies 5th birthday on Sunday, which she is very, very, VERY excited about!!

We spent the afternoon wandering around the quant and narrow streets of town, squeezing in some architectural admiration between sampling the miriad of kids playgrounds that seemed to present themselves around every corner (= one happy little lady!). Now we're kicking back enjoying the relative luxury of abundant electricity and plentiful water - may even splash out and have a shower! Ahh, the joys of being plugged into the marina wharf!

Hope everyones keeping warm back home as the autumn hues evolve - its our turn now to start sampling the warm weather of spring - bring it!! And Merry Easter and all that - may the chocolate fairys be generous!!

Fri Apr 19 8:16 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 52.17194N 4 7.94490E
Run: 7nm (12.7km)
Weather: Welly, again - fun downwind sailing conditions!

Notched up our PB on the short downwind leg in 20 - 25 knots - 12.7 knots = :)

Might head to Milorca tomorrow, in prep for Izzies 5th birthday on Saturday - we're hoping to find swimming pools, pony rides, and of course, cake!

Thu Apr 18 8:53 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 53.51499N 4 15.68284E
Run: 2.7nm (4.9km)
Weather: Hot! Like actually! A nice reprieve from the last few months of predominantly cold!

A jaunt up the harbour this morning preceded what was both a successful, and hassle free entry into Spain - that gets the big tick from us! A quant little township on a lovely harbour served up the best hot choky I'd had for months, and an actual flat white, appeasing Kath no end! Another 10 day grocery shop (100 Euros including three bottles of spirits and wine - awesomely cheap!), and back to the boat to plan the next leg... TBC!

Wed Apr 17 6:56 2019 NZST
GPS: 39 52.68150N 4 18.49439E
Run: 220.2nm (398.6km)
Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 111.7nm
Weather: Stunning!

Hola! 31 hours later (but only 8 hours sailing gurumf) and we're now in Spain! 2 pods of whales, 3 pods of dolphins, one turtle, buzzed by one sea-level jet plane, waaaaay too much ocean rubbish, no fish caught, 2 birds successfully roosting in our saloon, and after too long with the numbing drone of the diesel engine we're tucked into a little bolt hole surrounded by historic (and current) fortifications, with somewhat tired eyes and a beer in hand. And its finally warm! We'll do customs and immigration tomorrow (office hours, and all that), and then start working our way up the coast enjoying the many beautiful anchorages on offer. We'll flip a coin to see which way we go tomorrow:)

Mon Apr 15 7:37 2019 NZST
GPS: 40 59.12518N 8 13.96359E
Run: 8.5nm (15.4km)
Weather: Blowy, but heading back to pleasant we trust..

After a brisk sprint down the coat in 20-30 knots, we're tucked into a somewhat exposed anchorage in Fornelli passage, that we will be using at first light tomorrow morning, when we head for Menorca in the Baleariac Islands. Hopefully to slightly warmer waters - Izzie and I had a quick swim yesterday - and despite wetsuits, Izzies swim totaled about 12 seconds - the minute she hit the water she was trying to climb up my face in order to launch herself back onto the boat and escape the 15 degree water. It was quite an efficient method to exit, and moderately amusing for any onlookers, although less so for my face.. Good to be in the water though! Wishing I brought a proper dive suit, rather than a surf suit however.. Refreshing!

Tomorrows passage is about 200 nautical miles, and with the weather forecast (light winds), we're expecting it to take about 36 hours, so you wont hear from us for a few days - hopefully we'll have cell coverage when we arrive, but no promises! Take care all :)

Fri Apr 12 20:55 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 4.75756N 8 20.21330E
Run: 0.1nm (0.2km)
Weather: Smoooooth...

We're tucked in to a little cove on the eastern side of Asinara National Park, after a rather unexciting trip across the top of Sardinia, in 2-5 knots of breeze. Asinara is an island paradise off the north western tip of Sardinia, with mixed-use terrestrial and marine protection, with some areas completely off-limits to human visitation and only accessavle with a scientific pernit - very cool. We were chased away from the marine reserve by a bunch of burly fellas on a large coast guard cutter, as we took a peak at the marine reserve- oops!

The island has some unique fauna, including marauding herds of donkeys - first noticed as we saiked in and a couple of stumpy-legged donkeys were chasing each other down the deserted waterfront and main street of the picturesque little township we are now anchored of. The sounds of them braying continue to echo around the deserted bay, although i expect that may wear a little thin later this evening!

