
Back at Bowling Alley Bay, in the beautiful sunshine, watching the dolphins play. Amber kayaked with the pod and had dolphins jumping over her bow. Dusty and Anthony swam with them and saw a mum and baby under water. I went spearfishing for the first time and caught a Porae for our dinner :)
At Whangaparapara for Christmas. We had a delicious meal at the Lodge for Christmas eve and then had a rainy and windy Christmas day on Tangaroa.
Dolphins played around the boat, followed us into Bowling Alley Bay and played in there for about 2 hours. They caught a massive snapper and threw it to our friend's boat, so we ate 'dolphin caught snapper' for dinner! I swam with the dolphins for about half an hour, they came so close to me, it was amazing!
Smokehouse bay ... hot baths, rope swinging and eating freshly smoked butter fish and green and blue lipped mussels :)
Back at Barrier. Awesome hike through the forest and a relaxing soak in the hot river.

At Gulf Harbour marina for a few days, ready to pick up a guest from Oz. Caught a 1m long King fish trawling on the way here ... yum!
At Port Fitzroy for a few days. Just got back from an overnight hike along part of the Aotea track. Awesome hut at the top (Heale hut).
Avg: 2.7knts
24hr: 65.1nm
Smokehouse Bay, Barrier Island. Idyllic setting for anchoring, surrounded by densely forested slopes and rocky islands. Enjoying the wood heated, well water fed outdoor bath.
Fantastic, but hectic, time at Town Basin, Whangerei. Spent some time with old friends from when we were here 7 months ago and met some new cruising families, sharing some wonderful times with them; meals, sleepovers and movie nights. Hard to leave, but there's more of NZ we want to see and we'll be back soon.
Anchored in the nice peaceful Tutukaka harbour last night. Now on our way to Marsden Cove to catch up with friends and sleep off the boat for the first time since April!!
Heading from the Bay of Islands to Whangerei. Anchored in the beautiful bay Whangamoomoo. Perfectly calm and flat around Cape Brett, very different to when we were last there!!
Avg: 3.7knts
24hr: 88.5nm
Threw on the mooring lines @ 0100hrs this morning. Sleeping off the crossing snug in Opua marina in New Zealand.
Yey, you've arrived. |Well
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 152.4nm
Motor sailing at 5.5kts.
Avg: 6.3knts
24hr: 150.4nm
Sailing at 6kts, Spinnaker all day yesterday.
Avg: 4knts
24hr: 96.3nm
Slow sailing at 3kts, hoping for a little more wind today.
Avg: 13knts
24hr: 312.7nm
motorsailing, Raised Norfolk up off the horizon before the sun set last night.
Motor sailing inn light winds on a bearing of 160. There is a story of the Mahimahi that got away..
Avg: 4.7knts
24hr: 113.2nm
Beautifully calm day yesterday, waves picked up overnight so not quite so smooth now. Wind 10-15knots S/SE. COG 185deg, SOG 7kt, distance to destination 700nm.
Last day in the Pacific Islands (for a while at least!), heading to NZ tomorrow morning. Had a lovely day playing in the turquoise water and the silky soft, white sand. Enjoyed our last night, with the sun setting over the perfectly calm ocean, dolphins, turtles and whales swimming all around us while we had drinks with friends we made on our very first night in Tonga Tapu.
Last day in the Pacific Islands (for a while at least!), heading to NZ tomorrow morning. Had a lovely day playing in the turquoise water and the silky soft, white sand. Enjoyed our last night, with the sun setting over the perfectly calm ocean, dolphins, turtles and whales swimming all around us while we had drinks with friends we made on our very first night in Tonga Tapu.
Gentle sail up the bay de Prony to Hot Springs!
Picked up a mooring buoy off an old abandoned resort near Casy island in bay de Prony, spectacular little sheltered spot. Early morning yoga at the end of the old pier, clear blue sky with glassy still turquoise water in front with long straight pier, sandy palm fringed beach and rain forest arcing around behind, felt like I was part of a travel agent's brochure. This part of cruising makes the discomfort of smashing through big seas worth it.
Alongside the pontoon in Noumea. Restocking with some yummy, but expensive, provisions before checking out some less urbanised areas. The cheese, olives and pasties are very welcome after so many months without.
