
Sat Apr 27 7:47 2019 NZST
GPS: 17 46.153s 177 22.332e
Run: 11nm (19.9km)
Anchored off Denarau. no wind nice quiet morning, attending an east indian fiji wedding today, us and 800 other guests!!
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Sat Nov 3 10:37 2018 NZDT
GPS: 17 48.097s 177 12.536e
Weather: light Easterly winds in the anchorage, stratocumulus 6/10
anchored in Musket Cove, will do some beach plastic
pick up today
Fri Nov 2 7:50 2018 NZDT
GPS: 17 48.097s 177 12.536e
Run: 112.1nm (202.9km)
Weather: SE WINDS 10-15 in the anchora
on a mooring next to Musket Cove resort
Sun Oct 28 8:21 2018 NZDT
GPS: 16 59.668s 178 40.966e
Run: 42.5nm (76.9km)
Weather: Overcast lignt rain, light winds
anchored overnight near ferry dock good holding
Sat Oct 27 8:27 2018 NZDT
GPS: 16 48.362s 179 17.698e
Run: 3.3nm (6km)
on our way to Coconut point
Sat Oct 13 10:42 2018 NZDT
GPS: 16 46.726s 179 20.102e
Run: 458.7nm (830.2km)
Avg: 2.8knts
24hr: 67.3nm
Avg: 2.8knts
24hr: 67.3nm
Weather: Raining like hell now
Landfall in Savusavu yesterday. A 3 days 5 hour passage from Tonga, not bad in light airs
Mon Aug 6 6:40 2018 NZST
GPS: 14 16.375s 170 42.022w
Run: 1271.5nm (2301.4km)
Nice moning calm
Fri Jul 6 13:27 2018 NZST
GPS: 16 30.017s 151 45.143w
Run: 29.7nm (53.8km)
In Bora Bora
Shamata - in Fiji
coming to end of our first year in the south pacific, it’s been amazing. Arrived in Savusavu yesterday after a 3 day passage from Tonga. Lots of rain to day so taking it easy.
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