Freycinet II

At 6:46 AM (GMT)14/02/2020 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Sykes Bay,Nth Bruny Is.In company with Whisper HR,Southerly change 15-20kts expected overnight, all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum

At 6:12 AM (GMT)11/02/2020 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored "The Duck Pond" Nth Bruny Island,we are the only boat here, all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum

At 5:30 AM (GMT)9/02/2020 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Cygnet,here for a few days,perhaps some cycling tomorrow, dinner tonight:BBQ grass fed Tasmanian fillet steak, served on a bed of spiced sweet potatoe with garden fresh broccoli& baby carrots,followed poached local plums with low fat Tamar valley yogurt,all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum

At 4:58 AM (GMT)15/01/2020 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Sykes Bay,Nth Bruny Is.In company with WhisperHR,visited the Quarantine Station,records there show my Grandfather "David Finnis Williams" arrived there April 1919 after WW1,all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum

At 1:32 AM (GMT)14/01/2020 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely moored Quarantine Bay,Nth Bruny Is. In company with WhisperHR,returning to POW Bay Marina Sat.18/1,All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum

At 5:56 AM (GMT)8/01/2020 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored,Quarantine Bay,North Bruny Island,great sail today from Cygnet, returning to marina in Hobart tomorrow for forecast strong winds, All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra/Dad Mum

At 9:08 AM (GMT)5/01/2020 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely moored Elizabeth St. pier Hobart, waiting arrival of additional crew from Clifton Hill, All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra/Dad Mum

At 2:02 AM (GMT)4/04/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely moored Prince of Wales Bay Marina,Hobart,docked at 1300hrs local time,returning to Melbourne by air Tuesday 9th April, All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra/Dad Mum
At 1:47 AM (GMT)3/04/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored back at Sykes bay, intending to return to Marina tomorrow to avoid northerly winds over weekend,returning to Melbourne by air Tuesday 9th April,Minestone Soup on the stove, All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra/Dad Mum
At 2:52 AM (GMT)1/04/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored at Cygnet,here a couple of days, Air Temp 16C,Water temp 16C,warmer weather forecast tomorrow, All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra/Dad Mum
At 5:51 AM (GMT)30/03/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Sykes Bay,in company with WhisperHR(Kevin & Mei (SYC),8km walk today on North Bruney Is. Air Temp 18C, Water temp 18C, All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra/Dad Mum
At 3:13 AM (GMT)29/03/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Simmonds Bay, All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra/Dad Mum

At 1:31 AM (GMT)22/01/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely moored Prince of Wales Bay Marina @1230hrs local time,returning to Melbourne by air Thurday 24th Jan. All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra/Dad Mum
At 5:34 AM (GMT)18/01/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Simmonds Bay,D'entrecasteaux Channel,went ashore this morning for a 2hr.walk,visited Tasmanian Whisky Distillers.25 kt westerly change expected around 2300 hrs tonight,well protected here, this afternoon we made contact with the new owners of "SV Lady Annabelle",(Amel 53'Ketch), Rob & Lia you will remember Pierre & his wife Ellen, (Asanvari,Vanuatu 2010), All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra/Dad Mum
At 5:51 AM (GMT)17/01/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Sykes Coves,D'entrecasteaux Channel, motored 25nm to within 2Nm of Cygnet,returned to Barnes Bay to avoid heavy smoke haze from bushfires in the SW, All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra

At 4:01 AM (GMT)16/01/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Apollo Bay,D'entrecasteaux Channel (East of Kettering),spotted a large seal waiting around the fish farms in the event of a breakout,heading to Cygnet tomorrow, All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra
At 2:23 AM (GMT)13/01/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Barnes Bay,D'entrecasteaux Channel, beautiful weather, nil wind cloudless sky, hopefully a few flathead in the pan tonight, All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra
