
Avg: 4.4knts
24hr: 106.8nm
Finally arrived sound, safe but tired, in Wellington. After two very nice days on passage, we've been welcomed by one of these blowing day in welly and it took us 12 long hours since Cape pallisser, fighting against wind and tide.
Thank you all for following us!

We'll, one has to go back home at some stage...
Left Gisborne this morning, hoping to be in Wellington by Thursday afternoon.
we haven't been giving many updates lately sorry.
We couldn't call in to Tairua as we had been advised not to try and pass the bar on that day -just as we were by the entrance. So we chose to head straight to Mayor Island and anchor for the night. At least we got to have a last swim there and a good walk up to the crater -great.
We left Friday 1400, heading to Gisborne. First leg across Bay of Plenty was fine, a bit of motor sailing in 10kts apparent wind.
It took us 24h to reach East Cape and from then we had the S wind bang in the nose to go down. But we eventually made it. Arrived this morning in the rain, led by a pod of dolphins (and some babies!).
We'll probably stay here tomorrow, getting some rest and leaving for the final leg on Tuesday.
J'imagine qu'après une grosse
We moved this morning back to Mercury island to get some much needed shut eye.
Will leave tomorrow for Tairua.
Wondering if you are getting
Quite a day yesterday... We've seen the two sides of a cape, like the two sides of a coin: on the west coast of the coromandel, sea slight, 8 knots of true wind SW, and very hot; on the east side, two meters easterly swell courtesy of former cyclone Victor, 15 to 20 knots of SE wind, a very bumpy ride.
We've chosen our anchorage terribly, sheltered from the wind but the swell curling around made it a horrible, sleepless night...
Anchored for the night in ngohitanu bay, west coromandel. Good to be back to less crowded, less fancy places.

A stop on the way in this nice bay, "the most picturesque in the coromandel says the cruising guide. Nice indeed.

Very nice and sunny day. Went to pick up a friend at the Auckland-waiheke ferry, spent few hours anchored by the beach then dropped her again, and sailed our way to awaawaroa (yes that the right spelling) bay. Perfect 10 to 15 knots, Antipodes sailing herself on a beam reach.
The bay is pretty nice, very wide and shallow -you can anchor pretty much anywhere in 4m.
We'll start heading back tomorrow...

After yet another pit stop in half moon bay marina to fix an issue you do not want the details of, we're back on track.
Anchored by waiheke island. Beautiful afternoon, it's so warm over here! The BBQ will be on tonight!
Poo stories! We'll have to
After a pit stop for 2h in viaduct harbour(!) that made us feel very small, we sailed out of Auckland and are anchored between rangitoto and motutapu islands. Nice!
Arrived in west bay, rakino island, after a gentle sail: we've taken it slow doing 3 to 4 knots in 8 knots of wind.
Another nice island with some fancies houses...
Forgot to tell you we had a
Rakino Island looks good.
Avg: 5.2knts
24hr: 125.2nm
Arrived in stockyard bay, kawau island. Will wait here for the bad weather to pass tomorrow.
Quite few more houses than in great barrier...
Vous avez pu faire le truc
Leaving Great barrier island after 3 great days. En route to kawau island.
Just moved up to smokehouse bay. Yet another beautiful afternoon.
Avg: 2.9knts
24hr: 69.9nm
Arrived in Waihari bay, great barrier island. Quite a nice sail, went inner passage of the Pig islands. The bay is sheltered and beautiful. Life's sweet
Off to port Fitzroy on a beam reach.
We don't often have phone coverage which is why our updates are a bit sporadic.
On our way to Fitzroy. Quite cloudy but very nice sail on a beam reach.
Anchored in shoal bay, tryphena harbour. Sheltered from SW wind, but the slightest SW turns the place to a rocky nightmare. Thought I was going to get sea sick while laying at anchor!

Anchored in parapara bay on Mercury island. The place looks lovely but the rain just started making our will to go for a walk vanish. Quite crowded too, 3 others yachts and one launch have arrived after us!
Hope all is well and you are
c'est chouette votre parcours
Hi how it all going, have you
Anchored in Cook 's bay, whitianga, beautiful evening
Arrived in mayor island, anchored in SE bay, very nice anchorage, quite sheltered. Spent the day there, terrible weather...
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 147nm
Arrived at mayor island at 19:30. Anchored in SE bay, very nice anchorage, well sheltered.
Avg: 4.3knts
24hr: 102.1nm
Had a nice bout sailing for few hours before dark. And then engine back on...
Wondering where you have got
Hi it is great to see were
c'est super ce site
Avg: 5knts
24hr: 120.3nm
Got to sail a bit this morning. It was nice to shut the engine off for a time, bit now it's back to variable 10, no way to sail
loving the updates and
Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 113.5nm
Very little wind, bang in the nose (N)
Nice website! it's great to
Left Napier at 10.30. Motoring our way in variable 5 knots.
Waiting for a weather window to leave... Probably on Tuesday
Hi Guys, wondering how you
Arrived in Napier after 42h. Mainly motor sailing downwind.
No blogs available for this yacht.