Tied up in Whangarei Marina, downtown Whangarie. Came up river with rain, plus lightning and thunder to the north.
Avg: 4knts
24hr: 97.2nm
Safely tied up to the Q dock in Marsden Cove. One of our most "memorable" passages, if not THE MOST. Motor sailed the last 18 hours or so. Now start the clean up and repairs. Thanks to all for the kind words on YIT, greetings at the dock, and good thoughts, that most certainly helped us along.
Very pleased to see you in ,
Glad to hear you are in and
Glad to hear that your going
Nice to see you safely here!
Avg: 16.4knts
24hr: 392.7nm
We are getting closer. Had strong(20k ish)SE head winds near cape Brett so tacked back and forth making little headway toward Marsden. We decided that we would have only been making 2-3k at best under power on the rhumb line and then would have been into fuel issues, so that is what and sort of why. Should be in at sunset at Marsden, we hope.
Hang in there, must seem
Avg: 2.7knts
24hr: 64.7nm
Strong headwinds last night around Cape Brett, so behind a bit. Maybe 2000 tonight arrival.
Avg: 3.2knts
24hr: 77.9nm
We should be in tomorrow sometime between 1000 and 1400, depending on how we hit the tides in the Hatea River, and how much wind chop we get. Right now we are averaging 5k, on the rhumb line direct. All is good aboard.
Avg: 3.3knts
24hr: 80.3nm
motor sailing, hope to be in tomorrow noon, what a different day

As we expected and you assured us, conditions started to dramatically improve about 1200. Wind died, seas still up but much much better.
We turned towards Marsden at around 1615. Seas a bit large, but wind is down and we are hoping the seas will follow quickly. Plus we are now at least heading more or less in the right direction. Are hoping for SW winds later today or tomorrow for better sailing angle.
(They are Sounding happier and the conditions will continue to improve. At least they are now heading for marsden.)
Great news guys, so pleased
Avg: 2.7knts
24hr: 63.9nm
one of our worst nights ever at sea.
Hang in there Michael &
Not like and sorry to hear
Well done you guys.
When are you expecting to
Avg: 2.9knts
24hr: 70.7nm
Well, we think it is official, we are not having fun anymore!! But all well aboard.
Prayers for calmer seas and
Glad all well on board,
Hang in there. The front will
Hang in there. Nearly done.
Are you in the middle of a
Avg: 4.6knts
24hr: 111.3nm
bashing along, but plan to heave to after weather, 122 to Opua
Good luck with your last day
Avg: 4.4knts
24hr: 104.9nm
await the special 40m sked.
Avg: 5knts
24hr: 120.6nm
this during ham net time. Via relay from gary VK4IBC. 200nm to go. It will seem like 2000 i guess!
Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 136.5nm
had a wind shift about 0130, N to S, but no dramatic speed change
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 156nm
We have been motoring since 0545, not what we expected for today, but better than getting bashed. Are hoping to get some sailing in this evening if it continues to build(maybe wishful thinking). We do not have enough fuel to motor the whole way in, especially if we get any sort of head seas,Ha Ha. It Will be close, so we are hoping to sail so we have a bit of a cushion. Skies are milky, hazy
Fingers crossed for some
Sounds like conditions are gonna be not very nice, we will take you advice and try not to close the coast too soon.
Avg: 6.6knts
24hr: 158.6nm
Motor sailing again, pretty rolly as we chug along, in beam seas. Preparing the fan to be hit.
Avg: 6.7knts
24hr: 161.8nm
Wind picked up FINALLY around 1330 and has been good sailing ever since 6.5-7k. Will tuck a reef in the main tonight, but will do our best to keep up speed. Hope to be at 30s around 0500 in the morning, if speed holds through the night. Still holding out hope of going into Marsden, but from our waypoint at 30 00s 176 30e Opua is 30nm closer so we would save 5-6 hours if beating. We will see ho
Keeping my fingers crossed
Avg: 5.3knts
24hr: 127.2nm
still on course for just avoiding the low but has the fronts to contend with.
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 145.8nm
very frustrating night. Quite a strong adverse current, that we are motoring into, burning fuel, but now making much headway
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 162.1nm
Hmm. The race is on. Will they beat the low. Stay tuned for the exciting finish to this saga.
