
Fri May 25 12:44 2018 NZST
GPS: 35 18.(871) S 174 07(290) eE
Run: 94.6nm (171.2km)
At BOI Marina. Preparing for departure either Sunday or Monday for Savusavu Fiji
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Thu Nov 2 11:15 2017 NZDT
Speed: 6.5
knts GPS: 34 13.846s 175 09.350e
Run: 185.4nm (335.6km)
Avg: 6.9knts
24hr: 166.1nm
Avg: 6.9knts
24hr: 166.1nm
Weather: 20knts NE 2m swell from the NE 40% cloud cover.
Had a pleasant night, <90mile to go
Wed Nov 1 8:27 2017 NZDT
Speed: 6.5m
knts GPS: 31 52S 176 40E
Run: 181.2nm (328km)
Avg: 7.5knts
24hr: 180.2nm
Avg: 7.5knts
24hr: 180.2nm
Weather: 25ENE, 3m swell, 30%cc, 1021,
243 to go. Phew
Tue Oct 31 8:20 2017 NZDT
Speed: 6.5ms
knts GPS: 29 36S 178 12E
Run: 162.7nm (294.5km)
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 164.2nm
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 164.2nm
Weather: E20-25, 2.5mE swell, 1019
a couple of days t go. great progress
Mon Oct 30 8:33 2017 NZDT
Speed: 6
knts GPS: 27 32S 179 29E
Run: 342.2nm (619.4km)
Avg: 7.1knts
24hr: 170.5nm
Avg: 7.1knts
24hr: 170.5nm
Weather: E25-30, 100%cc, 1016st
all well
Sat Oct 28 8:23 2017 NZDT
Speed: 6
knts GPS: 23 21S 177 35W
Run: 426.2nm (771.4km)
Avg: 17.8knts
24hr: 426.1nm
Avg: 17.8knts
24hr: 426.1nm
Weather: SE10-12, 1.5m seas, 1016, 90%cc
Fri Oct 27 8:23 2017 NZDT
Speed: 4.5
knts GPS: 21 42S 175 59E
Run: 571.9nm (1035.1km)
Avg: 20.6knts
24hr: 494.1nm
Avg: 20.6knts
24hr: 494.1nm
Weather: 8-10SE, 1m swell, 1014
Bound for Opua. Thanks Ron on Pilgrim for the relay.
Thu Oct 26 4:36 2017 NZDT
GPS: 21 07S 175 09W
Weather: Overcast, N winds 8-10knots
Preparing to leave Nukualofa for Opua within 36 hours. Hope to get out before dark tonight. Looks like we can make it straight shot without a stop in Minerva.
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