Finally a break in the weather to allow us to sail to Noumea. Had a great few days relaxing in Baie du Nord, Mare Island. The snorkeling was amazing with close encounters with turtles, eagle rays and so many species of reef fish. Sailed this morning and anchored for the day at the beautiful, Plage de Pede, also on Mare Island. Lovely beach surrounded by rocks and caves. Tonight we are continuing the sail to Noumea. Girls will sleep through the entire sail and wake up there! We will check in to New Caledonia tomorrow and be allowed to pull our Q-flag down and set foot on land ... almost a week since we've touched land!
Avg: 5.8knts
24hr: 138nm
Forecast underestimated conditions a bit, hit by some messy seas on this last crossing, 35 to 45nm/h winds with around 5m seas. Big wave tore one anchor hatch door off, broke 1 stanchion and broke hatch above heads. Water below Tangaroa was up to 6000m deep! Exciting stuff, kids slept through it all. Gently rocking at anchor in Baie Du Nord in the Loyalty Islands now. Onward to Noumea, New Caledonia after a bit of maintenance and a days rest.
Holy shit - glad to hear you
Hi Peter,
G'day Anthony & Louisa, I
Thanks Richard. Should be
My Gawd! I would have needed
Leaving Vanuatu for Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia. Wind was too strong to sail to port Resolution so anchored off a nice black sand beach in a really rolly anchorage, soot builds up on deck each morning. Visited the active Volcano yesterday which was very exciting.
Wind to strong to sail around to port Resolution so anchored off a nice Black sand beach in a realy rolly anchorage in the lee of Tanna, soot builds up on deck each morning. Visited the active Volcano yesterday which was very exciting. Plan to sail towards the Loyalties and New Caledonia in a day or two.
Avg: 7.5knts
24hr: 179.6nm
Arrived at Lenakel Bay, Tanner Islanmd, Vanuatu at 6.45am. It's really rolly, waves breaking and rocks all around ... we have to be at this anchorage until we clear customs and then hopefully our chosen anchorage near the volcano will be better :)
Avg: 8.3knts
24hr: 200.4nm
25 knot southeasterly winds, swell still bigger than we would like. Looking forward to having some calmer seas when we get into the lee of island at around 3am and arriving early tomorrow morning.
Left Vudu pt, Fiji at 1300h Weds 7th Oct. Had a good run, just short of 200nm in 24hrs. 3m swell, not very comfortable.
At Vuda Pt marina where our friends depart for Australia and where we will prepare for departing Fiji for New Caledonia. We have picked up our new crew member who plans to be with us until New Zealand (early November).
Overnight passage from Kandavu Island to Musket Cove in the Mamanuka group. We had nine aboard for this passage, all crew managed really well with pretty rough swell.
Visiting Vunisea town for a few days. There's some small shops and a tiny market here. Caught a massive (approx 20kg) mahi mahi on the way in. Got a taxi to some waterfalls and are feeling very refreshed after a good soak in fresh water.
Anchored at Nabouwalu village, another very friendly village. All nine of us were invited to a delicious lunch in one of the houses. We walked across the island to another village, where all the kids go to boarding school each week and got a boat ride back with a few of the local villagers.
Nine now aboard Tangaroa. Anchored at Namara Island, after presenting Yangona root to the chief at Draviuni. It pured with rain as we walked around the village! Namara is very pretty with a beautiful beach.
Left paradise, aka Felaga lagoon in southern Lao, had a great overnight sail to get to Ono island in the Kandavu group, 190nm in 25hrs, Average speed of 7.6nm/h. Meet up with friends from our home town. Looking forward to some diving but weather forecast looks grim for next 4 days..
Great to follow your journey,
Avg: 3.7knts
24hr: 87.7nm
Anchored in the most stunning location that we have been so far, Felaga lagoon.
Motor sailed from Suva to Gau, smashed through the waves all day. All felt fine on board, just a little reluctant to move so lots of audio books and movies! Caught 2 big mahi mahi at the same time, luckily the second one got away because one fish is more than enough for us! Spend 2 night at Gau, it's a beautiful green, mountainous island.