At 8:29 AM (GMT)4/01/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely moored Prince of Wales Bay Marina Hobart,long day after 0530 start, we managed to pick the arrival time of the southerly change at Tasman Island, so downwind all day with gusts to 35kts. All's well onboard F2, Regards Doug & Sandra

At 7:34 AM (GMT)3/01/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Shoal Bay, Maria Is.Planning to head around to Hobart tomorrow subject to severity of expected SW change, Andrew on Airport Bus,returning to Melbourne by air tonight, all's well onboard F2,Regards Doug & Sandra
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 133.5nm
At 6:30 AM (GMT)2/01/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Safely anchored Passage Beach,FREYCINET II National Park,planning to anchor in Triabunna(30Nm)tomorrow midday to allow Andrew to catch the airport bus, all's well onboard F2,Regards Doug,Sandra & Andrew
Avg: 7.3knts
24hr: 174.7nm
At 9:02 PM (GMT)1/01/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Curently 15nM south of St Helens ,Rapid passage through Banks Strait last night with 3.5kt ebb tide, planning to anchor in Triabunna, ETA 2100 hrs,all's well onboard F2,Regards Doug,Sandra & Andrew
Avg: 8.7knts
24hr: 207.9nm
At 7:07 AM (GMT)1/01/2019 this was our position (see,weather and status: Fast Sailing today on a broad reach, toped out at 10.4 Knts, entering Banks Strait (Flinders Is.) at 2100hrs planning to Anchor in Wineglass Bay or Triabunna,dinner tonight: Seaman's Chicken Curry with grarden fresh peas & roasted sweet potatoe,desert,bananna split with low fat Yoghurt,all's well onboard F2,Regards Doug,Sandra & Andrew
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 162.3nm
At 9:10 PM (GMT)31/12/2018 this was our position (see,weather and status: Good progess overnight, procceding directly thru Banks Strait (Flinders Is.) planning to Anchor in Wineglass Bay Wednesday Night,alls well onboard F2,Regards Doug,Sandra & Andrew
Avg: 6knts
24hr: 143.1nm
At 10:01 AM (GMT)31/12/2018 this was our position (see,weather and status: motor sailing with full main,wind tending SW as forecast,dinner tonight,Indian Lamb curry ,with pamadams and Jasmin rice, followed by fresh frit salad & Yoghurt,Happy New Year & best wishes for 2019,alls well onboard F2,Regards Doug,Sandra & Andrew
At 7:21 AM (GMT)31/12/2018 this was our position (see,weather and status: motor sailing with full main,wind tending SW as forecast,dinner tonight,Indian Lamb curry ,with papadams and Jasmin rice, followed by fresh frit salad & Yoghurt,Happy New Year & best wishes for 2019,all's well onboard F2,Regards Doug,Sandra & Andrew
At 10:24 PM on 16/12/2018 safely moored at SYC
Avg: 3.5knts
24hr: 84.6nm
At 5:34 AM (GMT)3/03/2018 this was our position (see,weather and statu have met, thanks for your friendship and support,fair winds Regards Doug & Sandra
Hi Doug & Sandra,
Hi Serge & Joanne, we are
Avg: 7.3knts
24hr: 174nm
At 8:30 PM (GMT)2/03/2018 this was our position (see,weather and statust) 1430 Hrs Saturday 3/3(TBC) ,all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
At 7:39 AM (GMT)2/03/2018 this was our position (see,weather and statust) 1500 Hrs Saturday 3/3(TBC) ,all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
At 6:18 AM (GMT)1/03/2018 this was our position (see,weather and statuarriving SYC 1500 Hrs Saturday ,all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
Avg: 3.8knts
24hr: 91.6nm
At 7:20 AM (GMT)27/02/2018 this was our position (see,weather and statuforecast, all's well onboard F2, see you all very soon, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
At 5:11 AM (GMT)27/02/2018 this was our position (see,weather and statu from Refuge Cove , ETA 1730 hrs all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
Avg: 7.3knts
24hr: 176.2nm
At 6:21 AM (GMT)23/02/2018 this was our position (see,weather and status, safely anchored Eden,NSW at 1700 local time , we expect to spend 2-3 days in Eden waiting on weather,alls well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
Avg: 7.8knts
24hr: 188.1nm
At 10:48 PM (GMT)22/02/2018 this was our position (see,weather and status, sailing with full main & poled out Genoa, ETA Eden 1800hrs today Friday 23/2, we expect to spend 2-3 days in Eden waiting on weather,alls well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
Avg: 7.7knts
24hr: 185.1nm
At 8:47 PM (GMT)22/02/2018 this was our position (see,good night , motor sling since 0200 hrs. sailing with reefed main & Genoa, Montague Is. off stb bow, weather and status, , ETA Eden 1800hrs today Friday 23/2, we expect to spend 2-3 days in Eden waiting on weather,alls well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
Avg: 3.6knts
24hr: 85.5nm
At 7:07 AM (GMT)22/02/2018 this was our position (see,weather and status, sailing with full main & poled out Genoa, ETA Eden 1600hrs Friday 23/2, we expect to spend 2-3 days in Eden waiting on weather,alls well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
