Soggy Paws
At Russell Island Group, headed for Honiara tomorrow.
At Russell Island Group, headed for Honiara tomorrow.
In Marovo Lagoon looking for a weather window to head ESE to Russell Islands and then Honiara (120nm total)
In Marovo Lagoon looking for a weather window to head ESE to Russell Islands and then Honiara
Hanging out in Marovo Lagoon for a few more days, then towards Honiara
Roaming around Marovo Lagoon for a week or two.

In Biak Indonesia, prepping for a sail across the top of New Guinea.

Heading east along the coast of W Papua, Indonesia, for Biak. (Later PNG, Solomons, Vanuatu)

After a pleasant 140 nm sail, we are in Tual, Indonesia for our visa renewal. As soon as we can get visas renewed and get restocked, we're headed back to the Triton Bay area. It's just spectacular!

In Triton Bay Indonesia for a couple of weeks.
In Triton Bay Indonesia for a couple of weeks.
Thanks for adding the

On a mooring at Royal Belau Yacht Club / Sam's Tours. Getting ready to start looking for a weather window to sail back to Samal Island, Philippines.
Soggy Paws has arrived back in Palau after a 2 year hiatus... on a new boat...our St. Francis 44 is sure a nice cruising/diving platform!
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