Betty Boop

We are in Indonesia in Jayapura, where we cleared in And have a great time.
The achorage is not to beautiful but the people are wonderful
Next week we go to Raja Ampat.
After Raja Ampat to Ambon, Flores, Komodo etc. to Bali.
Hello, we are on this moment in the Solomons islands, VonaVona lagoon, Western Province near GIZO.
Visit several islands and cleared in in Honiara. People are very friendly and we enjoy our staying. Betty Boop was on the hard for antifouling in Liapari, Vellavella island also near GIZO. Wil stay here till half February and clear out to go to Rabaul, PNG. First off may we collect our VISA for Indonesia in Vanimo, PNG north.
After that to Jayapura, 30 nam north off Vanimo, and to Raja Ampat etc. end off the jear to Maleisie.
Weather is good and the lagoon is beautiful.
Greetings to everyone and a healthy 2017 and....a good sailing season.
After several nice islands after Efate like Epi, Ambrym, Maskeline islands en Malekula and Pentecote, we are now with Betty Boop in Luganville, Espiritu Santo.
Everywhere nice people, they were happy with the fishing lines, T-shirts, Toys etc. etc. We where happy with the fruits and vegetables.
Now we are waiting for parts for the Duogen, autopilot and Watermaker. We are at anchor at Beachfront Resort with several other yachts. Nice place!
In September we want to sail to the Solomons islands.
But....everything can change wen sailing! It are only plans.
Crew of BB wishes everyone a good and safe trip to...whatever place.
1 June arrived from OUVEA in Efate, Vanuatu, good trip, all Well on board
Avg: 4knts
24hr: 95.9nm
allmost there It was a nice trip with wind between 12 and mostly 35 knots
Hi M&A, from Paul on Searcher
Avg: 10.4knts
24hr: 250.2nm
All well on board on the way to New Caledonie Much warmer and Sunny
Avg: 8.6knts
24hr: 207.3nm
All well on board on the way to New Caledonie
Leaving Opua 25 April for Noumea, New Cal.
Avg: 8134.8knts
24hr: 195236.1nm
End April leaving Opua for Vanuatu, the Solomons islands
Betty Boop is back in Opua. Want to leave NZ end April
On work jetty in Opua
The motor problem is solved.
Avg: 8.5knts
24hr: 204.8nm
Opua Qaurantain dock engine stopt. Have to look voor somebody who can fixt it.
Avg: 5.8knts
24hr: 140.3nm
COG 150T SOG 4.4 knots
Avg: 7.5knts
24hr: 179.4nm
some showers
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 147.3nm
SoG 3 knots COG 242T All well on board
Avg: 7.4knts
24hr: 178.2nm
SOG 4.5 COG 226T motor sailing
Avg: 3.2knts
24hr: 76.6nm
eta sat Nov 7
Avg: 3.3knts
24hr: 78.3nm
via relay
Anchoring in Tongatapu, Big Mama, Tonga, waiting for weather
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