At 9:58 AM (GMT)21/02/2018 this was our position (see,weather and statuend 2-3 days in Eden waiting on weather,alls well on F2,Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
At 6:18 AM (GMT)18/02/2018 this was our position,weather and status,moored in Smith's Creek (off Cowan Creek),waiting on weather, ETD Melbourne via Eden still Wednesday 21/2/2018, all's well on F2,Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
At 2:53 AM (GMT)16/02/2018 this was our position,weather and status,moored Pinta Bay (off Cowan Creek),waiting on weather, ETD Melbourne currently Wednesday 21/2/2018, alls well on F2,Regards Doug Sandra/Dad Mum
On 12/02/2018 6:20 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status, moored in Coasters Retreat (see,heading to RPAYC marina tomorrow to hopefully collect repaired autopilot Microprocessor, Sandra's leave approved to depart to Waterloo for 2 nights to visit Mako(8mths), Patricia thanks for greeting on T net, loud & Clear in Sydney,some phone coverage here, all's well on F2 , Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 10/02/2018 7:24 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status, anchored Yeoman's Bay, Expecting Sven & Lisa (Randivag) over for a BBQ ,nice afternoon spent with CCA (Cruising Club Aust)members at Cottage Rock, all's well on F2 , Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 8/02/2018 2:07 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status,moored in Pinta Bay(see, 27 deg C Clear sky , water is clear , we are the only boat here , awning up , very comfortable , here for a couple of days , all's well on F2 , Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 7/02/2018 6:21 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status,Moored in McCarrs Ck.Pittwater (see , Auto Pilot currently U/S,computer to be removed for technician to investigate fault next Tuesday 13/2 (earliest available date),may delay departure for Melbourne. Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 4/02/2018 4:21 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status,safely moored Smiths Creek,(Off Cowans Ck),see,great weekend with family aboard ,still no phone or internet coverage here, We'll check winlink morning and night, alls well aboard F2 ,Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 2/02/2018 4:23 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status,safely moored Smiths Creek,(Off Cowans Ck),still no phone or internet coverage here, We'll check winlink morning and night, all's well aboard F2 ,Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 1/02/2018 7:37 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status,safely moored Yeomans Bay (Off Cowans Ck), steep natural bush on 3 sides, glass sooth here tonight, on a public mooring,a few other boats around, no phone or internet coverage here, We'll check winlink morning and night, alls well aboard F2 , Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad

Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 148.2nm
On 28/10/2017 7:13 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status,safely moored Cammeray,Sydney,a beautiful anchorage,we are here for a while, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 27/10/2017 7:37 PM UTC this was our position,weather & status,motor sailing, departed Port Stephens 0200hrs, ETA Sydney Heads 1800hrs today Sat 28/10, alls well onboard. Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Avg: 4.5knts
24hr: 109.1nm
On 25/10/2017 9:15 PM UTC this was our position,weather & status,safely anchored at Shoal Bay, Port Stephens at 0800hrs AEDLST, thunderstorms enroute last night, plenty of fork lightening,fortunately at a safe distance, forecast southerly weather will keep us in Port Stephens until atleast Saturday, alls well onboard. Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Great to hear your update
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 163.6nm
8 miles to port Stephens. Good signal from Sandra
Avg: 7.4knts
24hr: 178.7nm
On 25/10/2017 6:47 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status, sailing with Genoa poled out, ETA Port Stephens 0900 hrs Tomorrow (Thursday 26/10), southerly weather and rain will keep us in Port Stephens until atleast Saturday, alls well onboard. Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Avg: 9.4knts
24hr: 224.6nm
On 24/10/2017 8:21 PM UTC this was our position,weather & status, sailing with Genoa poled out,many ships & Fishing boats to contend with on the coast,ETA Port Stephens 0700 hrs Thursday 26/10, alls well onboard. Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Avg: 7.9knts
24hr: 189.8nm
Sandra got some relay work today.