We originally planned on departing Sicily, and Italy, tomorrow bound for the Spanish Baleariac Islands, however the forcast 20 to 25 is now 25 to 35 knots, so we'll hang here for a few days and enjoy the reserves, whilst depleting ours (the red wine reserve is dire), and head off on Monday: 10 to 15 knots beam reaching forecast, so can't wait to try the big genakker - giddyup!! Happy Friday yous fellas!

Fri Apr 12 10:04 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 4.77987N 8 20.12256E
Run: 44.3nm (80.2km)
Weather: Smooooth

We're tucked in to a little cove on the eastern side of Asinara National Park, after a rather unexciting trip across the top of Sardinia, in 2-5 knots of breeze. Asinara is an island paradise off the north western tip of Sardinia, with mixed-use terrestrial and marine protection, with some areas completely off-limits to human visitation and only accessible with a scientific permit - very cool. We were chased away from the marine reserve by a bunch of burly fellas on a large coast guard cutter, as we took a peek at the marine reserve - oops!

The island has some unique fauna, including marauding herds of donkeys - first noticed as we sailed in and a couple of stumpy-legged donkeys were chasing each other down the deserted waterfront and main street of the picturesque little township we are now anchored off. The sounds of them braying continue to echo around the deserted bay, although i expect that may wear a little thin later this evening!

We originally planned on departing Sardinia, and Italy, tomorrow bound for the Spanish Baleariac Islands, however the forecast 20 to 25 is now 25 to 35 knots, so we'll hang here for a few days and enjoy the reserves, whilst depleting ours (the red wine reserve is dire), and head off on Monday: 10 to 15 knots beam reaching forecast, so can't wait to try the big genakker - giddyup!! Happy Friday yous fellas!

Wed Apr 10 10:09 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 14.34847N 9 9.59440E
Run: 14nm (25.3km)
Weather: Sublime!

A short skip around the bays to get to our next spot, with a quick duck in to Santa Teresa Gallura for some icecream and chocolate - just the essentials! We've navigated the seagrass covered bay and dropped our anchor in the only patch of sand available - viva la algae!

Tue Apr 9 3:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 14.99475N 9 25.76643E
Run: 26.2nm (47.4km)
Weather: Wellington!

A fast, tight sail from Corsica to Sardinia to test Patea for the first time - 8 - 9.5 knots in 20-30 at 60 degrees apparent = happy!! She moves and its going to be a fun boat to reel off the offshore miles in!

We're tucked into a beautiful little cove surrounded by monolithic rock formations in yellow hues and golden sand beaches - despite the breeze its still a magical spot, although the wind chill is definitely contributing to not swimming in the otherwise balmy 14.7 degree water... Tomorrow perhaps!

Mon Apr 8 8:14 2019 NZST
GPS: 41 37.18216N 9 18.87901E
Run: 101.9nm (184.4km)
Avg: 4knts
24hr: 96.9nm
Weather: Gorgeous!

Left Gianuttri with the waking seabirds - and in to a bit of Mediterranean chop, but the stormy skies did clear and the sun shone, as it always seems to here. Sailed most of the day in view of the fabled island of Montecristo (i think - anyone know the story?!).So, the end of day 2 - dolphins - check, sun fish - check, 16 hours sailing - check, new country - check (hi France!), small vom from the small grom - check (dammit - but she's chirpy as now so all good!). Must be time for his lordships cream (3 Euro a bottle!), and a bit of a lie down :)

Sun Apr 7 7:00 2019 NZST
GPS: 42 15.235N 11 6.276E
Run: 38.7nm (70km)
Avg: 5.5knts
24hr: 130.9nm
Weather: Beautiful!

We decided to stay the night in this glorious little nature reserve, tucked into this tiny harbour surrounded by seabirds and lots of unusual calls in the night - very cool. Early start tomorrow though - heading to Corsica!

Sun Apr 7 0:54 2019 NZDT
GPS: 41 57.52N 11 44.78E
Run: 29.8nm (53.9km)
Weather: Lovely!

On our way!! After a number of delays, we dropped lines at 8 this morning and are headed towards the island of Giglio under a beautiful blue sky, a casual 6-10 knots of breeze, and we are tickling along quite nicely under full sail between 6 and 7 knots - perfect!! We'll be in to Giglio just before sun set - looking forward to that first Leffe already!

