Pau Hana

Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 157.2nm
Good progress this morning as we race to catch the afternoon flood into San Francisco Bay. We struggled through the night to keep the rig and vane in balance as we entered the coastal weather. The fog feels almost like drizzle. Plenty of fuel left and we're within helicopter range. It seems as though we're going to make it.

Drag race to the east. Yesterday's longitude looks to have been an error. We shook out the second reef at sunrise and are absolutely ripping towards the coast. The computer is strapped to the desk. The wind is forecasted to go light later today so I should have a chance to comb my hair before our arrival.

Avg: 15.1knts
24hr: 361.9nm
Wind Veered N putting us on a fast reach to the east. Grey and cold. 2000 miles of ocean behind us. 350 to go. Whomever adheres to "Gentlemen never sail to weather" will never arrive in California. Luckily I'm no gentlemen.

Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 137.9nm
Close reach in lumpy seas and foggy and squally. Challenging to find the smooth line. We are definitely crossing a main shipping lane between Japan and Long Beach. For any of you cheapskate nerds that are reading this, the Digital Yacht NMEA to USB cable is worth every penny.

Avg: 5.3knts
24hr: 126.4nm
Close Hauled in light winds with the vane following the shifts. Another container ship came by on it's way to Panama. Low clouds, chilly and humid this morning.

Avg: 5.5knts
24hr: 132.9nm
Motored through the night. Low clouds this morning. Hopefully some wind by afternoon.

Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 130nm
A few slow days ahead. We're currently still sailing but if we dip below 3 knots we'll fire up the Lil' Swede.

Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 148.4nm
Spinnaker and Ms. Piggy (autopilot) are earning their keep. We're making good progress within the light conditions. Comfortable sailing. Two ships within two miles of us last night. AIS transponder remains my favorite equipment aboard. 1500 nm down, 900 nm to go.

Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 113.2nm
Deep reach across flat seas. Crystal clear sunrise this morning. Our friends aboard "Sea Note" are within 50 miles of us. I hope to get within visual range. We'll be on the same course for the next several days.

Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 148.4nm
Past the halfway point between Honolulu and San Francisco. Light winds so motoring/motorsailing as we can. All resources indicate a slow trip into San Fran.

Avg: 19.1knts
24hr: 458.8nm
Good sailing through the night. Advantageous wind shift around midnight. Nerdy goodness with AIS and VHF DSC allowed a clean pass between Pau Hana and a 1000 ft tanker at 0330.

Avg: 14.8knts
24hr: 354.2nm
Running the heater this morning. We're into 1032 mb now. Much improved conditions. Smooth progress to the NE.

Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 147.1nm
feels like 3 meter wind chop. steep and close. contrary to normal procedure, we've had to throttle back to care for ourselves and the rig. We're into 1028 mb now, so hopefully we can make some easting along the center of the high.
Avg: 5.5knts
24hr: 132.8nm
Underway from Honolulu, Hawaii to San Francisco, California. 100% cloud cover, 1024 mb rising. During the day yesterday we had smooth seas and good sailing.
Passed through a cold front yesterday evening with strong winds and steep waves. We had to slow the boat down to care for the boat and ourselves.
All is well.
Avg: 7.3knts
24hr: 176.1nm
Underway from Honolulu, Hawaii to San Francisco, California. 60% cloud cover, 1022 mb rising.
Slow but comfortable. Getting slightly headed to the west of north. Bright full moon the last few nights.
Underway from Honolulu, Hawaii to San Francisco, California. 60% cloud cover, 1020 mb rising.
Good conditions.
Safely moored at Honokohau Harbor, Kona, Hawaii. 2100 miles 17 days. It took more than 24 hours to close the last 25 miles through the lee of Hawaii.
Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 137.1nm
Safely in the lee of Hawaii awaiting for sea breeze to build for the final push to Kona. 26 miles to go. Rowdy night last night with sustained 30+ knots while rounding south point. Dolphins came out for inspection at sunrise.
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 157.2nm
90 miles to the south cape of Hawaii, then 50 more up to Kailua-Kona in the lee of the big island. We sailed past an ODAS bouy last night that was not in it's charted position.
Avg: 7.2knts
24hr: 173.9nm
bright sunrise with only 10% cloud cover. 300 miles to go. steep waves. I'm glad we're reaching and not trying to climb up through this. 2nd reef and partial jib.
Avg: 7.2knts
24hr: 172.7nm
Underway Marquesas to Hawaii. After many days of hard effort, the ocean catches her breath.
Avg: 7knts
24hr: 167.6nm
Underway Marquesas to Hawaii. 1485 down, 600 nm to go. Double reefed and staysail. Lumpy, but good progress.
Underway Marquesas to Hawaii. 1350 down, 750 nm to go. Good sailing. Periodic showers.
Avg: 7.8knts
24hr: 186.9nm
Underway Marquesas to Hawaii. 1350 down, 750 nm to go. Good sailing. Periodic showers.
Avg: 6.8knts
24hr: 163.6nm
Underway Marquesas to Hawaii. Changed course from Hilo towards Kona due to transmission failure. Squalls still about but good progress on fast reach.
Avg: 5.1knts
24hr: 121.3nm
Becalmed for only 4 hours last night, then blasted north on 25-30 knot easterlies.
Forward gear in the transmission is dead. Squalls still about but good progress.
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 146.5nm
Sneaking around squalls in the ITCZ. Light following winds so rolly. Not too far until the NE trades.
Avg: 7.9knts
24hr: 189.2nm
Strange progress. We're going much faster than it feels we should. Also being set to the east by the equatorial counter current.
Sadly my water speed sender is clogged, so I only have speed over the ground. Approaching ITCZ
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 151.2nm
Steady progress. Sunny w/ good sailing.
GFS gribs are not that accurate through here.
Avg: 4.5knts
24hr: 108.7nm
Improved progress in comfortable conditions.
All's well on board. Not so much at home in the USA.
Avg: 3.9knts
24hr: 92.5nm
Motorsailing in sunny calm conditions. 22% complete.
Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 148.3nm
Drag race to Hilo Hawaii, USA
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 150.7nm
Underway from Nuku Hiva, Marquesas to Hilo Hawaii, USA
Underway from Nuku Hiva, Marquesas to Hilo Hawaii, USA
Arrived Nuku Hiva. Anchored stern to the beach at Taiohae. All is well.
Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 113.9nm
Arrived Fatu Hiva. Anchored an Hanavae Bay
Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 136.9nm
Underway from Fakarava to Fatu Hiva, Marquesas.
70% clouds, 1m waves. Fatu Hiva in sight. 20nm to go. Hopefully we'll be anchored around 10AM Saw another vessel at 0400 this morning; the only one of the entire trip.
Avg: 5knts
24hr: 119.6nm
Underway from Fakarava to Fatu Hiva, Marquesas.
20% clouds, 1m waves. Hoping to arrive before wind goes light, but alas. The lil' Swede will save us.
Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 112.9nm
Underway from Fakarava to Fatu Hiva, Marquesas.
50% clouds, 1.5-2m waves. Noticeable current set against us. Better progress today.
Avg: 4.9knts
24hr: 117.3nm
Underway from Fakarava to Fatu Hiva, Marquesas.
50% clouds, 1.5-2m waves.
Underway from Fakarava to Fatu Hiva, Marquesas. Strong current set against us last night while leaving Tuamotus. Better sailing now that we're out in the open.
15% clouds, 1.5m waves.
day sail from Kauehi to Fakarava. Good exit and entry through the passes. Another humpback whale, this time right in the pass, less than 2 boat lengths from us.
anchored SE corner of Kauehi lagoon. Humpback whales greeted us at the pass.
underway from Rangiroa to Kauehi. waves 2m. clouds 50%. close reach
Avg: 4.4knts
24hr: 105.2nm
anchored W of Tiputa Pass, Rangiroa. Smooth entry at Avatoru Pass with the flood.
underway Tahiti to Rangiroa. 10% cloud cover, 1-2m waves, 1013mb
Anchored at Oponohu Bsy, Moorea
Avg: 7.3knts
24hr: 174.7nm
Underway Rurutu to Moorea. 90% cloud cover. 1017mb.
Tahiti and Moorea in sight.
We should be anchored by mid-afternoon.
Underway Rurutu to Moorea. 90% cloud cover. 1017mb.
Arrived Rurutu. At the Moerai wharf. Surge.
arrived Tubuai. periodic light rain. 90% cloud cover. 1017mb.
Arrived Raivavae. Drizzle. Low Dense clouds.
23 days! 2460 nm nap time.
Avg: 4.3knts
24hr: 104.4nm
Underway to Raivavae. 1018mb. 40% high clouds wind on the nose 35 miles to go.
Avg: 4.2knts
24hr: 99.8nm
Underway to Raivavae. 1019mb. 20% high clouds Yet more light winds.
119 miles to go.
Underway to Raivavae. 1017mb.
Yet more light winds.
200 miles to go.
Avg: 4.6knts
24hr: 109.9nm
Underway to Raivavae. 1017mb.
Yet more light winds.
244 miles to go.
Avg: 3.6knts
24hr: 86.2nm
Underway to Raivavae. 1013mb.
Very light winds through the night easing to no wind at all.
Currently waiting for wind. I would have never guessed for this to be such a windless passage.
Time to bake bread and take a nap.
350 miles to go.
Avg: 3.6knts
24hr: 86.9nm
Underway to Raivavae. 1011mb.
Squally night concludes leaving beneficial wind shift.
420 miles to go.
Avg: 4.3knts
24hr: 102.4nm
Underway to Raivavae. 1013mb.
Less than 500 nm to go! Lumpy squally.
Avg: 6.6knts
24hr: 158.7nm
Underway to Raivavae. 1019mb. Motoring.
Making some northing ahead of arriving low.
Avg: 6knts
24hr: 142.8nm
Underway to Raivavae. 1019mb 50% high clouds. Motorsailing.
Making some northing ahead of arriving low.
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 155.3nm
Underway to Raivavae. 1020mb 50% high clouds.
Changing course to 040T
Avg: 7.2knts
24hr: 173.6nm
Underway to Raivavae. Good sailing the past 2 days. It looks like we may end up motoring across the high that sits to our north.
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 145.3nm
Underway Opua to Austral Islands. All's well aboard. Finally some wind! We're changing course to ENE
Avg: 4.1knts
24hr: 98nm
Underway Opua to Austral Islands. All's well aboard. Slow, quiet progress.
Avg: 4.8knts
24hr: 114.2nm
Underway Opua to Austral Islands. All's well aboard.
We're eager to make the turn north towards Tubuai & Raivavae.
Avg: 5.2knts
24hr: 125.2nm
Underway Opua to Austral Islands. All's well aboard. Good sailing lately.
Avg: 4.6knts
24hr: 110.3nm
Underway Opua to Austral Islands. 1024 mb. 80% cloud cover, lumpy 1m seas.
Later during GHRadio net. A good contact.
Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 148.2nm
Underway Opua to Austral Islands. 1026 mb. Motoring. Albatross and Tuna about.
Hi Uncle Martin from Alice!
Avg: 5.4knts
24hr: 129.6nm
Underway Opua to Austral Islands. Motoring.
Avg: 5.8knts
24hr: 138.8nm
Underway Opua to Austral Islands. Still sailing. It seems we'll be motoring soon.
All is well aboard.
Avg: 5.1knts
24hr: 121.2nm
Underway Opua to Austral Islands. All is well aboard. Getting colder at night.
American sailing vessel LUCKNESS is nearby.
Avg: 4.5knts
24hr: 107.6nm
Underway Opua to Austral Islands. All is well aboard.