On 24/10/2017 6:45 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status, motor sailing,up to 2+Kts current assist, water temp 25 deg.C,dolphin esort at times,ETA Port Stephens 0700 hrs Thursday 26/10, alls well onboard. Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 11/10/2017 3:33 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status, Anchored at the spit,surfers Paradise,Peter Thanks for advice re power lines, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 10/10/2017 4:13 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status, Anchored at Tipplers on the Broadwater,Gold Coast,expect to be waiting on weather perhaps a week to head south, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 1/10/2017 11:18 PM UTC this was our position,weather & status, Berthed at Rivergate Marina 0800(AEST)Monday 2/10,Cleared Customs & Quarantine by 0900hrs, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Hi Doug and Sandy, See you
Avg: 5.8knts
24hr: 139.1nm
motoring across Moreton Bay and will be at Customs dock in 2 hours. Happy Landfall from all your cruising friends.
Avg: 7.2knts
24hr: 172.2nm
On 1/10/2017 6:26 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status,sailing with reefed main alone to slow the boat,DTG 49nm (to NE Chn.),ETA customs Dock Rivergate Marina 0800(AEST)Monday 2/10,alls well aboard,Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Avg: 6.9knts
24hr: 164.9nm
On 30/09/2017 9:11 PM UTC this was our position,weather & status,sailing fast,0.8 kt.adverse current, DTG 107nm (to NE Chn.),ETA customs Dock Rivergate Marina 0800(AEST)Monday 2/10,alls well aboard,Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 134.5nm
On 30/09/2017 7:04 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status,motor sailing, DTG 191nm (to NE Chn.),ETA customs Dock Early AM Monday 2/10,alls well aboard, AFL GF Booming in on ABC Radio,"Go Tigers" , Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
Avg: 7.8knts
24hr: 187.2nm
On 29/09/2017 9:29 PM UTC this was our position,weather & status,sailing fast with Genoa & 1 reef in main,DTG 237nm (to NE Chn.),ETA customs Dock Early AM Monday 2/10, ,alls well aboard ,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 156.5nm
All well and expecting the wind change East tomorrow.
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 155.2nm
On 29/09/2017 6:59 AM UTC this was our position,weather & status,sailing fast with Genoa & 1 reef in main,up to 1.5kt. adverse current, DTG 321nm (to NE Chn.),ETA customs Dock Early AM Monday 2/10, ,alls well aboard ,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
Avg: 7.9knts
24hr: 189.2nm
On 28/09/2017 9:20 PM UTC this was our position,weather & status,sailing with Genoa & 1 reef in main, now tracking direct to BNE ETA Early AM Monday 2/10, possibly Sunday ,alls well aboard ,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 162.5nm
All well. Good signal from Sandra
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 152.1nm
On 28/09/2017 6:53 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status,sailing from 1600 hrs, Argo Bank WP(Amended to 23 32S 158 53E)ETA Local Noon(Z+11) Friday 29/9 ,ETA Brisbane Early AM Monday 2/10,alls well aboard ,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
Avg: 5.9knts
24hr: 142.1nm
On 27/09/2017 9:41 PM UTC this was our position, weather & status,motor sailing, poled out Genoa, ETA Argo Bank WP (23 23S 160 00E)2325hrs (local Z+11) 28/9 ,ETA Brisbane Early AM Monday 2/10,alls well aboard ,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 155.4nm
Talked to Sandra today. All is well and they are looking forward to arrival.
