
Position report sent via Iridium GO

Set sail to Seattle 24 hrs ago. Estimated ETA June 25 ish.
Excellent! Buen Viaje you two
Great to hear from you guys!

Avg: 8.7knts
24hr: 209.5nm
Elated to be 29 miles from Hilo. We are 15 miles of shore and the Big Island is still hiding! ETA 175 miles in the last 24 hours. Dena dug around below the floors for a bottle of bubbly to celebrate with. What a surprise, we have a choice of Dom, Veuve or Moet! Libby is good, we are good, life is good!

Avg: 7.8knts
24hr: 186.5nm
Another 165 miles in the last 24 hours. 191 miles to go. Squally today with bright sunshine in between. Looks like a Sunday evening arrival into Hilo. Lost two WindGen blade tips last night to a young Red Footed Booby that eventually landed on our upper spreaders in 20 knots of wind and I guessing was blown off into the wind generator on the mizzen mast :-( All is well on board Libby. Our last sleep at sea fo this passage.

Avg: 7.5knts
24hr: 180.6nm
Another delightful sailing day today, Merry Christmas Eve! Making good time and not pushing Libby at all. Saw our 1st commercial ship this morning, Sasebo Green (MMSI 538005622 for you sailing geeks). Spoke at length with a very nice 3rd Mate from the Phillipines. Ship was coming from Mobile, Alabama to Lan Shan, China. ETA January 13th! We wished each other a Merry Christmas from the high seas.
Avg: 8.6knts
24hr: 205.6nm
Two great days of sailing in boisterous seas ranging from 2 meters to 4 meters. Last 24 hour run 189 miles. Total miles so far 1587. Miles 700 miles to go. Wind and sea state eased, sailing along nicely with reefed Genoa, Main and Mizzen.
D&T! Your SMS last night made
Avg: 6.7knts
24hr: 161.7nm
Rain has given way to butt kickin' winds and seas! We have moved into separate apartments for the duration...I have the cockpit and Dena has down below. Neither of us likes each other's apartments in these conditions. We are looking forward to getting there!
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 156.8nm
All is well aboard Libby! 135 miles in the last 24hrs, less due to rain and squalls and rain and squalls and some rain and squalls.
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 146.8nm
Rain, rain, rain....squall, squall, squall....The boats clean. Looking to push through this area of variable winds and torrential rain into the Northerly trade winds. This may be a day away. 135 miles in the last 24 hours.
Avg: 7.7knts
24hr: 184.8nm
Crossed into the Northern Hemmisphere this morning at 01:30 Dena gave thanks to Neptune for both of us. 161 miles in the last 24 hours. All of a sudden it is really hot!
Avg: 23knts
24hr: 552.5nm
Another great day sailing. 169 miles in the last 24 hours. (noon to noon) Seas building the closer we get to the EQ. Will cross the Equator sometime tomorrow morning.
Avg: 8.1knts
24hr: 194.4nm
Libby is performing well. Close Hauled boat speed 7.5-8 knots in the last 12 hours. Last 24 hour run 165 miles. Fabulous sailing. Hope this holds up through the ITCZ.
Anchored in Nuku HIva, small boat projects underway before we head to Hawaii
Anchored off the Sofitel for Dena's 52nd Birthday! Whale watching, paddle boarding, snorkling, Champagne and Chicken Curry!
Hey kids, thinking of you
Anchored in Moorea
Port Autonome, Papeete for a few weeks
No blogs available for this yacht.