
Avg: 1185.6knts
24hr: 28455.1nm
Leaving Tual for Alor. Tual a great place to check in

Leaving Tual for Alert. Tual is great place to check in.
Leaving Port Moresby Sat 28th for Tual Indonesia via Torres Strait

Avg: 18.8knts
24hr: 450.3nm
About 25nmfrom Aneityum so will be anchored down by lunch time and enjoy the weekend.

Avg: 3.9knts
24hr: 93.4nm
all well

Avg: 7.7knts
24hr: 185.7nm

Enjoying sun waiting in Opua for weather window to leave for Vanuatu. Busy fitting AIS. Finally succumbed.

Avg: 7knts
24hr: 167.1nm
200 to Opua. Will get a wind shift late tomorrow but light and rain

Avg: 6knts
24hr: 143.3nm
via relay as they are now in my skip

Avg: 4.6knts
24hr: 110.3nm

Avg: 7.5knts
24hr: 179.3nm
booming signal from Kathryn. Wind direction wont be so good for a day but improves

Avg: 15.8knts
24hr: 379.1nm
saw whales this morning.

Avg: 2.8knts
24hr: 66.5nm
Checked out. Leaving for Opua early on 13th

Enjoying Noumea.
Will be watching weather from the end of this week to return to NZ

good to be anchored down in Aneityum
Avg: 4.4knts
24hr: 105.1nm
Should have said , now owners
Hi guys. Just curious.??? Was
Waiting in Bay of Islands for weather window to Vanuatu
Avg: 5.1knts
24hr: 123.3nm
arrivign in Opua after seeing orcas off north cape
Avg: 7.1knts
24hr: 171nm
Avg: 7knts
24hr: 169.2nm
all well desite front arriving at midnight
Avg: 6.9knts
24hr: 165.9nm
continuing pleasant weather but front arrives tomorrow!
Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 148.3nm
Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 128.9nm
all well
leaving Port Vila today for Opua
anchored in Baie Papaye watching weather to check out on Friday for Vanuatu
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