Avg: 7.5knts
24hr: 179.4nm
much more comfortable, "the calm before the storm". Still trying to come up with a strategy for the low we will sail into. Temps coming down.
Avg: 24knts
24hr: 575nm
Seas have settled a bit, but still pretty lumpy. Wind has clocked, so we are on more of a beat. Nervously watching the low forecast near NZ on Thursday.
by ham net time speed was up! 6.7 knots with 720 nautical miles to Opua NZ.
Avg: 6.7knts
24hr: 161.6nm
Doing well and full sped ahead. with 720 nautical miles to Opua NZ. This report from the ham net at 2100 UTC
Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 137.3nm
making headway in quite uncomfortable sea conditions. Finally see the sun this morning. Had to slow down so we wouldn't pound so hard for most of yesterday.
Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 137.4nm
getting used to being at sea again. On passage to Whangarei
Motoring out of the reef in Fiji.
Let the spending begin, in Vuda Point Marina. "Cooks Night Off" last night. Will be looking for a slightly earlier wx window to NZ because of travel to the US.
Arrived in Saweni Bay yesterday just after noon after a great downwind sail inside the reef. Anchored in a 20k N wind throwing a big sea into the bay. Quite "boisterous" until about 1600 or so, when the winds went to the S, moderated and the bay settled
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
25nm from Lautoka
Anchored off Nananu-i-ra. Still on N coast of Viti Levu. Lots of pretty flash homes on shore.
Anchored in Toba Basaga Bay on the N side of Viti Levu, walting to a small waterfall today, we hope.
Anchored after a great sail from Ruku Ruku. Will wait till we get some better sun to work our way around the N. side of Viti Levu
In Ruku Ruku on the W side of Ovalau.
Same spot in Makogai
Anchored at Makogi, a bit rolly
Back in the "big city". Anchored in Savu Savu, will provision up, fuel up, extend our visa, and enjoy multiple "cooks nights off" and be here for at least a week.
Hi Michael and Barbara,
Anchored in Nasasobo Bay, just W of Viani Bay
Motor sailed down from Katherine Bay, very light winds, and variable. Wind filled in late in the day from N- NE, right after we arrived. One mahi on the way.
Snugly anchored in Katherine Bay. We wanted to visit a friend here, but he is in Suva. Shared some of our mahi with a local fisherman in the bay.
Anchored in Katherine Bay. Wanted to get out of the very deep anchorage in Albert Cove, for incoming front.
Albert Cove, Rabi. Had a great sail yesterday once we rounded the point. Mostly E-ENE winds. Fishing was very productive. Two Mahis to the boat, the bigger one landed, plus one rainbow runner which we had for dinner.
Glad to hear you're eating
New anchor spot will wait for lighter breezes to go around Undu Point, will do laundry at the very nice stream in the meantime.
This is Steve, formerly of
Anchored next to an Island that we cannot pronounce(correctly), spelled Tilagica. Very nice morning. Good motor sail yesterday, caught(finally) a very nice mahi and filled the water tanks with the RO machine.
Moved from Tivi to what the locals call Bula Bay. Went up the Wainakoro River yesterday in the repaired dinghy, got a bit more diesel, outboard gas, cookies, a new cooking gas regulator and cold drinks. The shop here has one of everything, except the eggs were "finished".
Chris says to check Tampa
Moved the 9nm to Tivi Island. It is well protected, and no noise from the timber mill(just the sugar cane trains). Will try to make a temporary fix to the dinghy here
Still in Malau, successful trip into town yesterday, will move a bit more east to Tivi Island today, after cooking gas tank refill. Still haven't seen any significant rain.
Left Kia, now in Malau taking the early bus to Labasa for supplies and a bit of diesel. Sad to leave Kia. Still recovering from Michael's climb to the top of the hill on Kia where a really old canon is located along with great views of the Great Sea Reef
Still anchored in Kia, has been quite nice. Some very short showers on Fri night. Mostly clear, no sign of the trough out here.
Made it out to Kia Island. Had a visit with Save and did Sevu Sevu. Will go in and visit the island school today.4.3 rooster index.
Very pretty morning. Had dinner at Palm Lea Farms. A fun evening of way too much food. Hope to move out to Kia today or tomorrow.
at anchor on the north side of Vanua Levu. Lots of burning yesterday, we guess because the wind was finally down a bit. We are hoping to get to Palm Lea Farms today, if the breezes stay light.