Avg: 6.6knts
24hr: 157.8nm
On 27/09/2017 7:12 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status,motor sailing on a calm sea,wind has just swung to the south , ETA Argo Bank WP (23 23S 160 00E)2359hrs (local Z+11) 28/9 ,ETA Brisbane Early AM Monday 2/10,alls well aboard ,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 155.8nm
On 26/09/2017 8:50 PM UTC this was our position, weather & status,motor sailing on a calm sea,ETA Brisbane Early AM Monday 2/10,alls well aboard ,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
On 26/09/2017 5:50 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status,tracking to WP at Argo Bank (23 23s, 160 00E) ETA 0100 (local time Z+ 11hrs.) Friday 29/9, ETA Brisbane Early AM Monday 2/10,alls well aboard ,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
On 25/09/2017 6:00 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, Port Moselle Marina , cleared customs ,ready to depart to Brisbane in the Morning , ETA Brisbane 2/10,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
Hope it goes well for you.
On 10/09/2017 3:44 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, safely anchored Bai de L'Orphilinat (Normea), waiting for approval to enter the Port Moselle Marina,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
Hi! We are in Noumea at the
Avg: 5.9knts
24hr: 142.1nm
On 8/09/2017 7:12 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, safely anchored at Port Boise New Caledonia,(check,a beautiful bay surrounded by tall pine trees. It was a great passage from Lautoka,650 miles in just over 4 days, a special thanks to David at GHR who provided reassurance on our departure window. Patricia thanks also for your bright and cheery sked, All's well tonight,Regards Doug Sandra /Mum Dad
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 162.2nm
Motoring to get to Havannah pass by 4pm. They will ancho overnightr, probably at Bonne Anse before moving up to Nouma
Avg: 6.4knts
24hr: 152.5nm
On 7/09/2017 6:30 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, motor sailing ,DTG to go to Havannah Pass 128Nm, adverse current up to 1.5kts most of the day! ,ETA (in the Pass) say 1700hrs tomorrow Friday, still planning to anchor/moor in Bonne Anse (check,proceeding to Noumea Saturday morning,light conditions expected for remainder of passage, all's well onboard F2,Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Avg: 6.9knts
24hr: 166.6nm
All well. Sandra/Mum on again. Motor on to keep to the plan in the lighter winds.
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 163.1nm
On 6/09/2017 6:48 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, sailing with full main & Genoa ,DTG to go to Havannah Pass 266Nm, ETA late Friday PM , planning to anchor/moor in Bonne Anse,proceeding to Noumea Saturday morning,light conditions expected for remainder of passage, all's well onboard F2,Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Avg: 8.5knts
24hr: 204.6nm
all well. Sandra reported today.
Avg: 8.5knts
24hr: 204.7nm
On 5/09/2017 5:10 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status,broad reaching with reefed main & Genoa,174nm for 24 hrs to 1500hrs local time,442 nm to go to Havannah Pass, ETA (TBC) late pm Friday 8/9,winds expected to back and moderate, all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Avg: 8.2knts
24hr: 197.7nm
there wont be any grass on Freycinet when they arrive!
On 4/09/2017 5:24 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status,reaching with reefed main & Staysail , wind on the beam, fast sailing,on course,good first day ,all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 2/09/2017 6:28 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, berthed at Vuda Point Marina, customs booked for Monday 4/9 for outward clearance to Noumea , all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 27/08/2017 1:16 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, moored at Musket Cove, here for the week , ETD for Noumea 4th September , all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 12/08/2017 4:57 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, alongside Vuda marina at 1030 local time, here for a week , all's well onboard F2, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 11/08/2017 4:30 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, safely anchored at Vitago Bay (4 Nm east of Lautoka), all's well on F2 Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 10/08/2017 3:54 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, safely anchored at Voli Voli Point, all's well on F2 Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 9/08/2017 5:22 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, still at Koroinasolo, great farwell concert today for F2 at the primary school today ,heading towards Lautoka tommorow, all's well on F2 Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 6/08/2017 12:43 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, safely anchored back at Koroinasolo, here a few days, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 4/08/2017 11:45 PM UTC this was our