Gracious Lady

At anchor
Great passage 800nm first 4 days then 200nm the next two into Bundaberg
6.5 days total easy sea all the way
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 150.7nm
arrived in Bundaberg.Thanks Patricia for your watch and info and David for the weather We will be here for a few weeks then down to the Gold Coast
Avg: 8.3knts
24hr: 198.6nm
sounds really comfortable out there
Avg: 198775.7knts
24hr: 4770616.6nm
Just arrived back to Luganville from Torres and Banks islands
Avg: 18knts
24hr: 431.8nm
Just arrived back from Torres and Banks islands
In Ureparapara where there will be strong SE trades for almost a week so heading north will be fast! They will need a sheltered spot to anchor in.
We are at Avreas bay today and back to Sola Friday . Very large village here very friendly as well Will be going to Ureparparara Monday and Tuesday to Torres will be there for a couple of weeks if weather permitting
We will be heading to Orly Tomorrow and on to Sola Saturday 4 yachts here by the river mouth Lots of building work going on in Luganville atm. Poor radio conditions today.
Avg: 14.7knts
24hr: 353.5nm
Arrived Luganville 5pm. no fish Will be leaving for the Banks Friday or Saturday
Avg: 58.4knts
24hr: 1402.3nm
leaving Havannah harbour and heading to Epi
Avg: 57.7knts
24hr: 1384.6nm
Leaving today to go to havanah harbour
Tomorrow on up to EPI and plan to be in Luganville by next Tuesday
Avg: 9.4knts
24hr: 225.9nm
Moving today to Havanah harbour
Tomorrow heading to EPI and plan to be At Santo next Tuesday
Avg: 840.3knts
24hr: 20166.6nm
We are safely anchored in port Villa now Will be heading in to Santo Saturday
Avg: 115051.8knts
24hr: 2761242.4nm
Avg: 329.1knts
24hr: 7897.9nm
We are now anchired in port villa all safe and sound
Showers overnight but dry now
Avg: 8.4knts
24hr: 202.1nm
Close to Anietyum so will be anchored down and checking in later today. A nice calm approach. Cobalt also entering so they will have company
Avg: 7.5knts
24hr: 180.8nm
all well
Avg: 7knts
24hr: 168.3nm
all well
Leaving for Aneityum Vanuatu today
Hope its all going well for
Waiting to clear customs in ipua
Avg: 3.4knts
24hr: 81.7nm
Returned to enjoy the Gulf area over summer.
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 146.3nm
all well and looking forward to arrival soon
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 145.2nm
this wind wont hold unfortunately. ETA on the coast Mon/Tues
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 154.9nm
thanks to Astarte for relays
radio check. Aways difficult from P Vila and he was barely readable here 1 x 1 but heard up in Puhoi at a less noisy location
Avg: 322048.2knts
24hr: 7729157.6nm
Back in port villa now
Avg: 117.8knts
24hr: 2826.1nm
anchored at Revoli
Avg: 1126.7knts
24hr: 27040.6nm
anchored at hideaway island
Avg: 26573.8knts
24hr: 637771.6nm
Avg: 40.5knts
24hr: 972nm
On a mooring starting to
in Havannah hbr. great signal to GHR after an antenna maintenance day
anchored restocking the boat and repairs
anchored at Aore resort
Anchored at Ranon island
Pleased to have arrived! Guess we will get trip details when they are rested!
Canal Wooden and leaving tomorrow for Ouvea
leaving Noumea next week for Vanuatu via Ouvea.
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