
Safely tucked in to our winter berth in Westhaven Marina, Auckland. Now tackling the job of replacing the Macushla's headlining (deep joy!) and glad to have the delights of metropolitan life on our doorstep.
Have been in Marsden Cove marina for the last month as we've been completing some upgrades to electrics. Have managed to escape boat jobs a few times to get out hiking, including the long stair climb to the top of Mount Manaia. View from the top was well worth it. Hoping to dust off our sea legs this coming week and head in the general direction of Great Barrier / Kawau depending on the weather, as always.

Tucked up in Puriri Bay, Whangaruru Harbour, have started heading south. Stopped to allow weather to pass through, don't sail in the rain!
Enjoying Whangaroa, great walks up to Duke's Nose and Totara North, quirky pub The Gumstore as just reward.
Avg: 9.6knts
24hr: 231.5nm
Arrived Opua late last night. Our heartfelt thanks to all your support during the trip, we would love to meet up with you and David to thank you personally during our stay in NZ. We will be on the lookout for you.
Glorious night goose winged in 15kt tailwind, now backed to NNW so have needed to gybe for the first time since leaving Minerva!
Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 112.8nm
What happened to the sunshine? Not noticed any significant current either fore or against yet. Starting to focus on using up all our freash food supplies, will need to have a gin and tonic tonight to finish off the fresh lemons!
Avg: 8.4knts
24hr: 201.5nm
A glorious moonlit night with good progress, hope we can hold on to enough wind to keep moving.
Avg: 3.6knts
24hr: 86.5nm
Another stunning morning, flat seas, looks like the pretty sails will be flying again today.
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 151.7nm
Very comfortable sailing, flat seas and sunshine, not needed the wooly hat yet!.
Avg: 6.7knts
24hr: 160.5nm
Fast and bumpy first day, but swell now less than 1 metre. Now very comfortable and sailing along nicely.
Trough passed over Minerva yesterday with sustained winds at mid 20s gusting 35 knts and some heavy rain for 5 hours, peaking around 4 pm. We plan to leave N Minerva reef this morning Sat 21st with an ETA in Opua by 29th. Will bring the summer with us!
At anchor in N Minerva reef with four other boats.
We plan to depart on Saturday 21st, plan to head west of rhum line for at least first 48 hrs and then direct if forecast proves stable, expected ETA in Opua by 29th.
At anchor in N Minerva reef with four other boats, very keen to hear David's update on what to expect when the trough passes us on Friday. We plan to sit it out here and set off on the impending arrival of the next high on Sat / Sunday.
On way from Tongatapu to Minerva and 5m out. About 5 other boats there so good company for collecting all those crayfish.
Exploring Vava'u
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