position, weather & status, Change of plans!, we have just anchored in Mbua Bay, decided we are better here with strong easterlies forecast Monday & Tuesday, we'll make our way around the south coast to Savu Savu as weather permits next week, all's well on board,good Internet here!!,talk soon Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 4/08/2017 5:12 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, still anchored at Koroinasolo Village,"Early Childhood Education Week" concluded today with a concert by Kindergarten & primary school pupils ,we were allocated seats with the official party which was led by district Police Officers , the kids put on a great concert , the day concluded with a hot lunch, we will move east along the coast Tomorrow (Saturday) , we expect 25 kt SE winds next week ,should be OK anchored at Palmlea farms or Mali near Labasa, we have enjoyed our 10 days at Koroinasolo, all's well on board, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 3/08/2017 5:37 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, still anchored at Koroinasolo Village, last day tomorrow , will head east along the north coast Saturday, all's well on board, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 2/08/2017 5:41 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, still,anchored at Koroinasolo Village, decicided to stay on here a while, more Celebrations Friday for the end of "Kindergarten Week", all's well on board, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 1/08/2017 5:38 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, still,anchored at Koroinasolo Village, school visit, amazing rendition of the "Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree" , sung as 3 part round , 6 bags of clothes from NZ distributed , all gratefully recived, all's well on board, Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
On 31/07/2017 5:16 AM UTC this was our position, weather & status, still,anchored at Koroinasolo Village, this morning we celebrated the start of pre school week (National program) at the kindergarden, cup cakes and very sweet chocoalate milk for morning tea, a disney cartoon (Moana & Mawa) was projected onto a shaky cloth screen,it was enjoyed by all present. All the Parents attended , the Dads were seated around a huge Kava bowl. Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Wind SE 15 Knots. Baro 1013 Hpa.On 27/07/2017 7:10 AM UTC this was our position and status, anchored at Koroinasolo Village. What a day we've had !! We went ashore at 10AM after an impromptu servicing of the outboard , that cut out on the first try to get ashore , we did our sevu sevu , we soon learnt that there was a wedding going on in the village,it was the second day of celebrations, we renewed our acquaintance with "Millie" and her family, we met in 2013. She insisted we stay for the wedding lunch , first we joined the brides family as they carried their gifts to the couples new home in the Village. Lots of beautiful colorful dresses, singing dancing and of course lots of Kava, we were guest of honor , seated with the bridal party for lunch. Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Wind SE 20 Knots. Baro 1012 Hpa.On 26/07/2017 5:16 AM UTC this was our position and status, safely anchored at 1615 hrs (local), Koroinasolo Village , here for a few days or a week , 4kg Mai Mai landed crossing Bligh waters today, BBQ'd along with cold white wine for dinner! all's well onboard , Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Wind S 12 Knots. Baro 1011 .On 25/07/2017 4:59 AM UTC this was our position and status, safely anchored at 1630 hrs (local), Voli Voli Point , all's well onboard , Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Wind NE 9 Knots. Baro 1012 .On 24/07/2017 4:23 AM UTC this was our position and status, safely anchored at 1600 hrs (local), 1 Nm SW of Vatia wharf , all's well onboard , further 25nm tomorrow to Voili Voil Point , Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Wind N 15 Knots. Baro 1017 .On 21/07/2017 4:30 AM UTC this was our position and status, currently at Musket Cove Resort , we have had some help today making adjustement to our HF email , so hopefully you all receive this email, all's well board , Regards Doug Sandra/Mum Dad
Back onboard after a month at home , getting back to life onboard , shopping in Lautoka
Alongside Vuda Point Marina, returning to Australia for 4 weeks on June 11th , R Doug & Sandra
Avg: 5.5knts
24hr: 131.6nm
At 1800 NZST COG 358T, 6kts, wind 15 SSE, eta Navula Pass 0900 4/6. DTG 72nm. Alls well on board.
Hi,see you only had 72 NZ to
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 151.7nm
130 miles to Navula Passage. ll well
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 133.6nm
At 1930 NZST COG 021T, 6.0kts, wind 9kts NNW, eta Lautoka 4/6. No issues all's well on board.
Avg: 7.8knts
24hr: 186.4nm
Lots of garbage in the water. 360Blue had to dodge a net. Japanese fishing fleet not leaving a clean wake.
Avg: 6.6knts
24hr: 158.7nm
Position at 1845 NZST, COG 025T, 6.5 kts, wind E 12.
ETA Lautoka 4/6. No issues, all's well on board.
