
Arrived Belitung on Sunday 13th October after 54-hour sail from Karimunjawa. We plan to depart Belitung this morning 17th, bound for Batam near Singapore. All well onboard.

Arrived Karimunjawa Island after 26-hour sail from Bawean Island. We will stay a few nights before sailing to Belitung. All well onboard

Arrived Bawean Island yesterday morning after a nice 48-hour passage from Lombok Marina. All well onboard

Arrived Lombok Marina after stopping and visiting Rinca Island and seeing the Komodo Dragons, Sebajor Besar Island (great snorkeling in the pass), Gili Lawa Darat (more snorkeling), then Saleh Village on Sumbawa

Arrived Labuan Bajo town on Flores Island on 3rd September. Nice to be in a town with some facilities and shoreside restaurants. All well onboard.

Arrived Pulau Jampea in the Taka Bonerate Islands. All well

Arrived Baubau in Buton Island Southeast Sulawesi, all well onboard

Arrived Pasar Wajo on 19th August. All well onboard

Arrived Ereke in North Buton on 9th August. A larger fishing town with houses on stilts out over the water. All well onboard.

Arrived Tifu village on 2nd August. All well. No cellphone coverage, no electricity, no running water. Very small isolated community of about 300 people

Arrived Banda Naira Island yesterday around 2PM local time. Got the last remaining spot med-moored to the deck in front of a small motel. This means we dropped the anchor then reversed towards the motel and tied lines ashore to keep us in position.
Hello Hylite, we are a Hylas

Avg: 3.4knts
24hr: 81.2nm
Arrived Debut, Kai Islands, Indonesia on Saturday 20th July around 2pm local time. Did about 700nm from Thursday Island Australia in 4 days and 5 hours. Lots of paperwork for customs and immigration in Indo but all officials were polite. They did look through the boat fairly closely.
Arrived Thursday Island at the top of Australia yesterday. Left Cairns 2nd of July, stopped at Lizard Island, Portland Roads, and Margaret Bay. All well.
Arrived Cairns on Tuesday 11th of June after overnight passage from Townsville. We’ll stay here a couple of weeks.
Arrived Townsville this morning (Thursday 6th June). Fast 20 hour passage from a Hook Island in the Whitsundays. Wind was solid 20 knots with gusts to 25. Will stay at Breakwater Marina for a few days. All well.
Anchored for three nights at Thomas Island. We hiked along the rocky shoreline and then went swimming in beautiful clear water. Very refreshing. Heading to Hamilton Island on Thursday morning for a few days.
Avg: 2.6knts
24hr: 62.3nm
Arrived at Thomas Island Monday afternoon after two nights anchored at Scawfell Island and before that an overnight passage from Keppel Bay Marina to Scawfell. No rain the last three days—nice for a change. All okay on board. SV-Hylite.blogspot.com
Departing Keppel Bay this morning bound for Scawfell Island, then Thomas Island, then Hamilton Island. Taking about a week to get to Hamilton.
Arrived Keppel Bay Marina yesterday (Tuesday 21st of May) at 11AM. We did 340 nautical miles from Mooloolaba in 48 hours for average speed of 7.1 knots. A bit rough first 24 hours with wind and waves on the beam and contrary current. All ok.
Avg: 4.2knts
24hr: 101.4nm
Arrived Mooloolaba around 4pm. Rained about half the time but wind was good. Got soaked when we arrived to dock. All okay otherwise.
Great to "have you back."
Departing Manly, QLD for Mooloolaba this morning.

Avg: 4.2knts
24hr: 100.4nm
Arrived at Southport Yacht Club in Queensland, Australia. Five days and 2 hours for 850nm passage from Noumea, New Caledonia. All well.
Avg: 3.5knts
24hr: 83.3nm
Arrived in Noumea on Sunday 21st October 2018. About 720nm in 4 days and 1 hour. A fast passage with wind around 30knots.
Departing Fiji for Noumea
Arrived Nadi area yesterday afternoon. Anchored in Saweni Bay. Had good wind for all legs from Savusavu to Makogai, where we stayed two nights, then to Volivoli Bay where we stayed for one night, then on to Saweni Bay.
Arrived Savusavu, Fiji this morning (Sunday). Two days and 18 hours from Neiafu, Tonga. All ok.
Good to see you here we are
Arrived Vavau, Tonga. Checked in with Customs & Immigration before lunchtime. All ok
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 133.6nm
Arrived Niue Sunday 8AM local time. All well and good passage.
Departing Bora Bora today (Sunday afternoon). Destination TBD on route depending on weather but have Niue or Samoa as two options.
Arrived at Bora Bora from Tahaa yesterday afternoon. A good passage and we sailed all the way. We entering the pass on the west side of the island then sailed north around the island inside the reef, through some shallow channels on the east side, and finally anchored at the south east corner in about 15ft on sand. About 6 monohulls and 6 cats anchored in the area but plenty of room here.
Arrived Tahaa and anchored near the Coral Gardens. Plan to snorkel there on Saturday morning. All well on board!
Avg: 3.4knts
24hr: 81.7nm
Arrived Huahine this morning (16th June) around 8AM local time after overnight passage with my sister Lucy onboard. It was a windy and rolly passage. We had about four other boats doing the same trip at the same time so we had company. We scrubbed the boat bottom this afternoon getting some barnacles and growth off it. Boat looks nice!
Departing Moorea for Huahine this evening - June 15th around 18:00 French Polynesia time.
Arrived in Papeete, Tahiti after two day passage from Fakarava. We got a spot in a European style marina.
We had to reverse into a tight space between two boats and tie the stern to a quay. The bow is attached to a line underwater in the fairway. Nailed it first time with a big crowd watching :-)
Hi, I just got your "Wave •
Your adventures are so
Arrived Fakarava in the Tuamotus on Wednesday morning May 2nd. Anchored off Rotoava village
Arrived Raroia Atoll in the Tuamotus. Anchored on east side of lagoon

Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 164nm
Arrived Hiva Oa in the Marquisas, French Polynesia after 18 day passage from La Cruz, Mexico

We have departed Mexico! All ok and boat is sailing fine
We are preparing to leave La Cruz, Mexico for passage to French Polynesia.
La Cruz de Huanacaxtle
Left Mazatlan Saturday morning around 9AM. Approaching Punta Mita at the north end of Bandaras Bay after 24 hours sailing in good downwind conditions. Had the spinnaker up since Mazatlan.
Approaching Mazatlan. We had a good passage from La Paz. We should be inside the marina in a couple of hours
Anchored at Bahia San Evaristo after 10 days in the islands (Isla Espiritu Santo, Isla Partida, and Isla San Francisco).

Arrived at La Paz on Monday 18th December and checked into Marina de La Paz. We will stay here until after Christmas Day.
Arrived and anchored at Los Muertos this afternoon. We will dinghy to the beach tomorrow morning. There's a small restaurant so maybe do breakfast there, a hike, then lunch.
We arrived at Los Frailes yesterday afternoon. It's a small bay with a headland to the north. About three boats were here when we arrived. Not much else. It's rather remote with a small eco-resort a bit south of our anchorage
We arrived in Cabo San Lucas yesterday around lunchtime. We will stay in the marina here for a few days. It's a tourist town for gringos. We went for a stroll in the afternoon and every bar near our marina had American football on large screen TVs. Last night in our berth we could hear the thumping music from the clubs on the main strip. It's a party town!
Avg: 4.1knts
24hr: 97.7nm
We are about 5 hours from Cabo San Lucas. We stopped at Bahia Santa Maria for about 24 hours to wait out some rough weather. Our last 8 hours into BSM was in 35 knots of wind on a close reach with 10' seas so pretty ugly conditions.
Avg: 4.5knts
24hr: 108.3nm
Currently anchored at Bahia Santa Maria waiting for better weather for continuing passage to Cabo San Lucas. We stopped at Bahia Tortuga for 1 night but did not update the local
Currently anchored at Bahia Santa Maria which is a remote bay with a very small fishing village (about 30 people). We left
Bahia Tortuga about 2 days ago and had robust sailing conditions that got us here quickly. Probably depart for Cabo San Lucas early Saturday morning.
Departed Ensenada enroute to Bahia Tortuga. Wind is around 8 knots, we are sailing, and Hydrovane is steering. Priscilla is fishing with a lure.
Arrived in Ensenada, Mexico on Friday morning after overnight sail from San Diego. Did immigration, customs, and boat temporary import permit on Friday afternoon. Enjoying great ceviche tostadas and cerveza at about half USA prices. Departing Ensenada for Bahia Tortuga on Sunday morning.
Ooh. These are starting to
Approaching San Diego Harbor after sailing overnight from Santa Catalina Island
At Santa Catalina Island on a mooring in Isthmus Cove. Went ashore in the dinghy for a quick look around before it got dark. Probably stay here a couple of nights. Going for a hike Sunday,
Sounds fun. Hope the hike is
Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 129.3nm
Arrived Marina Del Rey around 4PM. Had a problem on the way. Genoa furler is jammed closed--need to look at it tomorrow. Otherwise all okay. We will stay here a few days.
Sorry to hear that Mike. We
Departed Ventura for Marina Del Ray. Light wind so motorsailing
Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 130.6nm
Arrived in Ventura, California and boat is in a berth for the night. All went well for first passage. Nothing broke on the boat (that we know about). We are headed to a waterfront restaurant for dinner.
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 162nm
No berths in Santa Barbara. Headed to Ventura where they have a berth available.
Avg: 6.6knts
24hr: 158.7nm
Hoping to stop in Santa Barbara for the night if we can get a berth.
Avg: 6.4knts
24hr: 152.5nm
Just rounding Point Arguello/Conception. All well. Wind is near 20kts, boat moving nicely
Avg: 8.9knts
24hr: 212.6nm
All going okay, wind is good around 18kts. Boat moving well. We will probably be out of local transmission range soon so updates might be a while
Wind picking up nicely! W&S Hydrogenerator making 14Amps @ 13.5V - great!
Avg: 8.2knts
24hr: 196.1nm
We are outside after passing under the Golden Gate Bridge. Nice sunny day!
We are underway and heading to Southern California. All going ok
We are preparing to depart for Mexico around end of November 2017. We will post an update when we are underway.
No blogs available for this yacht.
So glad to finally hear from