Thu Mar 21 10:56 2019 NZDT
GPS: 41 44.27544N 12 14.67030E
Run: 11671.3nm (21125.1km)

Boat is bought, prepped (mostly), and ready to go!! Departure, hopefully, next week!!

Sun Nov 6 20:28 2016 NZDT
GPS: 39 6.50910S 178 0.90783E
Run: 54nm (97.7km)
Avg: 1150.3knts
24hr: 27607.1nm

Just about to round Table Cape on the Mahia Peninsula, then around the lighthouse on the southern-most tip of the Peninsula, and then just 50 miles to go to Napier- we'll be in at first light and waving the Q flag in anticipation- now, how do we explain that we left Tahiti with 4, and yet now there is only three of us...

Sun Nov 6 20:25 2016 NZDT
GPS: 38 22.04205S 178 19.86954E
Run: 43.6nm (78.9km)
Avg: 3.1knts
24hr: 75.4nm

Tolaga Bay, an unexpected surprise... Not normally a visiting yachts first place to visit, however Paul had to vacate the vessel early- Rory's cooking had the better of him (too many smiked bananas, perhaps?!?), or something like that... Anyway, just received word from the big fella that he is resting up this evening and feeling a million times better, which is great news. Two weeks of no sea legs has paid the price- everyone at MPI go easy on him for a few days as he gets his strength back!

Sun Nov 6 6:33 2016 NZDT
6-7 knots
GPS: 37 46.1S 178 34.79E
Run: 75.1nm (135.9km)
Avg: 8.3knts
24hr: 200.3nm
Weather: W 10-12 knots

East Cape!! New Zealand!! A very welcome sight to all aboard! The beginning of the end of what has been a mammoth mission, only made possible by at least a dozen wonderful crew who have joined us from all around the world for a week or two, and up to three months for others. Thanks to all who helped made this possible:) We need to get together and have a beer and some food- party in Welly?!?!?!

Sat Nov 5 21:33 2016 NZDT
6-13 knots
GPS: 36 42.4S 178 17.32E
Run: 52.5nm (95km)
Avg: 8.4knts
24hr: 201.6nm
Weather: W 15-20 knots

The winds eased round behind us and we've taken off, sailing the angles she's fantastic on, and with just enough wind too generate a healthy swell from behind, we're surfing every wave and smashing the miles away- have averaged 8.75 knots for the afternoon, stoked!:) Champagne sailing, as they say!! Not so crash hot for the crew though who are passed out below decks- Ellen, normally soldiering on through wind, swell and sickness hasn't risen from bed for the day, and Paul's in the same boat, if you'll excuse the pun.. Rorys trooping on, although feeling a little worse for wear after finishing off the last of our Tahitian smoked bananas- not sure if they're legal in NZ or not but the evidence has been consumed! And along with it any blame for Rorys dodgy tummy, which I'm more likely to attribute to an early hangover from the beers that went down in the heat of the day! Righto, back to the glorious moion-lit, about-to-be-coastal full spray-in-ya-face wind-in-ya-hair big-boat surfing down the east coast!! :)

Sat Nov 5 15:18 2016 NZDT
6-8 knots
GPS: 35 57.6S 178 06.92E
Run: 159.2nm (288.2km)
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 162.2nm
Weather: WSW 12-15 knots

Just passed over Rumble III- unfortunately no pumice to collect, which is a damn crying shame cos my feet are in desperate need of a bit of TLC after 4 months at sea.. Beautiful sunny day after almost the last week of pretty stormy conditions and rain, so we're drying the boat out- she was starting to resemble a turkish bathhouse with the elevated humidity and piles of random clothing lying everywhere. That said, it probably doesn't smell as good as a Turkish bathhouse... 100nm to go to East Cape, 160 to Gizzy, 230 to Napier- still not sure where our first port of call will be, will see how progress goes and call it when we are a little closer. It sounds like it'll be a struggle to get MPI to clear us on Sunday in Gizzy (sheesh, the nerve!), so we may push on to Napier. In the mean time, the sun is shining, the Titi are circling, Rory's cracked his first beer, and all is quiet below- no chundering for 12 hours now! Awesome. Oceanus signing off...