Wind down so far this morning. Been quite blustery for the last few days. If the wind stays moderate we will move on to Palm Lea Farms and visit Joe and Julie.
Glad to see you are sailing
Windy and gusty night and morning. must be orographics. Second place we have been close to land with strong winds. Out of cell phone range for a few days til we move again.
Anchored off Navigiri. Will go ashore tomorrow morning for Sevu Sevu. Hope to get up Fiji's longest river, the Draketi, in the next few days.
Anchored in Naviqiri, saw friends we met last year. Will be a warm day today.
Anchored in Koroinasolo Bay, a bit breezy and cool but well protected, shallow and good holding. Will visit the school today, did Sevu Sevu yesterday. The most informal yet!
Anchored in Baulailai Bay, great downwind sail yesterday to here.
Nice down wind sail toward Nabuwalu. Decided to carry on after looking at wind direction there. Now in Bua Bay, wind is 18-20 SE but flat seas. Just like the last time we were here.
Anchored near Nasonisono Pass. Passage yesterday afternoon. Tried to catch the tide on the pass, but it was at least two hours early! Breezy night, 100% cloud this morning.
Waiting for winds to moderate, then off to the clockwise circumnavigation of Vanua Levu. Anchored off the Cousteau Resort. Nice to be out of town, but no more "cooks nights off" for the near future.
Avg: 3.8knts
24hr: 90.1nm
On a mooring in SavuSavu. Safely arrived here at 0840 local time. (Clearance was a breeze, as expected.) After a VERY boisterous last 18 hours. Lots of squalls, wind SE 20-25 and 2-3m swell from the same. Looking forward to more than 3 hours of continuous sleep and a chili/chicken meat pie from the Hot Bread Shop.
Good work! And now the reward
Avg: 6knts
24hr: 144.1nm
dodging fishing boats right now but good sailing overnight, a bit of drizzle, not great vis, but only 120nm to go
Almost there, yippee! The
Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 128.4nm
sailing, slow going compared to the start of the trip. 246nm to go.
Avg: 4.1knts
24hr: 98.2nm
Just started motoring after a VERY slow night downwind sailing, 355nm to go to SavuSavu
Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 112.3nm
came through the front yesterday around 1230. Wind shift 1430. Settled finally around 1900. Sailing with poled out heady.
Avg: 3.7knts
24hr: 88.2nm
wind turned north last night around 1900 or so, been sort of "running in place" till they become more favorable for making our way north
Avg: 5.1knts
24hr: 123.5nm
just jibed the poled out heady, Barbara finally shed two layers of woolies for the night watch, looks to be really nice sunrise
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 133.5nm
good signal today
Avg: 5.3knts
24hr: 127.3nm
really slow sailing all night, we did just start motor for GHR weather and nets
Avg: 7.9knts
24hr: 189.3nm
On ham net via George VK4gsf
Avg: 7knts
24hr: 167.1nm
still sailing nicely. We are telling ourselves it is getting warmer.
We're 80 deg. here at 1:30pm
Hope your safe and living the
Sailing nicely since yesterday afternoon, but hasn't warmed up yet.
Have a good safe trip.
In Marsden Cove, staging for trip to Fiji. Sure hope wx forecast holds.
Sailed all but 10 miles to Urquharts Bay, on our way to Whangarei, NZ. Had a great sail, 6.5-7k most of the way, till the wind died. Will start the last minute preps in town when we get there later this week.
Back over to Smokehouse Bay from Kiwiriki, for showers after riding out TC Cook. Luckily the storm was farther east and weaker than forecast so we did fine. Will look for a window to get back to the Hatea River and Whangarei next week. Happy Easter!
Winds swung to the E, so moved to Kaiarara Bay. Might do a walk or maybe a dinghy ride into town if the drizzle stops.
Anchored here to ride out the remnants of Cyclone Debbie. Lots of rain and gusty, but not too uncomfortable. Might head back to Smokehouse for hot showers today.
Safely anchored in Smokehouse Bay. After a very pleasant motor here. Flat seas, clear skies and lite winds(sailing would have been better) but we never saw the forecast showers. Hope the water system is working here for hot showers.
Anchored in Urquhart Bay. Hope to get to Great Barrier Island tomorrow. Really glad to be out of town and on the hook again.