Motor sailed from Suva to Gau, smashed through the waves all day. All felt fine on board, just a little reluctant to move so lots of audio books and movies! Caught 2 big mahi mahi at the same time, luckily the second one got away because one fish is more than enough for us! Spend 2 night at Gau, it's a beautiful green, mountainous island.
Motor sailed from Suva to Gau, smashed through the waves all day. All felt fine on board, just a little reluctant to move so lots of audio books and movies! Caught 2 big mahi mahi at the same time, luckily the second one got away because one fish is more than enough for us! Spend 2 night at Gau, it's a beautiful green, mountainous island.
Motor sailed from Likuri to Yanuka Island. We are aiming for the Southern Lau island group if the weather allows.
Finally moved from Denarau. Anthony was struck down with man flu for about a week so we were there for a lot longer than we expected. A pod of dolphins swam past our boat today, all girls were on deck and thought it was really awesome :)
Anchored just outside Denarau marina. Relaxing for a couple of days before heading back east.
Keeping track of you guys.
Avg: 11.5knts
24hr: 275.5nm
At Vuda Marina for a few days. All sad to say goodbye to the Brouwers family. We all had such a great time aboard Tangaroa with them.
Back at Manta ray pass, having fun swimming off the boat. Girls made their own pizzas. Heading back towards the mainland to drop the Brouwers off tomorrow .. boo hoo :( We've all had a great time together and Tangaroa has accommodated 10 people very comfortably.
We're at Nanuya-Sewa, the place where the movie Blue Lagoon was filmed, so of course had to watch it. There were lots of giggles from the 6 girls aged 13 and under. Snorkelled with heaps of fish, eating out of our hand.
Anchored at Vunaywa Bay, Naviti for a couple of days. Visited Somosomo village, did Sevu Sevu with the lady chief. Bought some bananas from their plantation & carried them back to the boat in a basket that was woven from palm fronds while we watched. Lots of local children on welcomed us to the village from the beach.
Great to hear you are going
Anchored off the beautiful Drawaqa Island. We all snorkeled above a manta ray this morning so we have 6 very happy girls on board and 4 happy adults! The coral here is beautiful and very diverse.
Last night's anchorage by the village was quite rolly so we've moved across the bay.
At Waya Island for a couple of days. Did the traditional Sevu Sevu with the chief and enjoyed meeting the community of the island.
At Vuda Point Marina in the pouring rain! Stocked up on fresh produce from the huge market at Lautoka. We're all very happy to have the Brouwers family on board with us form the UK:)
In Musket Cove for a few days, living it up at the resort ... well, not really, we've been doing laundry, boat cleaning and boat maintenance! Family friends arrive tomorrow, so we'll be doing plenty of relaxing with them.
Avg: 4knts
24hr: 95.8nm
Stopped at Saweni beach for the night. Caught a bus into Lautoka, Fiji's second largest city, to provision.
Anchored off Nananu'i'cake, near to Ellington Wharf, where we are picking up some friends from the UK on Sunday. Caught a skipjack tuna on the way and ate yummy sashimi for lunch and tuna steaks for dinner :)
Anchored at Naingaui Island for the night to break up the journey to Ellington Wharf.
Anchored at Makongai for a few days. Visited the chief on the island to do our first Sivu Sivu ceremony, a Fijian tradition.
After 13 days moored in town we were very happy to move out a little and anchor for a few days where we could swim again. Very keen to move, have to wait for the wind to calm and bit and the rough sea to settle.
Avg: 5.3knts
24hr: 127.2nm
We've arrived in Savu Savu, Fiji. Reefed the sails last night again to slow us down for arrival after sunrise. Great passage. Just waiting for customs to clear us in.
Avg: 7knts
24hr: 168.7nm
Yay, can see land. Reefed the sails last night to slow us down and ensure we came up to the Lao group after sunrise. All going well, nice calm seas.
Avg: 6.7knts
24hr: 160.7nm
Passage going really well, conditions good and all feeling fine aboard.
Avg: 3.5knts
24hr: 83.9nm
Just clearing through customs in Neiafu. Hope to set off for Fiji around 11am.
Avg: 12.5knts
24hr: 300.5nm
Into Suva for a couple of nights for fuel and fresh produce before heading further east towards the Lau island group.
At the beautiful eastern Vava'u island group for a couple of days, surrounded by turquoise water and big waves crashing as they meet the outer reef.
