
Avg: 4.5knts
24hr: 107.6nm
Cleared in to Opua this morning. Back to work tomorrow!
Wind Dropped away overnight again. Motor Sailing now close hauled to head wind. Received "The Rock FM" on the radio this morning :) About 100nm to go to Opua
Avg: 4.5knts
24hr: 107.7nm
Wind Dropped away overnight. Motor Sailing. Crew now hiding under blankets..what a frenchie.. :) Awesome Meteor shower last night. Only 200miles to go to Opua.
Meteor shower?? cool. You're
Avg: 5.1knts
24hr: 122.3nm
Went through the front yesterday afternoon, a bit of rain. Not much wind today. Getting colder and colder...the skipper is hiding under his blankets, what a kiwi.
Avg: 3.8knts
24hr: 90.1nm
No wind last night. Motored since 8pm. Rain at about 4am. Motor off now, sailing again with 10knt NW breeze. Its getting cold...down to 20*C!! Brrrrrr.
Avg: 4.5knts
24hr: 107.6nm
No wind last night, starting the motor this morning
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 133.9nm
Great Sailing. Wind dropping through the night. Skys clearing. Skipper made a fantastic Banana cake that got mysteriously eaten by what i suspect were french pestilence during the night..
Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 148.5nm
Great Sailing. Finally got the Frenchie out of bed after her bout of initial Mal de Mer.
Cheers from the Atlantic.
Avg: 5knts
24hr: 119.5nm
Nice sailing conditions. Wind dropped overnight no nothing, but picked up early this morning.
Avg: 2.6knts
24hr: 61.7nm
Departed Nukualofa 10am Yesterday. Great breeze/sea for first day. looks like a 120ml day! All is good
Pre departure test, Leaving Nukualofa this afternoon.
Have a safe trip Karl. Touch
We arre here!!! Sitting on quarantine dock in Nukualofa
Gidday and welcome to Tonga
Well done from your mum
Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 129.3nm
Lovely calm night of motor sailing. 'Eua sighted at daybreak about 25 miles away. Hoping to be tied up on quarantine dock by approx 1700 this afternoon.
So we know where u r now and
Avg: 3.8knts
24hr: 92.3nm
Northerlies dropped away to nothing overnight, so still just motoring on a glassy rolly sea. Absolutely Lovely today, refitted the ventilators as the cabin temp got up over 30*C, I saw a whale blow on the horizon this morning, Myriam was totally bummed not to see it, I told her it was because she was vegetarian. All is good.
Avg: 3.7knts
24hr: 88.2nm
Started engine yesterday morning, ran all day/night with <5knt Easterly. Then it shifted to 10+Knt Northerly at daybreak so tacked over to run approx. East. Myriam very excited to see her first flying fish of the trip.
No wind all night. Very slow progress. All is well.
Another slow night, wind still light from the SSE for the most part. Had a strong w/sw blow come through at about 6am with an air temp drop of about 20*C! it was odd putting all the warm and woolly wet weather gear back on. All is good, Myriam is cooking up a storm again :)
Avg: 2.8knts
24hr: 66.9nm
Slow lazy night with messy seas left over from the front, and also a large SE swell annoyingly knocking the wind out of the sails every minute or so. Lovely day tho. water temp is up to 23*!! Slow going, but both still smiling :)
The front hit us early last night with 20-25knt northerlies, then lots of rain thru the night, and then a swing around to 30nt ne this morning, and now 10-15 west and the rain has stopped and blue sky is winning over the clouds. We hove too all night, did a big circle of slow drift on the chaft plotter, and have got back underway in the last hour heading about NNE with sloppy seas.
Looks like you're getting
Avg: 2.6knts
24hr: 62.9nm
Wind died and swung round in front of us about midnight, so dropped headsails and hove to on main to wait it out. Halo round moon last night, so forcast front is surely on its way. Woke up to high cloud and slight rain with building cumulostratus out to the western horizon.
Avg: 4.3knts
24hr: 103.8nm
Made good time yesterday with brisk SSE, then lost wind overnight. Has filled in again this morning with more low cloud about than yesterday. Crossed the dateline, YAY!
Avg: 4.9knts
24hr: 116.8nm
Fantastic sailing thru the night! Perfect sea state and wind conditions had us on a broad reach boosting along at over 7knts for a while! very happy with the old girl. By midnight we were down to the staysail, half the genoa, and 3rd reef in the main, and happily sitting on 5.5knts rest of night. Yeehaa! Sea getting lumpy now of course.
Avg: 3knts
24hr: 73.1nm
Bit of a slow night, wind dropped right away to very light from the southwest, but still with substantial swell/chop, so slow going. Wind has picked back up to nearly usable this morning.
Avg: 5.2knts
24hr: 124.5nm
We've got wind! and not just from Myriams' cooking :) Got the big boy out up the front, and a couple of reefs in the main. Very pleasant sailing.
Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 113.1nm
All good. Slow going overnight. not much wind. Motor Sailed thru the night... still rollin rollin rollin..
Avg: 18.8knts
24hr: 451.5nm
All good. Slow going today tho with not much wind from right up our jacksee.. rollin rollin rollin..
Lovely Sailing. Great first night out.
All ready to go, have decided to delay departure until next week due to developing low forcast to form in our path.
Have a great trip. Enjoy the
Sorry to hear the trip is
Systems test. on dock in Opua. Departing tomorrow
Hello Miryam,
Bon Voyage! Be Careful and
Arrived in opua on Thursday morning. Great trip. Thanks to Gulf Harbour Radio and yit.
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 146.5nm
Avg: 4knts
24hr: 96.1nm
220nm to opua
Hi Karl, just wanting to see
Surf the swells and guilt
Avg: 2.8knts
24hr: 67.7nm
Avg: 3.9knts
24hr: 93.1nm
Avg: 4.2knts
24hr: 101.7nm
got the wind at 10pm after motoring all day
Avg: 2.9knts
24hr: 69.3nm
Avg: 4.3knts
24hr: 103.2nm
Avg: 4.4knts
24hr: 105.7nm
Avg: 3.3knts
24hr: 78.7nm
Avg: 3.9knts
24hr: 93.1nm
Avg: 2.9knts
24hr: 69.1nm
60m south of Nukualofa. Thanks for relay to Pilgrim
don't think my last message
Glad your on your way. safe
departing today for Opua
I'm watching your progress...
No blogs available for this yacht.
Glad to hear u made it safe