FINALLY, back in the water. At the dock in Whangarei Marina. Recovering and getting ready to try and get to Great Barrier Island early next week. Really glad the haul out is over, but we did get most of what we had planned finished.
We are currently hauled out at Docklands 5 in Whangarei and will be for at least 4-6 weeks. All good, just routine maintenance and new bottom paint.
Whew, pretty breezy last night 25-35 sustained, NNE. A fair amount of rain that is much needed. Will wait here til Tuesdays haul out at Docklands 5. Hope the wind settles today, still 15-20k from the SW which is not the best direction for here in the Nook.
Anchored in Tutakaka Harbour. Blustery this morning, but had a very nice sail yesterday from Whangaruru. Will let this wx pass and try and catch the forecast northerlies Saturday morning.
Tough slog south, should have waited for the late afternoon northwesterlies. Anchored in Whangaruru, Puriri Bay. Will most likely move tomorrow, but later in the day to Tutukaka.
Comfortably anchored in Whamgamumu. Waiting for a bit more settled wx to keep working our way toward Whangarei. Hope Docklands gets the lift fixed soon, so we can get our haulout overwith.
Tucked in, being REALLY lazy. Wx has been glorious. Head back to Opua Monday for final heady roller furler fix, then will head south toward Whangarei for a haul out. Russel Boat Club Tall Ships Race today at noon.
Anchored in Assassination Cove or Te Hue Bay. Needed good internet for an important phone call tomorrow morning. Still great weather, although a bit chilly for us. Fun to watch all the NZ'ers swimming, water skiing and paddle boarding.
Made an epic passage this morning. . . . all of 1 nm. Omakiwi has accessible beaches and a nice walk or two ashore. Still very pleasant weather.
Merry Christmas. We are out of the slip, andhave a working refrigerator, a great present for us. Beautiful clear NZ summer morning.
Still in Opua, galley well underway. New stainless box going in this coming week(we hope). New formica around sinks looks great. Main roller furler noise sorted, still waiting on outcome of small break on headsail furler.
Avg: 4.5knts
24hr: 108.6nm
Safely tied to Q-dock in Opua. 0600 as sky was getting brighter. Beat the front, all good aboard.
Welcome "home" we are pleased
Fabulous. Well done. !
Avg: 5.8knts
24hr: 139.7nm
Less than 100nm to go. Looking for the forecast northerlies so we can shut off the engine. Busy day yesterday, fixed steering, put on new v-belt on engine, and changed oil in new transmission, per the instructions after 25hrs of use.
Avg: 7knts
24hr: 167.9nm
Sailing, very nice morning, but cold. We seem to be benefiting from a bit of current pushing us along.
I gather it is about Turkey
Avg: 6.7knts
24hr: 161.6nm
Getting colder, smaller moon, still confused seas but we are making headway in the right direction
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 155.7nm
Sailing, in the right direction, getting cooler, and wind backing from last night, hope it holds
Sorry to hear about the
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 134.6nm
FINALLY pointing in the right direction to Opua. Still very confused seas, but they are down a bit
Avg: 2.9knts
24hr: 69.3nm
Whew, what a day. Spent yesterday "treading water" tacking but not making any headway toward Opua. Hope we have better luck today. By the way the wheel steering quit as well. The autopilot is still working, we hope to be able to repair the wheel/cable steering today.
Hope the wind starts to give
Avg: 3.9knts
24hr: 92.9nm
Bashing along east of rhumb line. Front came through last night around 1830 not too bad. Not so comfortable now. At least we are sailing faster than yesterday.
Avg: 5.5knts
24hr: 133.1nm
Motorsailing, sailed into no wind around 21 04s 176 38e. Seems to be some adverse current. We have seen some with us and some against us since we left. Had to use a light blanket last night, we are gonna miss the tropics
Avg: 4.8knts
24hr: 115nm
Underway, making good time. Enjoying the last of the warm weather
We will leave today for NZ. Hoping for the best. Looks like a good first day, then not much wind.
Moored in Vuda Marina. Awaiting a haul out, hopefully tomorrow, to clean bottom, put on zincs and right back into the water. No hard stand. Then the wait for an adequate wx window to Opua
Will move into Vuda Point Marina today. Hope to leave Fiji, end of the week or early next week.
Moved over to Saweni Bay for a couple of nights, so we can see some friends we met in Majuro, Marshall Islands
Happy Diwali. Anchored in Nadi Bay. Calm nights.
