Tactical Directions

Left Whangarei 1230hrs. now 0500hrs. Broad reaching 8-13kts. All good on board. Spent hour and a half fixing furler.
Getting ready to leave NZ in aprox 7hrs. TD fully laden.
ARRIVED WEDNESDAY 16TH AT 1258. Good to be there before the Thursday blast! Have fun
Avg: 9.2knts
24hr: 221.8nm
38 to go. Ye haa.
Looking forward to seeing you
Avg: 8.6knts
24hr: 205.2nm
Motor sailing to maintain speed in northerly winds -direct downwind sailing which cats hate!! Speed needed to get in Wednesday. As soon as predicted westerly component comes into play at 10am today (Tues) we should take off. Current ETA 1300hrs 16th.
Avg: 7.1knts
24hr: 170.1nm
395 to Opua so eta wednesday around 4pm
Avg: 6knts
24hr: 144.8nm
Motored for 24hrs yesterday (Sun). Light SE to E to ENE winds. 412nm to Opua. Must arrive Wednesday pm somehow!!! As soon as westerly component comes we should better the marks that Bob has given us for a Wednesday early evening arrival. Thats the theory anyway.
Avg: 5.6knts
24hr: 134.4nm
523 to Opua. Have had 20hrs of motoring so looking for an improvement. I guess it is noisy!
You guys ok re. Tsunami?
Avg: 30.1knts
24hr: 723.6nm
Motored for 14hrs yesterday (Fri) but at 0330 this morning NW change hit us. Now headed a little further south west. All good on board.
Avg: 34.2knts
24hr: 820.8nm
Calm seas and beautiful night sail. Heading south. Last 12hr run 89nm. Alls well on board. Current time 0430hrs Nov 11th. 798nm to Opua.
Avg: 182.3knts
24hr: 4374.7nm
Avg: 9.6knts
24hr: 230.2nm
Report as at 0430hrs 10th Nov. Very bumpy ride but covered 135nm in 16.5hrs. Avg 8.3. Alls well on board.
Avg: 22knts
24hr: 528.8nm
Momi Bay and will likely leave tomorrow
good signal from Vuda marina
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