
Wed Nov 16 12:02 2016 NZDT
GPS: 22 30.073s 166 59.331e
Run: 27.3nm (49.4km)
Weather: Wind is easterly at 9-10kts. Swell is about 1/2 metre. Sky is overcast but rain has stopped

En route to Port Moselle for some (we hope minor) hydraulics repairs. Should be back at Isle de Pins to meet our projected departure on the weekend.

Fri Oct 21 23:54 2016 NZDT
GPS: 22 31.993s 167 24.891e
Run: 64.8nm (117.3km)

A great day swimming , kayaking and just hanging very loose in Baie Gadji after the rock and roll of Baie de Oro.

Sat Sep 17 11:14 2016 NZST
GPS: 35 50.213s 174 28.121e

In marina awaiting customs clearance. Plan to depart at 1430 today for Noumea.

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