It's been an incredible 12 years with RED - better than we had even imagined, and now RED's happily tied at the Pleasant Harbor Marina on Washington's Hood Canal. All the projects are complete and RED's looking for new owners who'll set sail again! Please spread the word.
Fran & Richard

RED is back in the US! Just offloaded from the good ship MV PARSIFAL in Tacoma after an exciting far east cruise from Auckland to Australia then Korea and Japan. We'll meet RED in Seattle in the next day or two to re-step the mast, etc.
We're so excited to see our RED boat again!
PS - RED is for sale - available in July!
Avg: 4.3knts
24hr: 102.3nm
Arrived yesterday around 2 at the Opua Customs dock. 6 days, 2 hours, dock to dock. Glad to be here.
Avg: 9.1knts
24hr: 219.4nm
All is well aboard

Avg: 23.1knts
24hr: 554.1nm
All is well aboard - squalls overnight
Avg: 7.6knts
24hr: 181.2nm
All is well aboard - grateful for the wind change and the decreasing sea state

Avg: 7.9knts
24hr: 190.2nm
Sailing along nicely - a bit sloppy with these seas. Gusts in the low 30's every hour.
Avg: 6.1knts
24hr: 147.6nm
Sailing along nicely - a bit sloppy with these seas.
All's good aboard the good ship RED. We check out of Port Denarau at 10 AM and head for Navulu pass and New Zealand! Looks to be a lovely passage ahead of us!
Enjoying the fleshpots of Musket Cove!
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY to be here! Thanks for your help!
Bula Richard and Fran .

motorsailing in calm seas - sunny day, lots of diesel - life is GREAT!
Avg: 9.4knts
24hr: 225.2nm
motorsailing in calm seas - sunny day, lots of diesel - life is GREAT!
Avg: 6.5knts
24hr: 155.2nm
motorsailing in calm seas - sunny day, lots of diesel - life is GREAT!
Avg: 7.8knts
24hr: 187.8nm
motorsailing in calm seas - sunny day, lots of diesel - life is GREAT!
Avg: 7.4knts
24hr: 178.7nm
all well
All well heading north to Fiji.
Avg: 7.4knts
24hr: 178.6nm
Arrived 'Q' dock at Opua at 2045, November 27, 2015. Celebrations begun 2046!! Thanks for all your help on this great passage. Cheers, Fran & Richard

Avg: 8.6knts
24hr: 206.9nm
Motoring, ETA to Opua 'Q' dock: late evening Friday (today). We celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday with roast chicken (no turkey), Richard's 'World Famous' mashed potatoes, and the annual playing of Alice's Restaurant Thanksgiving Day Massacre. Was lovely! Now, we have beers chilling in the fridge for the Q dock party tonight! So nice to be so close!
Avg: 8.3knts
24hr: 198.4nm
Began motor-sailing 2230 yesterday as winds dropped to less than 10 kt. Nice very long period swells of about 4' with less than 1' wind waves, a very good ride.
Avg: 8.3knts
24hr: 198.7nm
Someone just turned off the wind, we'll begin motor-sailing soon. Fleece and woolies came out for night watch. It's still warm and lovely during the day. The moon has been a nice companion on this passage.
Avg: 9.3knts
24hr: 223.2nm
Decreasing wind, cooler at last, nice conditions.
Avg: 7.4knts
24hr: 176.5nm
all good
Avg: 3.2knts
24hr: 77.1nm
We exited Navula Pass around 1500 yesterday. The winds and seas have been abating since. We had dolphins farewelling us as we left Fiji - lovely!
Sitting in Port Denarau, about to enjoy our last night in Fiji with good friends, food and libations. We clear Customs in the morning and head for open waters.
Avg: 5knts
24hr: 120nm
Test from the dock at Port Denarau using the YIT app
On the dock at Port Denarau, preparing to depart to NZ on Saturday (Friday US).
Port Denarau for a few days. Looking to leave late this week or early next. HOT here! We had clouds yesterday afternoon with slight rain and a bit of a land breeze in the evening.
At Musket Cove still, thinking we'll stick in Fiji for another week or so. We head in to Denarau today, so will be unable to hear you until we're out on passage.
We had clouds yesterday afternoon with slight rain.
Still a few boats around awaiting to head to New Zealand. Nice evening at the Island Bar, cool breeze overnight, another beautiful day here.
Hi Richard & Fran,
On Mooring #23 at Musket. After a beautiful snorkel yesterday at Honeymoon Island we motored back here to address a minor battery issue. That tops today's "to do" list. Glad it's cool with this breeze.
At anchor on the Northwest end of Mololo Island, headed out to snorkel Honeymoon island today.
Not a breath of air here at Musket Cove, quite lovely.
Snuggled in at Port Denerau Marina. Watched Kansas City win the World Series and enjoying some land travel and catching up with friends. Looking forward to another couple weeks here, before heading down to Opua.
Moored at Musket Cove - snorkeling the sand bar today.
Tied up at Port Denarau Marina. We may head up into the Yasawas today, for a few days.
Anchored: Cuvu Bay, Naviti Island. (Manta Pass) Very nice bay, near Manta Pass - quite exposed to the south though, we've had almost no wind, and minimal swell.
Avg: 6.2knts
24hr: 148.1nm
Anchored: Likuliku Bay, Waya Island. We're headed up to Blue Lagoon today.
Happily in our berth at Vuda Point Marina. Arrived Friday morning, enjoying Mai tai's.
Avg: 8.2knts
24hr: 195.6nm
Land Ho! We'll make Navulo Pass in about an hour and a 1/2. Check in at Vuda Point Marina - mai tai's soon after!
Avg: 8.2knts
24hr: 197.3nm
Winds and seas have made Savusavu unrealistic. Current plan is to check in to Fiji at Lautoka. Tomorrow - yipee!
Avg: 7.4knts
24hr: 178.8nm
Rainbows and shooting stars
Avg: 6.4knts
24hr: 154.2nm
A nice night of sailing, the ride is smooth and come daylight, we'll put more sail up. Almost 1/2 way there!
Avg: 8.1knts
24hr: 194.6nm
We're sailing with the main triple reefed, the ride is mostly comfortable and it's getting warmer.
Avg: 7.8knts
24hr: 186.7nm
Still motoring, but nice smooth seas and it's the weather is warming. Saw a beautiful double rainbow yesterday - this is turning out to be another "Rainbows and Unicorns" passage (keeping my eyes out for unicorns) - all is very well!
Avg: 5.3knts
24hr: 126.1nm
We left the Opua dock around 2PM, we've had some rain and now have mostly clear skies and a beautiful moon!
Looks like we're leaving today for Savusavu Fiji
Awaiting weather window for a beautiful 'rainbows and unicorns' passage to Fiji - maybe tomorrow?
Awaiting weather window for a beautiful 'rainbows and unicorns' passage to Fiji
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 151.1nm
Avg: 7.2knts
24hr: 171.6nm
in centre of very weak front
have had it light for 18hrs
Beautiful sail through the night.
at anchor, Namena Island Had a nice motor over from Savusavu yesterday - sadly we caught no fish!
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