Momi Bay, SW corner of Viti Levu
At anchor in Momi Bay.
Anchored on Momi Bay. Waiting to go into Vuda Point. Great leisurely sail today. 10-15k SE winds, left early so could go slow.
Avg: 4.6knts
24hr: 110.9nm
Anchored off Robinson Crusoe Resort, Likuri Bay, Viti Levu. Great sail from Vunanui Bay once wind filled in around 0900.
bottom of Viti Levu
About 30nm, W of Suva at anchor in Vunanui Bay.
May move today, not much wind forecast from Fiji Met. Looking to move along the S coast of Viti Levu toward Vuda Point.
Good protection.
Staying put
Anchored on Malumu Bay on Beqa
On mooring in Lami Bay, west of Suva.
On a mooring in Lami, just west of Suva
Still anchored in RukuRuku, on Ovalau. Will visit the school today.
Anchored in Ruku Ruku on Ovalau, will take the truck into Levuka this morning
On our way from Taveuni to Koro
On a mooring at Paradise Dive. Dropped off our guests, and had a great meal last night.
Anchored in Katherine Bay, in honor of Kathryn Sobocinski one of our guests. Will walk into the village today.
Still in Albert Cove Rabi, went into Nuku yesterday and visited the school. More snorkeling today
If you run into little girls
Anchored in Albert Cove, Rabi
Anchored in Nasosobo Bay/Dakinuba, on our way to Albert Cove, Rabi. Kathryn and Mark are on board, but no fish yet!!!!
Still on a mooring in Savusavu
Still on a mooring in Savusavu
On a mooring in Savusavu. Enjoying chicken pies and ice cream. Got one load of fuel aboard, more today and the reprovisioning will begin.
this is a test send
Long motor sail from Nabouwalu to the Cousteau Resort anchorage just outside of Savusavu. Hooked two fish, landed zero! Very light air for all but the last couple of hours, made the Nasonisoni Passage on pretty much slack tide(luckily, we hear). Will start the cleaning and organizing for upcoming guests.
BIG DAY, yesterday. The crew of Astarte met and got photos with the Prime Minister of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama. He was taking the ferry from Nabouwala back to Viti Levu and we came ashore to see him off. We were met by his security detail, who invited us to join in with all the other photo takers that were there with their cell phone cameras. We were quite honored.
At anchor
Anchored REALLY close to the ferry dock in Nabouwala.
Bashing their way east along the coast of Vanua Levu in uncomfortable seas
Barbara and Michael, I keep
Anchored in Bua Bay. Will wait here for the best window to make the last two hops to Savusavu
Now on west side of Vanua Levu continuing their circumnavigation of the island
Made the turn, no on the western edge of Vanua Levu. Will have to be more careful with weather windows to finish the circumnavigation
Anchored off Naviqiri, still on the north side of Vanua Levu.
Wind, calm. 100% cloud, 1010.9mb Astarte is pointing E. May or may not move west today. Calmer than yesterday.
Still anchored near the Draketi River. Wind 15-18 SE, 40% cloud, 1011.4mB. Calm night, but windy early this morning.
Miss you guys. Hope your
Tore ourselves away from Palmlea Farms(it was difficult to leave). Anchored in Nakalou Anchorage, looking forward to a dinghy trip up Fiji's longest river, The Draketi. 18-22E- ESE gusts, 60% cloud 1012.6mB
During Tony's net on 20m.
Anchored off Palmlea Farms resort. Enjoyed a really good "cooks night off" dinner out at their restaurant, with Michelle and Lance from Sweetwaters. Enjoyed one of the best key lime pies we have ever had. Wx, calm, Astarte pointing SE, 35% cloud, Bara1014.6.
moved closer to mainland as needed protection from the swell.
Got really rolly and rainy this morning around 0900, so decided to move back closer to Vanua Levu and protection for the weather that is forecast early this week.
Anchored off Ligau on Kia Island. Finally got into clear water, but it was a bit rolly last night. Not sure how long we will stay
Anchored in Malau, near the plywood mill. Not far from Labasa. Took the bus in today to start the reprovision. Another trip tomorrow.