Spent the morning listening and watching whales, anchored off Katafanga for the day.
Went to Lape Island for a cultural tour and a Tongan feast.
Anchored for the day at Taunga. Walked from one island to another across a sand bar (from Taunga to Ngau), picked coconuts and played on the beach.
Anchored in a nice sheltered bay north of Tapana island. Speared a 4kg Blue fin Trevalley off Afo island with my speargun.
At Port Maurelle for a few nights
Good protected anchorage. Girls all saw a turtle swim passed the boat yesterday, so pretty happy! They haven't seen one whilst snorkeling yet.
Moved to a more sheltered area in Hunga lagoon (anchored from 11th to 16th June). There were 11 boats anchored here on the Saturday night ... crazy!
Anthony has fixed the engine, yay! Now we've moved away from the main town in Vava'u and are anchored in a beautiful lagoon.
At anchor in Neiafu. Very pleasant weather for a forced sail up through the Vavau island group. Tomorrow begins the great engine gearbox dismantling whilst the girls go fossicking for shells.
Congrats! U made it! So
Avg: 9.1knts
24hr: 217.9nm
Anchored in the lee of Ovaka island off the pier. Coupling between engine and gearbox is in pieces so slow day sailing managed to sail in to anchorage just before the sun set. Plan to sail up to Neiafu in the morning. Really enjoy the weather round up on gulf harbour radio, thanks for putting it out guys.
Left Big Mamas, Tongatapu 0845 Sunday. Heading to Neiafu, Vava'u. All going well until about 6pm tonight when we decided to motor for a while to cover a bit of distance and there was a loud rattle and then the engine refused to start. Anthony thinks it's an issue with the starter motor and managed to fix it enough to start in an emergency.He'll look at it again in daylight, but at this stage it looks like we'll have to come into Neiafu under sail. Position at 2100
Got engine running a bit last night after starter motor failed yesterday, winds dropped to nothing so luckily Anthony got the engine to start again. More rattles on engine this morning so now we're creeping along at 3 nm/h. YIT, we're listening to radio, only have a SSB receiver so can't join in the conversation!
Left Big Mamas, Tongatapu 0845 Sunday. Heading to Neiafu, Vava'u. All going well until about 6pm tonight when we decided to motor for a while to cover a bit of distance and there was a loud rattle and then the engine refused to start. Anthony thinks it's an issue with the starter motor and managed to fix it enough to start in an emergency.He'll look at it again in daylight, but at this stage it looks like we'll have to come into Neiafu under sail. Position at 2100
Hey family hope you all we'll
Avg: 5.2knts
24hr: 123.9nm
Arrived in Nuku'alofa, 14:00h Saturday 23rd. Anchoring at Big Mama's fora few days to recover before the next 160nm journey up to Vava'u.
Avg: 10.9knts
24hr: 261.5nm
Slight breeze from the east, sea was mirror like. We have less than 280NM to go, expect to arrive mid Saturday. We've burned around 250lt of diesel so far this journey and looks like the engine will be running for a large part of the remaining days. Update at 11.00 on thursday 21st.
You must be getting close now
Hey family extraordinaire ,
Avg: 5.2knts
24hr: 124.1nm
All going well. Everyone feeling a bit better and a beautiful nights sailing, engine back on now. Update 10.00 am, 20th May.
Avg: 6knts
24hr: 144.6nm
Day 3 of crossing. We had the spinnaka up this morning for about an hour, possibly too light. The good sailing is a thing of yesterday, it's chug on from here for a couple of days by the look of things. Update 11.00am, Mat 19th.
Avg: 8.2knts
24hr: 196nm
Another 150mile run. No fish, no other boats, have seen some wandering albatros though which is pretty cool. I got rained on on my watch. Update at 10.35 on the 18th.
Hi Jas & Tash - I hope you've
Forgot the name of the Island
Avg: 3.6knts
24hr: 85.4nm
We have made our forecast 150nm in the last 24hrs, just. All is well, no one sea sick so far although the ride is quite lumpy. Update 11.10am on the 17th.
Hey little buddy good work I
All ready for custom clearnace tomorrow, then on to Tonga.
Currently in Whangarei town basin, Planning to clear out of Marsden on Saturday.
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