Avg: 6.6knts
24hr: 158nm
COG 025T, 6.5kts, Alls well. Having problems emailing, this is updated by Pamela from sat phone message at 1900hrs.
Avg: 6.7knts
24hr: 161.2nm
At 6:01 AM (GMT) 30/05/2017 this was our position, wind 3kts from SE , seas glassy Calm ,Baro 1019 steady ,CC 20% scattered cumulus , sea temp 25 Deg C, ETA Lautoka Sunday 3rd June , Distance to go to Lautoka (Navula Pass) 604Nm. Alls well aboard , EMAIL ISSUES RESOLVED BY SHUTTING DOWN ENGINE , Regards Doug & Sandra
Avg: 7.7knts
24hr: 185.4nm
At 12:39 PM (GMT) 28/05/2017 this was our position, wind 10kts from 260T , seas 0.6m W Swell ,Baro 1018 Rising,CC 10% , ETA Lautoka Monday 4th June , Motor Sailing on smooth seas, Distance to go to Lautoka (Navula Pass) 845Nm. Alls well aboard , Regards Doug & Sandra
Hi,Mon am ,we are very happy
Avg: 7.3knts
24hr: 174.6nm
At 9:04 PM (GMT) 27/05/2017 this was our position, COG 008T, SOG 6.7Kts, wind 18kts from 260T WNW , seas 0.6m SW Swell ,Baro 1015 Rising ,ETA Lautoka Monday 4th June , Distance to go to Lautoka (Navula Pass 948Nm. Alls well aboard , Regards Doug & Sandra
Avg: 6.4knts
24hr: 153.8nm
At 12:26 PM (GMT) 27/05/2017 this was our position, COG 008T, SOG 7.3Kts, wind 15 WNW , seas 1.0 NE Swell , ETA Lautoka Monday 4th June , Distance to go to Lautoka (Navula Pass 1004Nm. Alls well aboard , Regards Doug & Sandra
At 9:19 PM (GMT) 25/05/2017 this was our position, just about to depart Marsden Cove Marina, change of destination due to weather forecast , ETA Lautoka Monday 4th June , Distance to go to Lautoka (Navula Pass 1081Nm. Alls well aboard , Regards Doug & Sandra
At 9:04 PM (GMT) 25/05/2017 this was our position, safely alongide Marsden Cove Marina (NZ Custons), preparing to depart for Port Vila Saturday 27/5, 1000hrs Local time, Distance to go to Port Vila 1130Nm. Alls well aboard , Regards Doug & Sandra
Bon voyage guys! Fair winds!
Thanks for your message, we
Have a good trip guys, we
At 3:46 AM (GMT) 24/05/2017 this was our position, safely alongide Marsden Cove Marina (NZ Custons), preparing to depart for Port Vila, Vanuatu, departure on Saturday 27/5 now looks possible (TBC) , alls well aboard , Regards Doug & Sandra
All the best for your
Good to hear you are ready to
Great to hear you are getting
Departure to Port Vila delayed by weather , Earliest ETD , Friday 26th May , All's well on board, Regards Doug & Sandra
Greetings Sandra and Doug,
We are back in Melbourne ,
At 9:06 PM (GMT) 4/05/2017 this was our position, safely alongide Town Basin Marina Whangarei, preparing to depart for Port Vila, Vanuatu, earliest ETD 15/5 , alls well aboard , Regards Doug & Sandra
Alongside Town Basin Marina, Whangarei,
At 2:44 AM (GMT) 21/02/2017 this was our position, safely anchored Urquarts Bay , wind TO 20 Kts , good sail from Kawau today, should be alongside Town Basin Marina 1600 hrs tomorrow, F2 has run faultlessly last 3 weeks, return to Melbourne 1/3, alls well on F2, refer "Yachts in Transit" Website for our location, Regards Doug & Sandra /Mum & Dad
At 3:41 AM (GMT) 20/02/2017 this was our position, safely anchored Bon Accord Harbour, cloudy E to 25kts, ETA Whangarei Wednesday 22/2, Melbourne 1/3, alls well on F2, refer "Yachts in Transit" Website for our location, Regards Doug & Sandra /Mum & Dad
At 12:08 AM (GMT) 19/02/2017 this was our position, safely anchored Coromandel Harbour, cloudy light NE to 5kts, ETA Whangarei Wednesday 22/2, Melbourne 1/3, alls well on F2, Regards Doug & Sandra