Another nice day. This at 2100utc, 9am NZ time
Still off Tivi Island. Glass slick, no wind. 360 Blue, no clouds at all. 25c 1012.5mB. Will go in to look for the school, if we can make it through the mangrove channels at low tide
Anchored near Tivi Island. Will go in this afternoon to determine if Sevu Sevu is possible and necessary. It is an area that is very influenced by the Indo-Fijian Culture.
Avg: 2.8knts
24hr: 68.2nm
Anchored in "Black Jack Bay". Had a great downwind sail, but still no fish landed or even bites
Had a very pleasant visit on Also Island. We hope to start moving west as soon as we get some good light this morning. The Vanua Levu circumnavigation continues.
Anchored at Also Island. Met Jim who runs the Rag of the Air net. Will enjoy a few days here before continuing south and west around Vanua Levu
On the way to Also Island to say hi to Jim
Albert Cove Rabi (pron Ranbi) Is Fiji.
Anchored in Albert Cove. Nice sail up here, slow but comfortable. Still no fish!!!
Anchored in Katherine Bay, Rabi Island. 7 hour trip, 4 sailing, 3 motoring. A bit rolly, but we are optimistic that the swell will move around more to the east. Too slow for fish! But we had a line in.
Anchored in Dauniba. The flying foxes we are glad to report seem to have survived Winston. Lots taking to the air last night. Motor sailing trip here, but better than the last attempt. No fish!!! We tried hard
Tried early this morning to head to Fawn Harbor. Head seas and 18k of wind on the nose. . . .we re-lived the theme of this years cruise. We turned around and went back to the anchorage off the Cousteau Resort. Will wait for better conditions.
Hi Michael & Barbara, seems
on their way from Savusavu to Fawn Hbr
Off the mooring at Copra Shed and around the corner to the anchor at the Cousteau Resort. Hope the trough goes through tonight so we can have good visibility for the entrance tomorrow into Fawn Harbour
Safely settled in SavuSavu. In the marina for one night, then onto a buoy Thursday. Salt washed off, cooks night off.
Safe and sound... good to
Hi Michael and Barbara, Glad
Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 148nm
Yesterday got better and better for sailing, then around 4pm things started getting really rolly again! 27 nm to go
Avg: 6.7knts
24hr: 161.5nm
Really confused seas again last night. But still making good time. 159 nm to go
Glad you about to make
Avg: 6.7knts
24hr: 160.3nm
Really confused seas last night. But still making good time. 300 nm to go
Making good headway time,
Avg: 6.4knts
24hr: 154nm
Quite confused seas, but still making great time. 432nm to go to Savu Savu
Avg: 5.5knts
24hr: 133.1nm
Had a pretty pleasant night sailing, but as we got out to the squalls we got out of the wind. Now motor sailing
Avg: 6.7knts
24hr: 160.4nm
Roaring along under sail. Seas pretty bad, not much rest for the good crew of Astarte. But making great mileage. 685nm to go!
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 152.3nm
Roaring along under sail. Been quite fast for us. Boisterous day ahead we think
Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 135.7nm
Still underway toward Fiji. Had to start the iron genny about 0300. Very very light winds. Heard the Orion last night calling boats looking for an active EPIRB. Don't know how it was resolved.
Looking for Active EPIRB is
Take Two, left Opua yesterday around noon on our second attempt for Fiji. Conditions are a bit rolly, but was making good time until about 0430.
The second try is always
Avg: 4.3knts
24hr: 102.7nm
Made it to Opua Marina, Will rest up tonight then start the work tomorrow. Monday is a holiday so hopefully we will begin the replacement of the roller furler then.
Hello guys, How are you,
Avg: 4.5knts
24hr: 106.9nm
28nm to Opua. Welcome back!
Good to see you are back
28nm from Q dock in Opua. Condtions settled down.
Avg: 2.6knts
24hr: 62.5nm
Have turned back for Opua, currently motorsailing. Headsail roller furler has failed. Better to get repairs in NZ. Very very rough night. Did our best to hove to, 35k winds big seas, all right on the nose. Still right on the nose, but now underway again.
Sorry to hear about the
Avg: 3knts
24hr: 71.5nm
Roller furler has failed and they are returning to Opua for repairs
Hi Michael. We received your
You have to have some luck
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 163.9nm
Been motoring almost non stop since yesterday morning. Will need to conserve fuel. We will be sailing from now on. Squally after midnight, light air between squalls
Underway for Minerva or Fiji. "pretty not bad" sailing. Wind speed all over the board, along with boat speed. No too much in the way of squals, so far. Really glad to be on the way.
