Wildflower II

Tue Mar 24 19:03 2015 NZDT
GPS: 41 15s 173 16e
Run: 49.4nm (89.4km)
Weather: NE 20 - 25 overcast

In Nelson marina. Note to all. A 20w north westerly can build up to a pretty exciting swell at the Nelson end of Tasman Bay. Entering the harbour was like doing a pretty marginal bar crossing. Took a while to clean up the boat after.

Wed Mar 18 16:31 2015 NZDT
GPS: 41 15s 174 13e
Run: 29.6nm (53.6km)
Weather: 5kn south west overcast

At bay of many coves resort. No sign of the promised 35kn Southerly so still no chance to give the wind gens a good workout but the solar is wokring fine.

Thu May 29 16:32 2014 NZST
GPS: 41 17.4S 174 47E

In Chaffers Marina

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