At 6:35 AM (GMT) 13/02/2017 this was our position, safely anchored at Bon Acorde Harbour Kawau , great sail, top speed 9.0Kts , max wind speed 32kts , demanding at times , no gear damage , rest day tomorrow, alls well on F2, Regards Doug & Sandra
At 1:49 AM (GMT) 11/02/2017 this was our position, safely anchored Whangamumu harbour, weather fine , 24 deg C , 5Kt NE , heading towards AKL Monday on forecast 20KT NW, alls well on F2. Regards Doug & Sandra
At 12:38 AM (GMT) 7/02/2017 this was our position, safely anchored Opunga Bay , weather fine , 24 deg C , 5Kt NE , SE to 30 kts expected Wednesday night , well protected here, alls well on F2. Refer "Yachts in Transit" website for our location , Regards Doug & Sandra ,
At 4:34 AM (GMT) 5/02/2017 this was our position, safely anchored Whangamumu Harbour , weather fine , 24 deg C , 5Kt NE , great snorkelling at Poor Knights Marine Reserve , no phone coverage her, alls well on F2.Regards Doug & Sandra
At 2:13 AM (GMT) 2/02/2017 this was our position, safely anchored Urquarts Bay , Wind 10Kts NE, Regards Doug & Sandra

At 6:40 AM (GMT) 13/12/2016 this was our position, back Town Basin Marina at 1845 local time, Regards Doug & Sandra
At 2:24 AM (GMT) 12/12/2016 this was our position, safely anchored Bon Accord Harbour, Kawau Is,Whangarei ,Town Basin Marina 0930 hrs Wed. Alls well aboard, 25-30 kt WSW today , Regards Doug & Sandra
Anchored Man O War Bay, here for the weekend, Town Basin Marina Whangarei next Wednesday, Fly to Melbourne December 19th, all good on F2, Merry Xmas to all, Regards Doug & Sandra
At 2:51 AM (GMT) 4/12/2016 this was our position, Kaiarara Bay,just one other boat, beautiful weather weather expected to continue next few days, Regards Doug & Sandra
Anchored in Kiwiriki Bay at Great Barrier Island. It is a beautiful sunny day with variable winds to 5 knots..Here for a few days.
Good to hear from you Doug
Hi Brian, good to see you
great to see where you are -
At 4:26 AM (GMT) 30/11/2016 this was our position ,Commenced 2 week Hauraki Gulf Cruise, anchored safely Kawau Is. 1700hrs local time Wed. 30/11/2016, F2 running well,alls well aboard. See Freycinet II on the "Yachts in Transit" website for our location. Regards Doug & Sandra
Sick of waiting on weather , trip deferred to 2017.
Hey Relies--keeping in touch.
Bad luck, catch up soon. love
Sorry to hear that guys.
Gone home to Melbourne by air , back July 4 to try again for Vanuatu , R Doug & Sandra
great to see you
Departure possibly end of June , feeling a little frustrated , all OK onboard
Departure postponed again to avoid Low expected 21st June . Along side safely Town Basin Marina , All OK on F2
Hi Doug & Sandra we see you
Good luck with the sailing
At 5:04 AM (GMT) 9/06/2016 this was our position and status, along side Whangarei Marina, all well oboard, possible departure to Suva via Nth Minerva Reef Tuesday 14th June 2016 (TBC)
I should have said we were
At 9:04 AM (GMT) 26/05/2016 this was our position and status, along side Whangarei Marina, all well oboard, Weather forecast has delayed departure to Suva until at least the 9th June 2016
Lots to do in the Town Basin
At 10:04 PM (NZ Local Time) this was our position and status, all well onboard, ETD Suva 1st June 2016
11:35 PM 22/11/2015 174°19.56'E 35°43.42'S 090T 0.0 still in Town Basin
Bon Voyage! Be safe and have
Along Side Town Basin Marina Whangarei
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