In Marsden Cove, the official check out port. Will be looking at a window to leave, but Monday is closing up. Argggh
We're still waiting in Opua!
In Wahngarei Town Basin, prepping for the trip north, hopefull on the next weather window.
See you are still in NZ
Hope you can sneak through
Moved up to the Nook. Expected some wind that never really arrived, first time here.
Motorsailed back toward Whangarei. Anchored in Urquhart Bay, hoping to get into Whangarei marina next week to begin the prep to head to Fiji in early May
Still anchored in Great Barrier. We moved from SmokeHouse Bay to get some protection from the forecast winds. Glad we did. Saw a fearless Little Blue Penguin as we entered this bay. I put the wrong numbers in for the position, so this one should be correct. Wx today simply gorgeous, but a bit cold.
Anchored in Great Barrier. We moved from SmokeHouse Bay to get some protection from the forecast winds. Glad we did. Saw a fearless Little Blue Penguin as we entered this bay
Finally out of Auckland for the year(we think). Got a good wx window to head out to Great Barrier Isl. Will be here for a week or more.
Whoo hoo, the Kawau Boat Club is open after power repairs all over Kawau. Big wind change at midnight, no major issues in the anchorage
We moved to Mansion House Bay to get some relief from the westerlies that were building
Back in Bon Accord Harbour, Kawau. Have our friend Tom aboard. Barbara is still back in Salem,MA with her mom. Good motor trip here.
Came back into Bon Accord Harbour, Kawau Island. Yet again. Have our friend Tom with me this time. Barbara still visiting her mom in Salem, MA
Back in Auckland. Had a really good sail from Kawau to Pier 21. Had the tide with us and saw 8.5k with reefed main and heady!
Music Festival today. Over 150 boats in the harbour. Giant NZ Yacht Squadron event tonight as well as races today!
Came back into Bon Accord Harbour, Kawau Island. After a VERY successful visit to TiriTiri Matangi. Actually spotted a Kiwi on a night walk. Will stay here if the wx lets us, through Saturday and the Music at the Mansion event.
Will move from Putiki today to Titri tiriMitangi. Hope to see the nesting blue penguins.
Anchored in Putiki Bay, on the south side of Waiheke Island. Wine tour today with our guest Sue
Moored at PIer 21 in Auckland. Sue arrives Sunday, hope the wx cooperates and we can leave on Monday or Tuesday for Waiheke Isl
Anchored in Uquhart Bay, waiting to go to Kawau either tomorrow or Friday
In our final pile mooring, at Town Basin Marina Whangarie New Zealand. Let the spending begin!!
Safely tied up and cleared into Marsden Cove Marina, New Zealand. The best passage we have had so far.
Avg: 7.1knts
24hr: 170.5nm
on a bee line to Marsden cove.
Good work you two.
Motoring since noon yesterday, smelling the barn, only 33 nm to go
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 154.8nm
needs to start the ..#*^ engine!
Motor sailing, now the current is not helping, but trying to keep speed up
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 151.2nm
thanks for relays Michael
Going well? Weather looks OK,
Happy Thanksgiving, sailing still, making good time. Quick sailing last night 6+ knots
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 151.7nm
noting the current changes
Still sailing at or over our target speed.
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 150.9nm
had a good spped around 7 overnight but wind has dropped
Scooting along at 7+ knots most of the night, thanks to current we think. slowed a bit now
Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 137.4nm
beaut sailing wx
been sailing most of the way, a bit west of the rhumb line, dealing with mostly adverse current
sailing to NZ, hard on the wind waiting for the wind to back a bit
Leaving noumea today for nz
leaving Noumea tomorrow for NZ.
anchored near Mato, new spot for us
anchored near Mato, new spot for us
anchored on Baie de Tortue on Isl Ouen
all cleared in, anchored in Prony Bay. Had a good test of the engine yesterday, might have finally solved the water leak!
on mooring and will check in Monday
arrived noon, on a mooring in Anse Majik, will go to Noumea on Monday after officialdom re-opens
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 162.6nm
thru Havannah pass. and will trot up to Noumea over the weekend.
