Cape Providence

Avg: 30.5knts
24hr: 731.5nm
Position report sent via Iridium GO
Avg: 45.9knts
24hr: 1100.7nm
txt from the crew at 8.20 am- motored all night due to lack of wind. Beautiful sunrise and cloud formation. Put the sun shade up today! Boat looks like a laundry with all the wet gear out to dry. Turned the motor off this afternoon and spent time floating so they could swim!!! All is well, happy sailors! Looking at arriving Fiji Saturday. Bronwyn
Hey Jo, hope all is going
Just heard from Joannes they are all well, there is alot of wind but managing fine. Hopefully winds dying out in the next day or so. They are making good progres. Bron
Heard from Cape Providence @ 3.30pm 30 knot wind and decent swells but doing well. Bron
Avg: 3.8knts
24hr: 91.2nm
Position from log at 03:10
Sure hope u didn't take that
Avg: 5.8knts
24hr: 139.2nm
Position at 00:00 from log
No blogs available for this yacht.
So glad you are back safely
Great to have you back.
Dear All