Underway Opua to Austral Islands. Slow start. All is well aboard.
test message. firing up the radio getting ready for another season!
Just checking in to track
at Whangaroa Harbor
Arrived Port Opua yesterday afternoon. Thank you for your service. Martin
Glad to hear you made it
Avg: 3.9knts
24hr: 93.8nm
Motorsailing. Difficult progress past 24 hours. 28 nm to Opua
Avg: 5.7knts
24hr: 137.7nm
underway from Lautoka Fiji to Opua. 1023mb. Motorsailing. All is well 103 nm to Opua
Avg: 5.3knts
24hr: 126.1nm
underway from Lautoka Fiji to Opua. 1026mb. Motorsailing. All is well 224 nm to Opua
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 134nm
underway from Lautoka Fiji to Opua. 1026mb.
all is well 335 nm to Opua
Avg: 5.9knts
24hr: 140.6nm
underway from Lautoka Fiji to Opua approaching front to the south of us all is well 458 nm to Opua
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 145.4nm
underway from Lautoka Fiji to Opua Conditions still improving. 90% low clouds. we got our desired wind shift and are steering for Opua just about half way. 575nm remaining. optimistic ETA monday PM, October 19. all's well
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 150.8nm
all well, eta monday pm
Avg: 8knts
24hr: 192.6nm
underway from Lautoka Fiji to Opua Conditions improving. Hoping for wind shift to ESE or E all's well
Avg: 5.9knts
24hr: 141.3nm
underway from Lautoka Fiji to Opua NZ working upwind towards 30s 173e all's well
underway from Lautoka Fiji to Opua NZ working upwind towards 30s 173e all's well
waiting to cross to Opua from Lautoka area all's well
testing status update via radio email. wind and sea info is place holder only.
all's well
This looks like a great tool
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