Avg: 4.4knts
24hr: 105.4nm
engine running but no leak. 10m from Havannah Pass
under way, 12nm to Havana Pass. Motoring no wind, hope we are not too early
under way to New Caledonia, so far sailed the whole way, slowed down to make Havana Pass at good tide
about 40m from Blue Note
under way to New Caledonia
Still in Vila, no wind 0% cloud, beautiful morning. Waiting for wx to get to New Caledonia
Hi guys. Got an email from
10%cloud no wind in anchorage, mostly sunny for the last couple of days
Moored in Port Vila, after a great sail down from Maewo. Got lucky with ESE winds day before yesterday. Clear and calm in the mooring field
Still anchored in Asanvari, Maewo, Vanuatu, just had fresh bread delivered to the boat. 20% cloud lite and variable in the anchorage
anchored in Asanvari, Maewo
corrected: anchored just outside Lolowai, will move over to Maewo this morning wind 10-15 SE-ESE
anchored just outside Lolowai, will move over to Maewo this morning wind 10-15 SE-ESE
anchored safely in Lolowai on Ambae, wind bullets all night, high broken clouds this morning. welcome back David and Patricia
anchored safely in Lasalav Bay on the N E corner of Gaua
anchored safely in Lokona Bay on the SW coast of Gaua, in the Banks Group. Looking forward to the Lakona Bay Kastom Festival on Thursday!
Heard lightly on 14315 @ 2100utc
Whoo Hoo, sunny day yesterday, Anchored in Peterson Bay on Santo
Anchored off Ratua, south of Luganville
arrived Awei, south of Malekula yesterday after overnight sail
Avg: 2.9knts
24hr: 68.6nm
safely on a mooring in Port Vila. All is good. Passage was interesting, one fish and one overheated engine. Sailed pretty much the whole way.
left Tanna at 0630on our way to Port Vila. Sailing, should arrive Vila Friday Morning early if winds hold
heading up the mountain tonight
on our way to Tanna, Port Resolution. Gorgeous day hope to sail soon, as wind builds from morning calm
Avg: 2.6knts
24hr: 61.9nm
Safely at anchor in Anietyum.
Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 136.7nm
23 nm to go. Been sailing all night triple reefed
Avg: 6.4knts
24hr: 153.1nm
wind just dropped off. Been sailing well all night
Avg: 3.3knts
24hr: 78.5nm
through the fronts, winds favorable, now sailing toward our destination and reasonably comfortably!
Avg: 3.1knts
24hr: 73.6nm
into the northerlies, two squall lines about 1500utc. Slowed down trying to hove to
Avg: 5.8knts
24hr: 139.6nm
been sailing since 1800 yesterday. Hope we are far enough north to lessen effects of low.
Avg: 6.6knts
24hr: 157.2nm
still motoring, trying to get north of approaching wx. Latitude going down, temperature going up
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 134.4nm
motoring since 0200, less confused seas
rolly following seas, but making good time
underway to Vanuatu, downwind rolly sailing
Waiting in Whangarie Town Basin for wx window for departure
Just splashed after 6weeks in Docklands 5. Hoping to head out to Great Barrier when weather clears.
On a pile mooring in Whangarei Town Basin Marina
safely arrived marsden cove marina, at sunset Sunday night
Avg: 38knts
24hr: 912.5nm
We should arrive Marsden Cove Marina this evening with only 55 nm to go!!
Avg: 3.1knts
24hr: 74.7nm
Yesterday position
Avg: 4.8knts
24hr: 115.9nm
1515utc, finally lost the wind, motorsailing into a slight head sea hence the slower speed
Avg: 4.8knts
24hr: 114.4nm
Avg: 3.8knts
24hr: 90.8nm
1515utc, tacking our way south had to slow down to stop the pounding
Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 128.7nm
Avg: 9.4knts
24hr: 224.9nm
problem with Pactor so no email. great radio tho and GHR appreciates the relays
.1500utc, sailing FINALLY, wind came up about two hours ago
Avg: 4.2knts
24hr: 99.7nm
from 10am NZ time
.1900utc, motor sailing since midnight all is good
just working their way out of the laggon/reef on route to NZ
Leaving New Caledonia for NZ after this mornings net, about 0715.
en0jying the southern lagoon
Moored in Port Moselle
Baie de Pronie
Avg: 5.1knts
24hr: 122.3nm
leftEfate Tues mrnign for New Cal
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