Fri Nov 4 15:45 2016 NZDT
5-8 knots
GPS: 33 40.8S 177 42.9E
Run: 198.9nm (360km)
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 162.4nm
Weather: SW 15-20 knots

Just got buzzed by an Orion- Welcome to NZ waters!!

Thu Nov 3 10:21 2016 NZDT
5-12 knots
GPS: 31 02.3S 176 21.8E
Run: 119.5nm (216.3km)
Avg: 8knts
24hr: 192.5nm
Weather: WNW 30-35 knots

Bit of change of weather since the night before, as 30+ knots, driving rain and seriously lumpy seas tossed us around all night, with pretty much every item that was securely stowed on the starboard side ending up ricocheting around the cabin multiple times.. Hopefully all those other yachts out there returning to NZ are surviving unscathed too. Unfortunately after a super still preceeding 36 hours which was setting up very nearly to be a record chunder-free run for Oceanus, the crew is once again feeding the fishes. Fortunately its easing up a little and hasn't blown more than 30 in the last 90 minutes, and the fishes have gone hungry for the same duration. May the fishes continue to starve. We're having to run straight south in the strong winds, and making great speed towards home, but have our fingers and toes crossed that the impending southerly change is both short-lived and mild, and won't way-lay our arrival into Gizzy/Napier late sat night or early sunday morning.

Wed Nov 2 19:27 2016 NZDT
5-8 knots
GPS: 29 29.9S 177 16.4E
Run: 137.3nm (248.5km)
Avg: 5knts
24hr: 120.7nm
Weather: NNW 12-16 knots

After another mill pond, mirror-like night at sea with the peaceful sound of a Yanmar diesel purring away in our ears, we're finally into the forecast northerly breezes- building from the NE as forecast, but still awaiting it to come around far enough and pick up so that we can reach straight for East Cape. Its getting coooold too, the crew have pulled out the overalls and jackets for night watch, our resident polar bear (Rory) has taken to wearing t shirts during the day, theres been at least one occurrence of a wooly hat, the duck-down sleeping bags are out, and heavens-to-murgitrude Hannah's Bumble Balm (TM) has solidified, after 4 months of being a liquid- look out, Winter Is Coming!

Tue Nov 1 16:09 2016 NZDT
4-6 knots
GPS: 28 13.16S 179 00.6E
Run: 118.1nm (213.8km)
Avg: 5.9knts
24hr: 142.8nm
Weather: S 5-8 knots

And we're back on the right side of the date line! With NZ due south of us and a big-arse blow due west of us which is going to take us home in a hurry, I think we're getting ready to come home! Actually, I think all aboard were well and truely ready a few days ago... So we've just got to sneak through yet another light patch, and then we should be homeward bound. Properlike this time. And about a week late. Sorry to all the bosses out there!

Mon Oct 31 20:18 2016 NZDT
3-5 knots
GPS: 27 30.5S 179 13.9W
Run: 3.5nm (6.3km)
Avg: 5.8knts
24hr: 140nm
Weather: S 5 knots

And now its died right off again... At least there are storm clouds on the horizon to give us a hurry up in the middle of the night?!?

Mon Oct 31 19:42 2016 NZDT
5-7 knots
GPS: 27 28.8S 179 11.1W
Run: 176.6nm (319.6km)
Avg: 6knts
24hr: 143.4nm
Weather: S 15 knots

After most of the day with variable 2-3 knots, and on the motor for all of it, its now back to blowing hard again- on the nose, 15 knots of Southerly. Still making going south very challenging.... Now where are those freakin nor-westers that were forcast? Dum-de-doo.....

Sun Oct 30 14:09 2016 NZDT
5-7 knots
GPS: 26 07.7S 176 45.3W
Run: 134.4nm (243.3km)
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 146.6nm
Weather: S 15 knots

On the nose, 15 knots of Southerly, which is making going south very challenging....

Sat Oct 29 16:09 2016 NZDT
4-7 knots
GPS: 24 55.1S 175 04.1W
Run: 148.5nm (268.8km)
Avg: 6.9knts
24hr: 166.5nm
Weather: S 10-15 knots

24 hours of motoring in breathless, mirror like conditions, which is nice to sleep in, but not great for making distance... Or conserving fuel.. Finally a southerly has kicked in and is building, but its taking us away from where we are trying to get